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Harbour 4.01.2010


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G'day Raiders, Got on the water about 4am.

Dropped in at the spit to have a look for some squid but to no avail, water was quite dirty. Ventured out to all the usual squid spots to get a dozen or so southerns most of them very small.

At one stage i was at Obelisk Beach just spotting a few squid having a look at my jig when all of a sudden up from the sand a slow swimming dusky swims up to have a look at the jig, he didn't bite though and glided back to the sand to come and rest right under the boat. I let the jig sink again almost on top of him and gave a couple of quick prawn like flicks to see what he would do and sure enough he snapped around and engulfed it, with pressure on and some fine net skills by my brother I had my first flatty on a squid jig. :yahoo:


After that excitement we decided to have a quick look at a few markers on the way out to the heads and the second marker we came across had large arch's all over it, so we cast a couple of sluggos and poppers without so much as a look, Next plan was to use some live squid on the downrigger and weight a yakker and troll past and sure as clockwork the arch's came up on the sounder and then bang the rigger goes off, as i am bringing the king up my brother jerks he's yakker back to the surface and he get's slammed just before the surface. He's was a rat but I came up trumps with 70cm+ model from the rigger.Decided to just do a couple of drifts with weighted squid over over the mark to end up landing about 6 kings and 1 samson lost a few as well.

We lost a few squid to pickers which was a pain but all in all a good morning. :thumbup:


Cheers Kriso

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hey kris,

congrats awsome catch and what a more interesting way to do it. i was down at pier 2 this morning and a fisherman caught a 70cm flatty and boy was it a hassle getting onto the wharf. good luck fishing and nice nick name !!!!!


kris (kristopher)

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