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Last Two Trips At Cronulla Using Lures


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Here are two more late reports from Cronulla using lures.


I launched the kayak at Tonkin Park and pedalled to the mouth of Gunnamatta Bay.

I trolled through the moored boats and picked up a trevally, some tailor and small snapper.

I began casting poppers on the flats and I missed three big surface hits. They were all good sized whiting. I changed to a pencil and instantly hooked up to a nice whiting. Then I was on again to another nice whiting on the next cast. I missed two more fish and then I decided to go and chase some squid.

I anchored up and was straight into the squid. Most of them were on the small side but I did manage two better ones. With my bag limit secured I made my way back to the ramp catching a few tailor on the way.



I hit Gunnamatta Bay again with the yak. I trolled through the moored boats on the way out and picked up a nice bream on a SX40.


I worked the flats with poppers and pencils and missed four big whiting strikes and had a big tailor smash one of my poppers and the leader didn’t last long and he took the popper home with him.

I then went and chased the squid again and I found some better sized ones. I had my limit within an hour. By this stage the wind had picked up so I made my way back to the ramp.


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WOW!!! I reckon you should change your name from Mako to SquidHunter!!! That is AWESOME!

My brother Sails reckons the squid have gone 'off' (as in 'not there') since the kingie numbers have built up again in the last year or so since the kingie traps have been taken out of the equation! Doesn't look like any problems in that department down your way! :1yikes::thumbup::yahoo:

Nice breambos & whiting too!!


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Hey I was wondering if the squid you got were close in to the platforms at gunnamatta bay?

I caught the squid towards the mouth near Hungry point.

Great work with some nice looking ceph's. Whitting on poppers looks like some good fun!

Whiting on poppers is great fun. It can be quite addictive. There have been some real whoppers smacking the lures too. It's amazing seeing a whiting fully come out of the water to smack the lure.

WOW!!! I reckon you should change your name from Mako to SquidHunter!!! That is AWESOME!

My brother Sails reckons the squid have gone 'off' (as in 'not there') since the kingie numbers have built up again in the last year or so since the kingie traps have been taken out of the equation! Doesn't look like any problems in that department down your way! :1yikes::thumbup::yahoo:

Nice breambos & whiting too!!


I think the squid have suffered a bit because of the kings and there are a lot more people chasing them for kingie baits. It was good to find them in numbers as I love eating them and I now have plenty of heads for bait. In the first catch the squid were smaller and I spent a lot longer chasing them.

On the next outing I used scent on the jigs and I was able to put a bag together a lot quicker. The squid seemed to be more aggressive too. On three occasions I had another two or three squid follow the hooked one and try to grab the jig from it. I'm not sure if it's coincidence but I will do a bit more testing with the scents. The natural colours seemed to work the best in the 2.5 size.

The kayak didn't look to good after both of the squid sessions and the shirts that I was wearing weren't any better but that's all part of squid fishing.

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Good to hear you are having some luck on those whiting at gunnamatta bay. I have been trying the flats fruitlessly for many trips. Wading out up to knee high water around low tides to reach the slightly deeper spots with less boat traffic and swimmers. No luck so far, haven't even gotten a good strike yet. Been working the few small weed patches at the start of the dropoffs next to the sand flats... water that is around what i guess to be 30cm - 1.3m. Been using small 5cm pencils and 3-4cm poppers.

Whereabouts are you getting the whiting if you don't mind me asking?

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Good to hear you are having some luck on those whiting at gunnamatta bay. I have been trying the flats fruitlessly for many trips. Wading out up to knee high water around low tides to reach the slightly deeper spots with less boat traffic and swimmers. No luck so far, haven't even gotten a good strike yet. Been working the few small weed patches at the start of the dropoffs next to the sand flats... water that is around what i guess to be 30cm - 1.3m. Been using small 5cm pencils and 3-4cm poppers.

Whereabouts are you getting the whiting if you don't mind me asking?

I fish for the whiting out of the yak around the weedbeds at the mouth of Gunnamatta Bay.

The depth I'm fishing ranges between 1-2.5m.

It sounds like you have the right lures. Just keep persisting and I'm sure you will start to

get a few fish. In this area I find that working the sand patches between the weedbeds produces the most

hits rather than the clean sand with no weedbeds.

Have you had any hits or follows?

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I have had some small hits and follows from very small fish, 5-20cm varieties but have not seen any decent sized fish yet.

I have been trying to find weed patches but they are few and far between on that stretch of water, particularly landbased. I went once to the area around the south of Darook park, what i think is Hungry point just before some building sitting near the waters edge with a blue tarp on the top and a small private wharf and there was weed galore, being low tide, i thought it would be suicidal to cast into such thick weed with the lures. Tried around the rocky shoreline rather than off the sand but didn't see any fish activity or get any follows. Do you reckon it would be worth a try at high tide?

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