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The Rewards Of Stickin It Out!


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Hi fellow raiders,

Long time since my last post..

Decided to hit parra river with a mate. Arrived at 9pm no bait at all except for our little yamashitas squid jigs. Around 10.30 I land our first fresh squid bait. Loaded our weapons 10ft wilson rod armed with shimano 6500 bait runner the other 12 daiwa with a penn spinfisher 800.

The first hit/run while i was squidding came. I was about 8 mtrs away from my rod. When i herd my reel buzzzzzzzzzzing me, i dropped my squid outfit and ran....FRIKKEN too late missed the strike zone :mad3:

Went back to the squid outfit and to relize i had a squid on...... :biggrin2:

As i was preparing the bait i saw at the corner of my eye my mate getting into strike position kneeling next to his rod.. He is one of those keep it in the dark guys.. in the past fishing with him i dont even relize he caught fish till packing up time lolllll

Anyway time is 1.45am his rod buckles down and he strikes on.....up comes a 45cm bream THUMPER...on a jewie rig aswell....



2.30 comes around and we have 4 squid...not a nibble has passed us...the water is like silk and the sound of the morning birds telling us to go home to bed..

We stare at each other with that "lets get out of here look"...until my rod bends down hell for leather...this time im in the stike zone. i wait , i strike I hook and after 3 runs this young fish comes up to say hello... :thumbup::thumbup:post-5587-1259843701_thumb.jpg

Sweetttt.....while tring to unhook the fish my mate's rod buckles run run i scream...he gets there the fight is on and this fish was biggg...it took almost 60mts of his reel..then all of a sudden just dead weight...wont budge cant be a sting ray cause the way it was running didnt seem like one...either a wopper flat head or a monster jew....LOL he wouldent give up...stood ther for 15mins stubborn hoping the fish move or give up or sumting hahah poor guy i know how he feels....

After convincing him that is was a bullshark he finally cut loose...i had to say sumting the guy was prepared to stay there all nite holding on to this dead weight..

3.pm whilst in the car driving home nutting was said me happy him burning.....instead of saying bye he said sat ill be at your house at 9pm we going back there...





Edited by ishhifay
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aswome report, i love having the night pass as u are fishing away catching squid and waiting for that monster jew to come and take it... haha but very rarely goes to plan but u have had some luck there nice feed of fish!!

is it tru that the parramatta river is the most poluted in sydney i am only goin by what ive heard correwct me if i am wrong?

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Well done mate that is a bloody awesome Jewie and those bream are a good size :D

Thanks...love that jewie fight...im at work and i cant stop thinking about hitting that spot again..

Well done boys,

What a nice feed for the table - hope that big one is up to the challenge next time you visit the waters.

All the best

Twin 1 :beersmile:

Thanks boys.....ill keep u posted...hopefully with good news

good catch, look forward to the next report.

Thanks...hopefully a better report on monday

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Top session guys! Just goes to show what fresh bait can do for you. Sometimes you just have to put your trust in being able to catch it though!

Your 120% correct...I can thank Dan & Greg for that....

I was never a believer of catching your own bait always used servo squid and prawns..

Now I only catch my own ….hard work yes but bloody worth it….

I actually have more fun catching bait now than fishin

great work, did you measure that bream.

cant wait for the next report

thanks mate..didnt actually measure correctly...my tackle box is 42cm so i guesstimated...but it was honestly the biggest bream i ever saw in my life...the thing was gold in color...must ov been a old man...

aswome report, i love having the night pass as u are fishing away catching squid and waiting for that monster jew to come and take it... haha but very rarely goes to plan but u have had some luck there nice feed of fish!!

is it tru that the parramatta river is the most poluted in sydney i am only goin by what ive heard correwct me if i am wrong?


Love nite fishin...and really ive read that fishin in a full moon is propally not worth your while...

So luck definatley was on our side( again when you catch your own bait the luck multiplies by 5.)

Yes i heard that about parra river...some parts i would catch and release other parts i will eat from..

However in saying that a keen fisho who i really respect (old codger) saw dolphins where i was fishin not long ago..Im sure dolpins dont swim in dirty water???

Besides I smoke Dunhill blues ...eating from the river cant be any worse than that...

Tight lines mate..

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Mate what a great session.

Thanks a huge bream, could have mistaken him for a small jewie haha.

Cheers YG :1fishing1:

Mate your right...did mistake him for a small jew...it was a nice little rush for my mate bringing him up

Tight lines dude!!

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Awesome report :thumbup: Some very nice fish there... Making me jelous....I was out all nite for the jewwies for nothing :thumbdown:

Hey A.dawg my advice...probally worth only 2cents and you probally already do it...catch your own squid at the same spot yor fishin at if possible...ink it hard before you load up your rig...cut the head attach to the top hook (sliding snell) and a strip on the bottom snell hook.

The trick- befor you cast u must say PLEASE GOD LET THIS BE A JEW and go hardddddd....lollllllllll

Tight lines mate...

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Well Done Guys a few Awesome Fish there too.

The Parra River Is not a bad spot at the moment Ive been hearing a lot of good thing's about it and Got my first Jew there also Will now need to get back out there and try and get a bigger one....

Great Effort and top reading.



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