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Post 1000


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G'day Raiders.

Last night I was notified that I was on post 999 from a fellow reader. Thanks Ray!

I have been an active member on this forum for about 2 years and definatly is my fav out of them all. Fishraider I find the most friendly bunch and definatly where people are willing to share information freely.

I came from a bream tournement background where things are all hush hush to even the point where you would set eachother up or flog other fishers areas and try sting their fish before tournements. :biggrin2:

To now be a part of a group that invite eachother out, share tackle, spots and little secrets really gives me some good faith back into humanity.

I hope out off my now 1000th post I have contributed some half decent information that someone out there has found useful or atleast entertaining! :biggrin2: The way I see it, the more good you put in the better you get out of the site!

Lastly on this, I would like to thank Donna and Stewy plus the rest of the MOD team that keep Raider the way it is today. Cheers Guys!

Well back to why this post is in Lure and fly, my most active post area :biggrin2:

The pressure was on for at least 1 decent fish over the side just to have a decent report to put together for post 1000 and of corse what's a fishing report without a photo?

Well a very late night last night having deep and meaningfuls and way to many wines, I climbed out of bed around 11am with a nice headache....

Up the street to grab a coffee and breaky I gave Rich a call back to see if he wanted to go on a arvo run. Crappy forecast but ya never know sitting in the lounge room!

Slow run up to the Longy area and out with the sea anchor to try tame the drift speed down a little.

Tuff fishing when your drifting at 1.6kn!

Anyways only a few rubbish fish for me and Rich on his second trip out offshore scores himself another respectable fish, wont be long till that Skeeters up for sale me thinks! LOL

Rich, another pic for your mum! (Only two pic's Mrs Potter will have of her son smiling will be him holding snapper caught on NEXT!)

Worth taking the SLR out me thinks.



Edited by GregL
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Thanks guys for the kind words....

great pic Greg.

hard to stay in bed when they go like they do.. Hit it on saturday only to cop a green one over the front. now if only my boat was another 10 foot long.....

Dude, pretty gnarly out there this arvo, we had a nice one come threw the back door or should I just say right over the back of the boat! it was even blowing out the sea anchor inside out when we were coming over the really big ones as you hit the edges of the reef where they really stand up!

Never felt dangerous, maybe a little rocky for those that don't have their sea legs yet ;)

Oh and have you ever been standing at the front of a boat fishing and as the wave rolls under the boat and suddenly your looking straight down at water and the bow sprits 1cm away from going under? Thank god for padded combings and grab rails! :1yikes:

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well done on 1000 posts greg allways a pleasure to read your reports and as we fish some off the same spots in sydney and up north i find your posts an insperation to get out there and get into the fish

i would even say they give me the heads up on what's happening :biggrin2:

looking foward to 1000 more mate

cheers gary

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Congratulations on your milestone, Greg. 100's of amusing anecdotes, fantastic reports and great photos in that lot! :yahoo:

On a personal note, thank you for your advice and suggestions over the years regarding bream luring techniques and equipment :thumbup:



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Congrats on your 1000 posts. Always appreciate the information you share with fellow Raiders on fishing and the many toys you play with when you go fishing.

Hope to read more in the future and maybe even see you on the water some day ....


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G'day Raiders.

Last night I was notified that I was on post 999 from a fellow reader. Thanks Ray!

I have been an active member on this forum for about 2 years and definatly is my fav out of them all. Fishraider I find the most friendly bunch and definatly where people are willing to share information freely.

I came from a bream tournement background where things are all hush hush to even the point where you would set eachother up or flog other fishers areas and try sting their fish before tournements. :biggrin2:

To now be a part of a group that invite eachother out, share tackle, spots and little secrets really gives me some good faith back into humanity.

I hope out off my now 1000th post I have contributed some half decent information that someone out there has found useful or atleast entertaining! :biggrin2: The way I see it, the more good you put in the better you get out of the site!

Lastly on this, I would like to thank Donna and Stewy plus the rest of the MOD team that keep Raider the way it is today. Cheers Guys!

Well back to why this post is in Lure and fly, my most active post area :biggrin2:

The pressure was on for at least 1 decent fish over the side just to have a decent report to put together for post 1000 and of corse what's a fishing report without a photo?

Well a very late night last night having deep and meaningfuls and way to many wines, I climbed out of bed around 11am with a nice headache....

Up the street to grab a coffee and breaky I gave Rich a call back to see if he wanted to go on a arvo run. Crappy forecast but ya never know sitting in the lounge room!

Slow run up to the Longy area and out with the sea anchor to try tame the drift speed down a little.

Tuff fishing when your drifting at 1.6kn!

Anyways only a few rubbish fish for me and Rich on his second trip out offshore scores himself another respectable fish, wont be long till that Skeeters up for sale me thinks! LOL

Rich, another pic for your mum! (Only two pic's Mrs Potter will have of her son smiling will be him holding snapper caught on NEXT!)

Worth taking the SLR out me thinks.



Greg thank you so very much for the kind words. Your post has come at just the right time for reasons known only to our mod team :thumbup:

It is the members like you that share info and encourage others freely that make fishraider what it is. Thanks for all your 1000 posts and thanks Ray for bringing to his attention :)

Cheers mrsswordfisherman

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