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What A Night


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We launched at rose bay and headed out to the heads to see if there was any surface action we got there and it was a bit to choppy so a drift was decided first drift produced a couple of nice flatties then on the second drift we got a couple more flatties and a nice occy. By this time it was starting to get late so we moved to our spot where we were gonna spend the night. So i decided i would try for a couple of yakkas i stocked up pretty quick and the were transfered into beautiful butterfly baits set up both baitrunners and the waiting game began. While we where waiting for the jews to bite we caught a couple more flatties and taylor. Then at 10.15pm my dads baitrunner takes a blistering run dad then locks it up and we are on after a nice fight dad brings up a 88cm approx 6-7kg jewie the smile on my dads face was priceless. We then continued to fish for more taylor and flatties with a whitting in the mix. Then just after 2am i was just about to fall asleep then my rod starts to go off lock it up and were on again after a good fight i pull up a 95cm approx 8-9kg jewie. I was that excited that i was gobsmacked ands thats my biggest to date. After that i had a little sleep and woke up on daybreak. After a little while my dad is on again and he brings up a 53cm jewie. After that things got a bit quiet so we went back towards the heads for a drift and my dads friend caught a nice 49cm morwong. It was the best night ever.

Total Fish Caught:

3 Jewfish

8 Flathead

8 Taylor

1 Leather Jacket

1 Sergant Baker

2 Rock Cod

1 Whiting

1 Bream

1 Squid

1 Octapus

Cheers Joe :1fishing1:






Edited by slayer666
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:thumbup: great effort for putting in the all nighter slayer,you sure got a great bag of fish,especially those jews.& you got your PB which makes the trip all that sweeter,well done mate.i wish a fellow raider would take me out on their boat for a all nighter in the harbour,or anywhere for that matter,sometime soon.[HINT HINT GUYS,LOL.].well done again on a top bag of fish mate.

where abouts did you fish,if you dont mind telling us?

cheers johnny. :beersmile::thumbup:

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Well done Joey... Very jealous mate... I just got my new baitrunner D yesterday.. hopefully i can christen it with a jewy like that!

Poddy Trapper, interesting you say that... i saw them being sold in a take away fish shop in brighton yesterday.. fella reckons they aren't bad if you cook em right... i beg to differ

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I had an all nighter last Sat too... might have seen you out there, although your boat is common!

We caught a Jew which took a live Squid when I was fast asleep (sleep apparently more important to me). It was the only descent fish of the night, and no Kings to boot in the morning despite good tides and fresh bait.

I'll post pic of my Jew once my buddy sends it to me.


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