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Late Report Mon 4th/5th Kingy Madness


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hi guys,

sorry this is abit late but been very busy and was then crook as for 4 days..

decided to do a late arvo mon kingy hunt then have a cookup rest then backup tuesday to give it a real good go again...

started off leaving roseville around 5.30/6pm and had to show my mate the poor yacht that was masts only sitting outa water...


next off to gather as many liveys in ten minutes we could.

mission accomplished ,armed with about a dozen yakkas we gunned it towards the heads ,as we got round sth head it was a little windy & bumpy still but we perservered.

had the place to ourselves so wasnt real sure on which area to try so just went straight off a mark and headed east over the reef.


the sounder was showing massive kings stacked everywhere so i took the plunge without scouting first(was no real time anyhows)deployed the first dinnergeust with his own cuttlery attatched,set rod down then grab another yakka for 2nd rigger.

bang before i get the needle into the yakka my first rods screamin,throw yakka down then hook into this fish thats pullin 5kg of drag at will.

this fish fought well above its weight(was to become a trend) and after a couple minutes high fives are slapped and fish dispatched into coolerbag.

how goods this magical place,no wonder its a carpark most w/e i remark to my mate,kings were absolutely everywhere in big mobbs..

set rods again and was very shortly hammered like i havnt been for way too long,this thing peeled drag like it was in freespool.dusted bigtime...

check line,clip new leader on and deploy again.

it was very bumpy with windswell and i was palming spool of rigger but unfortunately too fast too bumpy.....goodby bomb.

rigged a poormans and got back into it..

well we did a couple runs across middle and edges and big patches of kings eager to feed.ended up with only the 2 x 78cm kings for an hrs work and a few massive smokings..


headed to cliftons for well earned feed an rest..


as light started to pop up we had brekky gathered a tankfull of liveys from the eastern cake then out to get into em again..

i txt a mate about the kings earlier and as we were on our way out he txt back telling me he had 1 rat but not alot happening yet...

seas were absolutely unreal.got there went over the tracks i did previously and it was baron/dead.. wtf..???

went edges/centre/wide/along cliffs...

there was only a couple real small shows but basically sfa...

mmm what to try now.. i spied another trap similar to the closer ones we tried so headed that way.

got within 10 mtrs an bang dr go screamin as my mate hooks in seconds later the poormans goes off...

wooo hooo.. got both aboard (mid 70,s)called my mate over and this was repeated nearly every pass for us...


there was about half dozen boats in the end hanging around getting into em.

we seemed to do way better than the others and im not sure why.

we kept 7 keepers with plenty just unders/overs thrown back.we seemed to get all keepers till the sun got up a bit then smaller ones only..

we were rigging at 40-45ft and this went off first every time then i think the followers hit poormans.

tried to get a mtre plus follower at surface but he just swam back to the depths..

pulled the pin early as we were buggered from all the kingy 2 step dancing so went back into harbour for cruise then back up picked a crab out of our pot on way to ramp,wow bonus..

i thought it was important to show how different the same place can be in such a short time..

we looked for easily an hr or so everywhere for zip in great conditions then got lucky to find a school willing to play...

a bit different from the masses evening before...

heres the ones we kept short one that i gave away to mate as all he got were rats with one keeper..


hope you enjoyed the report...


Edited by roosterman
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Nice Kingies there Steve

Man you're not having much luck with the bombs!

Whats the story with the sunken boat? I saw that a few weeks ago & thought it was very odd, it looks pretty new.

It is mad how the Kingies play only when the want, I've seen them vanish within minutes & a score of boats all reporting nothing over a good sized area. Pretty frustrating.

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Nice Kingies there Steve

Man you're not having much luck with the bombs!

Whats the story with the sunken boat? I saw that a few weeks ago & thought it was very odd, it looks pretty new.

It is mad how the Kingies play only when the want, I've seen them vanish within minutes & a score of boats all reporting nothing over a good sized area. Pretty frustrating.

this was last week and why i posted about needing to rig my d/r up again earlier...

i think corrosian/heavy weight/dropping too fast + bumpy wind & swell doesn't = a happy ending :1badmood:

yeh the kings do move around alot,we looked in the harbout for curiosities sake and couple times i found them at markers then once i turned deployed baits and back through barren waters...

i hung around once for about 15 mins relaxing and they returned but were only 60cm rats so back he went and off we went home....

dont know much about the boat other than some poor buggers heart feels like its been ripped out i recon..


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great work steve gotta love a great feed of kings

whats the deal with the snags why didnt you cut up a nice kingy fillet

ya gotta stop palming the downrigger spool ha

i just manually lower mine and never had any probs

i really gotta give the harbour a fish soon seems to be a shit load of kings there

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That's a very productive couple of days you had on the Harbour Steve, there's some good size kingfish among that lot...By the way that spot wide of the point in the second photo looks rather on the fishy side as far as having a night session goes using live calamari squid for example..


jewgaffer :1fishing1:

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thx for the kind words guys...

catchy,my kingy killer is a custom 24kg rod,tyrnos 30 loaded with 24kg mono.

i run at least a metre double to a heavy duty sampo swivel.

my pre rigged leaders of 60 & 80lb fluro have varying hook combo's dep on baits etc..

my tyrnos is set at 5-6kg at strike and if needed push to sunset but its def get low down dig in and hang on as you can easily be pulled in or lose rod with that drag...i pulled hook on one smoking run by going halfway to sunset but thats the risk you take when trying to stop a big hoody,other way would be freespool and chase him down etc..

my other rod tcurve 200 with tekota 600 spooled with 50lb braid,had that one smoked with near locked drag and never had enough grunt in rod to stop that one..

the downside is when there rats ya just pole em in green and not real sporting..

slinky,i have since crimped a small stainless thimble with a 144lb good sampo swivel that will attatch to bomb(once i get another).

then have another one to clip on that has 80lb leader to a smaller clip that i will attach size 16 bands holding line..

i have to riggers so on the day it wasnt a big issue as once the deeper bomb went off the followers smashed the poormans...

Framedtrash,i def learnt a hard leason mate. i have done the palming spool deploy for a few yrs without issues in harbour etc but this was my first deepwater trip.. it was very bumpy with wind an chop and im just glad it was the cheap lead one not my chrome exe one....

i know all about being torn between our lovely part of paradise and the obvious bigger options the harbour etc can offer but ya dont get the crowds at home so theres a good tradeoff.. i may be going out sat if ya wanna catch up on the water,let me know....

byron that is a real gun spot at night but can get abit hairy if conditions turn bad.

thx guys..


Edited by roosterman
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