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Ya Average Day Out Snappering Off Sydney


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Today I was joined by 2 fellow Raiders, Browney1 and RichP. Browney was a snapper virgin and Rich had only tried it for 2 little buggers out of his Skeeter in the washes of North Head. So with a pretty average run up to Longy in a good 15kn NE. Punched all the way just after lunch as the wind started to strengthen. We got up there still dry (gotta love the Contender) and set up first drift and deployed the sea anchor to bring the drift back to a managable speed which allowed us to fish lightish jigheads and give the lure some nice "hang time".

We started off with Rich getting first fish on like his second or third cast , just ya usual 2kg fish and it just went on from there. With a fish a drift picking up a decent feed for all would only be a matter of time.....

Nothing special today but we all missed plenty of hits.

Just a couple of pics, first is Browneys first snapper on plastics. Just a little bugger but cherry popped! What did you end up with, 4?


Rich and his first decent snapper on Next which he donated back to the fish gods and let it go.


Thanks guys for a good day out on the blue, couple of decent fish and a laugh, that's what fishing s all about!


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Great work gents!

Well done browney! Virginity lost... and 4 fish on the tally!!!

And Greg.. a true gentleman for taking them out and giving them a taste of Snapper on plastics!

If that's 'Ya average day' looking forward to waht an exceptional day looks like!



Edited by throw me a fish
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Couldnt imagine it not being a laugh with Rich on board :074:

I have finally found the way to get Rich to stop talking! :1yikes:

Stick a couple of wind knots in his line and watch him pick it out while out at sea. :biggrin2:

Became a very quiet boy after that one LOL

How weird, that was after being out there for 5 hours straight and then it happens?

Sorry I havee never been sea sick before so I don't know.......

Edited by GregL
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Top camera work Greg, that photo of young Brownie would earn big money on a billboard in front of the fish markets, it's the best I've seen so far to associate snapper with calcium and super white teeth :biggrin2:


jewgaffer :1fishing1:

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Top camera work Greg, that photo of young Brownie would earn big money on a billboard in front of the fish markets, it's the best I've seen so far to associate snapper with calcium and super white teeth :biggrin2:


jewgaffer :1fishing1:

Mate I think it's captured that moment that only anglers know, and a absolute pleasure to help a fellow angler to achieve.

Those little mile stones in fishing, the first fish of a new species, PB sizes to even first on a lure.....

Richards pic is the first time I have ever seen Rich smile in a fish photo, now that's an achievement :biggrin2:

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I have got to give that a try. ONly ever got 1 decent red on softies and that was in NZ years back. Congrats greg. Punching into a 15knot ne and staying dry in an open boat. Priceless. I run a 17ft cc and 15knot s/e just means wet wet wet and thump creak thump shake.

Only gotta wait about 10 years till I can buy one.


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