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Gulp Cold Turkey Update


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A while ago I swore off Gulps... stinky juice in bags that never reseal properly, dribbling through tackle boxes and getting all over everything. I'd had enough.

Since that day, each time I've opened one of my remaining packets of stink sticks, I've handed any still left at the end of the day to my fishing buddies. Roberta scored a few last weekend... Jewhunter has scored a few (and cracked me up when a big plastic container of remnants I gave him, lost its lid in his tackle bag :074: )

Well, I've just counted and only 11 packs to go before it's no more Gulps for Slinky. Interestingly, in the last few trips, none of my fish have been taken on Gulps... although the Squidgie people are making a fortune off me, and Berkley still get some of my cash for Powerbaits. There's certainly not been a single occasion where side by side, Gulps have outfished other plastics (that I usually use with Ultrabite or Squidgie S Factor)

I'm becoming more and more convinced that the reason Gulps catch so many fish is because so many people fish with them. Don't get me wrong, they're great plastics, but the stench isn't worth the trouble.

Cheers, Slinky

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Agreed. Ive had the experience of all the juice running right through everything in my tackle bag. Since then i bag them in a sealer bag. Since then no more leaks :thumbup:. Also they dry out extremely easy, a few mins in the sun and they have turned into a Hard Bodys haha. I still carry the old nuclear chicken and it works on some occasions. I can defiantly see where you're coming from.

Cheers YG 100th post :thumbup:

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Sorry Slinky but I have to disagree

As those slimy, smelly leaking juicy things are quite often the only feckin smelly slimy fishy looking thing I ever bring home I can't live without them. If it wern't for Gulp I wouldn't know the pleasure of smelly fishes at all. :1prop:

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to me i dont think theyre that bad when kept seperate to the rest of your sp's i know its yet more money to spend on fishing tackle but one of those lil bag things that keep all of your zip lock bags in zip lock bags....best thing ive ever done as far as those stinky lil buggers go

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Sorry Slinky but I have to disagree

As those slimy, smelly leaking juicy things are quite often the only feckin smelly slimy fishy looking thing I ever bring home I can't live without them. If it wern't for Gulp I wouldn't know the pleasure of smelly fishes at all. :1prop:

:Funny-Post: I am with you, Boofhead. Gulp has accounted for too many fish to be ignored, especially in my local water. I keep mine in their bags, in a Tuppeware container. No problems thank goodness, as I just purchased another 20 packets this week :biggrin2:



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Everyone has there likes and dislikes with brands of equipment

from Reels to lures to rods

glitter on the powerbaits annoys me a little and gets everywhere

even slambaits have juice now

could buy powerbaits and buy the gulp spray.

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I'm with the rest, to good not to have in the bag at all!

I have about 400 packs for snapper sitting in boxes next to me in my office. Hard to pass up good deals ;):thumbup:

Then there's my 4" Pogy collection at home.....

Yeah I like my Berkleys!

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Mate i honestly reckon that the Gulps are the most effective plastics on my waterway, and do often produce when others dont. Also as another raider had already said, as fishermen the bit of smell they produce shouldnt be too much of a bother for us.

Anyway i guess its all a matter of opinion.


JB :1fishing1:

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hehe Thanks for your leftovers, Slinky ..... they will be well used!! Yeah, I hate the smell (have spilled some in our trailer & Keith hasn't worked out what the smell is ..... yet ......) Even if you use their ziplock bags, they still leak. I put a bunch of them in a 'locked' container & they still leak .... and it has a rubber seal around it too!! The bags also don't have 'enough juice' to keep them moist in the bucket unless you buy the big bucket of gulps ..... and then it leaks out anyway ..... GRRRRRRR :mad3:

But I still use 'em!


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