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My First Kingie


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What a day for fishing.

Finally, after almost 6 months hard work, manage to land my first Kingie.

This fish was caugth on a live Yellow tail only a few meter from where I was standing.

I was reeling in my bait because it had swam too close to a pylon when I notice a Kingie was behind it.

I then free spool the livie, and the kingie burst into action. It took all of 10 seconds for the kingie to hunt down the yellow tail andstart to swim away.

the best part was; this action all happened right in front of me. When the kingie starting swimming away with the yellow tail, I struck hard, hooking right in the corner of the mouth.

The battle then lasted fo around 15 minutes, with the fish making a number of burst off to the deep. Then turning around, trying to Pylon me. Luckily for me, i was able to steer it away from the Pylons.

It was a great fight, ending with a fellow fisho netting the Kingie for me after 2 attempts.

When I got home, the :wife: even manage to crack a smile.

Just for the record, the Kingie measured 85cm+ and 5Kg+.


As always, the bigger got away, but NOT this time.


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Congratulations Stingerz! :thumbup: What a great achievement and a terrific story. I was trembling holding my first king of the season on Saturday (check out my Botany King post) and you look ecstatic with that beautiful fish.

Keep up the good works!


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Fantastic mate. That's what I call persistance. Nice to see hard effort being paid off.

Hopefully now you have one you will be reeling them in regularly.

Landbased too is a brag worthy capture.

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:1yikes: mate thats a cracker of a first king you got there,top effort.at 85cms,thats certainly a great king,especially landbased around all that structure,you did well to land him mate.my 1st king was just a rat at 63cms[it was legal back 5yrs ago,at botany bay on a boat].my biggest king to date was 84cms fishing landbased at peir 1 in the harbour,bout 3yrs ago around the gnarly structure & pylons aswell.hectic fight it was.there was over 10 anglers fishing.an old asian man who fishes there pretty much every day had 5 rods out the front of the peir & i told him to bring his lines in cos the fish was heading in the direction of his lines.of course he didnt & payed the price.i was using 20lb braid & he was using mono.well the fish swam towards his lines & my taut braid cut through all of his lines & he lost all his rigs but i got my prize & was stoked.needless to say,the old man wasnt happy. :ranting2:

the moral of the story is,if someone is hooked to a good fish in a crowded spot & asks you to retreive your lines,do it.

consolation for the old man was i gave him a rat king of 62cms[legal size back then],so he was happy.

so where were you fishing,harbour?& what rod,reel & line did you get your prize king on?i wouldnt mind joining you for a session there some time soonn,the kings should only get better from now on.PM me if you wana meetm up.

cheers johnny. :beersmile::thumbup:

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Thank you everyone for the nice comments.

getting up early was well worth it on this occasion.

For the record, The fish was caught in Sydney Harbour.

Tackle used was a Penn 6" Boat Combo I got from BLAH BLAH BLAH.

50 Lb Braid (Aldi brand i got as a gift) with Japanese Flouro Carbon leader

The Flouro leader I recently Got from Japan, Along with lots of Yamashita squid jigs.

The livie was free swimming with no sinker, pinned just in front of dorsal fin.

the hook was a cheap Jervis Walker size 4/0 suicide pattern. They cost me

$185 for a packet of 25 from BigW.

As for the old Asian, what can I say. I'm also asian (As if I need to mention that!),

Just like to let you guys know, we are NOT all like that.

GROPER, As for a boat, we don't always need it, but it would be nice to have one.

Unfortunately, I don't have the $$$ or the space for one.

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Hi mate,

Nice fish! How are you going to eat it? That a lot of sushi or a few solid eye fillets! Etherway - fantastic.


They say every kingfish caught off a wharf is worth five caught off a boat - it's just so much harder and you did very well not to be pyloned. You must of had light gear to let it run for 15mins. I alway use heavy gear and brute force to get those sneaky buggers out of the water asap.


The harbour is full with fish ATM and I'm sure you'll land another specimen shortly. I can't wait to hear your next kingfish post!




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