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Botany Bay Yesterday


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we went out yesterday of of botany hoping to get to the peak and catch some kings but we didnt get that far.

just before the head there where over 40 boats in the one spot so we went to hav a look.

we soon relised that there was thousands of samon smashing up little white bait things.

they were continuously moving around and comming off the boil and back on the boil.

we boated 3 samon got busted off by a couple and they kept throwin hooks when they jumped. but they were fun on 6lb braid.

all the samon were around the 50-65cm mark. they lasted on the boil for around a hour and a half.

the only problem was just trying to continuously trying to move a berti 25 around all of these tinnys and small runabouts.

and a question?

why do people hav to drive on the plane stright through the school of fish because straight after people did they either moved of died of for about 10 min

where any other raiders luckly enough to be there yesterday aswell


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I was out there on Friday and it was the same, there were acres of salmon busting up all over the place. We had them all to ourselves for about 2.5 hours then some clowns came and drove through the middle of them several times and they went off the bite.

We weighed a few of them and they were 2.8-3.6kg :1fishing1:

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Yes mate, I was there...

Much better in the arvo, not a single boat ploughed through the school and there was only 10-15 boats chasing them, a few guys were using flies but I was using 1/2 X 1/4 metals slices

I managed 2 the biggest just a tad over 70cm, the other one just about 66cm

Both fish were at LEAST 3kg each, the bigger one going close on 4kg

Simon who was out with me nailed a nice taylor on a minnow while trolling around the main school, then got a nice Sambo same as my bigger one.

I hooked heaps of them on the troll, but many dislodged the hooks just on the surface.

Did you notice the Kingies in the water boiling with the Sambo's??

there was what appeared to be some hoodlums among them, we could see them in the water their yellow tails all bright as hell couldnt miss then. I hooked into one (I think...) after a 10-15minute fight and nearly 2/3 of my 10lb gone it bricked me and dislodged the hooks

Simon hooked into one aswell and got the same treatment on 20lb

I wrote up a report with some piccies.

At least you got a couple, we dipped out on the reefs for Red's and the Sambo's made up for a very slow day

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yeah i was there i cant believe there was not an accident some of those guys need a lesson in boat safety i got that angry with one guy that i had to move because my blood was boiling like the salmon in the water he missed me by about 2 meters going way to fast if they just drifted or stayed in the same spot the schools were coming right up beside the boats but they keep contiually drive in to the middle and spook the fish intead of atleast getting in front of them and letting them come to you

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Hello everyone, i do understand with all the frustrations that you have experienced. What about me when i wasn't chasing them?.

I was fishing near the container wall for trevally when a 30-foot sport cruiser reved up from a stationary position within 5 meters from us. They tried to chase salmons. The funny thing is they reved up and stopped suddenly within 20 meters. The boat rocked so much i thought here comes Tsunami. So much so they could only see the salmons not human.


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I was there on saturday too.

And I guess it was expected that there were going to be some cowboys that don't know the unwritten rules in regards to motoring through a feeding school of salmon.To my surprise , though, the school didn't seem too worried and started feeding seconds later.

However there were a few boaties that lacked even common sense.

Like motoring between me and the school right over my line.

But thats life in the big city. I was worried though for a kayaker in amongst it but he survived.

I caught a couple and it was great to put an overseas guest on my boat onto one.

His hook straightened but , at least he got some excitment out of it.

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Yeah moron will be moron..anyhow probably going to venture out on Thursdar looks like a nice day....

My main target will be the salmon...

Any recommendation on plastics and metals to buy??

Ill be definately using unweighted pillies on ganged hoks..

Do Blades work?

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[i was using little 20g lasers was getting hookups easy but the small trebles were pulling out easier so just used a 3/0 suicide hook and a whitebait no weight tossed out about 15mtrs from boat and just let it float around plenty of hookups and much easier than chasing the schools all over the place

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i was out there yesterday it was pretty crazy but there were some people driving straight through the middle of the schools i was only using light gear i had one on for about 10 to 15 mins then a seal came and ate it left me with the head atleast i got my lure back lol first time thats happened

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:05: well it just goes to show that there are a lot of gooses out there on the water. But it doesn't matter what part of town you r on it happens everywhere exspecialy near juno pt & flint & steel, and whats worse they do it at the boat ramps aswell never come in slowly wash your boats up against the jetty or rocky bottoms & it shi=s me big time, thats my rant


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Yeah moron will be moron..anyhow probably going to venture out on Thursdar looks like a nice day....

My main target will be the salmon...

Any recommendation on plastics and metals to buy??

Ill be definately using unweighted pillies on ganged hoks..

Do Blades work?

i think any crome slices would work the ones we were using had a blue stripe down the center but stick to the small and medium sizes so they blend in with the baitfish

we were using the squdigy pro soft plastics in pearl white in 90mm (i think). we just fished them the same as the crome slices just put them on light jig heads but heaver enough to cast and just rip them bak no action was needed for them.

i tried the blades but no succes so i stuck with the soft plactics and cromies

hope u do well on thursday if u go


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Use a 1/4 ounce jig head with a white squdgy fish (small) you should hook up almost with every cast when thrown at the school.

I can understand the fastration with all the boat traffic, but with 40 boats and trying to navigate throught that alone and trying to pay respect to peaple hooked up to fish is hard enough as it is, I think we should have an easy going attitude to this, yelling at people only gets them fire'd up even more.

I got busted off twice by 2 other boaties, all i said was can you please give us some room and we didnt have any trouble after that.

Also i think there would be a lot of people who have not been in situation's like that, so they would do as they see.

We didn't move around a lot the schools where busting everywhere, moving up and down the heads, at one stage thay came close to watts reef, but i noticed everytime they came close to a boat the school would dive and then bust up after the boat.

Anyways i dont really post that much on here due to fact i dont have much to say or someone has beaten me to it, but i just wanted to add my 2c worth.

Cheers and best fishing to u's all.

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i think any crome slices would work the ones we were using had a blue stripe down the center but stick to the small and medium sizes so they blend in with the baitfish

we were using the squdigy pro soft plastics in pearl white in 90mm (i think). we just fished them the same as the crome slices just put them on light jig heads but heaver enough to cast and just rip them bak no action was needed for them.

i tried the blades but no succes so i stuck with the soft plactics and cromies

hope u do well on thursday if u go


I went Friday instead of thursday but could only manage only 1 but it was a beauty,located one school and s by the time i landed the school disapeard and never showed again..Spewing i was getting ready for a couple of hours of Action..


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