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Idea's On Chum Recipes


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G'day there,

We want to start making up batches of berley to freeze up and use as we need so we're looking for a way to mince it all up in one hit... any proper mincer would need to be able to take on the job frames and all... anyone recommend anything?

Commercial mincers that we've looked at are all pretty dear, but i've also heard that many of them can't handle mincing fish bones either... one bloke has recommended to us that we buy a cheap mulcher from Bunnings.. apparently if you run everything through a couple of times they do the job (sounds messy though) ??

Anyone got any tips?

Also keen to hear of any chum recipes that anyone might have... a mate of mine swears by this one:

3-4 buckets of fish heads and guts. Then put them all through a mincer. Add some tuna oil and lots of old bread crumbs to bind it all together and then freeze it in 10 litre tubs. Then when you want to use it put the frozen tubs in a fish keeper bag and as the berley defrosts a steady stream of berley will come out and last a long time.

Look forward to hearing from anyone



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G'day there,

We want to start making up batches of berley to freeze up and use as we need so we're looking for a way to mince it all up in one hit... any proper mincer would need to be able to take on the job frames and all... anyone recommend anything?

Commercial mincers that we've looked at are all pretty dear, but i've also heard that many of them can't handle mincing fish bones either... one bloke has recommended to us that we buy a cheap mulcher from Bunnings.. apparently if you run everything through a couple of times they do the job (sounds messy though) ??

Anyone got any tips?

Also keen to hear of any chum recipes that anyone might have... a mate of mine swears by this one:

3-4 buckets of fish heads and guts. Then put them all through a mincer. Add some tuna oil and lots of old bread crumbs to bind it all together and then freeze it in 10 litre tubs. Then when you want to use it put the frozen tubs in a fish keeper bag and as the berley defrosts a steady stream of berley will come out and last a long time.

Look forward to hearing from anyone



In regards to the mincers, the one my mum is using at the moment is the Breville IKON BFP650 food processor, we paid i think 275 for it but im sure you can get further discounts. It seems to mince everything that we've put it in as the blades and the motor is quite strong. Just holding the base alone you can determine that its a powerful machine. Im also pretty sure that this one will be able to handle fish bones. Correct me if im wrong everyone :)

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I use an electric mincer I purchased online. Cost around $100.00

It does a good job mincing leftover bait, prawn heads, pilchards etc. Decent sized fish heads and frames will block it up though. Just have to chop these bits down a bit before putting them through. Just because something fits in the hole at the top of the machine doesn't mean it will be minced. A bit of time preparing saves time & mess later.

I use left over frying oil and bread mixed in as well. I've tried dried catfood mixed through the burley - but this just seems to blow up and go rubbery as the burley block thaws and I have to remove the bloated cat food by hand after the rest has dissipated.

For something that will take everything you throw at it do an online search for "will it blend" . Hours of entertainment there. Better still - search for this on youtube

Will it blend? That is the question.

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I use a good ol blender for my burley (Actually only started last week, bought an $80 one & blew it up trying to blend old squid, lesson, squid REALLY strains the blender when it wraps around the blades :1prop: )

Bought a cheaper one $54 & as long as I use enough water, no squidlys & do it in bursts, adding frames, heads etc slowly, it works a treat.

As for the quantities your talking about a mincer would probably be better. I mixed up mine in 90mm PVC downpipe with screwed ends at a length suitable to get two lots of cylinderical frozen burley into my weighted burley bomb cage. (IE one PVC tube holds enough to fill cage twice) I guestimate they would be about 1.5 to 2 litres. I added chook laying pellets coz I have found that if you freeze liquids only (With frames etc in the mix obviously) then the bomb takes too long to melt / disperse, so adding the chook pellets after I've blended the gorey stuff makes it a more friable or break-open-able type mix if that makes sense.

I use tuna oil, tuna bricks, anything tuna like & whatever I've got left over from bait. I also do mix quite alot of water in to enable the blending since I've been doing the bulk mixes but I don't think that will make any difference to the effectivness of the burley as there is a nice thick brew of disgusting gunk in there, any self respecting fish that can't smell that in the water from 400 miles is probably in a frying pan anyway.

It took me about 1.5 hours to blend it all & get it into the tubes, will post some pics later of the setup.

Given that some of my bait was frozen, thawed, re-frozen & then left in a sealed bucket in an old fridge for a week part of the time to do this job must be an allowance for the good ol :puke: and of course recovery time, time to get beer & settle stomach, time to have a smoke & ponder "Is this really worth it?" etc etc.

So if you've got a stomach like the inside of a cement mixer you'd probably do this in about 15 minutes :biggrin2:

PS - The blender handled two large mullet, medium to large slimeys & several horse yakkas but I did cut them into smaller bits first, about 2 inch cubes.

Edited by Boofhead
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In my humble opinion

You have to use a manual cranking mincer

using an electric just isn't making burley, you might

as well buy it from the markets.

Electrics are for those white coated ponces

with fancy haircuts trying to become a celebrity.

They should be banned.

Yep theres nothing like the burning chest pain

and locked up back after winching through

half a tonne of poorly butchered fish frames


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Have you seen the movie Fargo? Remember the scene in the snow where the guy put the body parts through the chipper? Now that was a mincer! :074:


Now that just gave me an idea. Must talk to my local council about borrowing theirs!!


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Second hand mulcher is the go. Yes you might have to put it through twice. Not that messy. just hose out after you finish.

Blenders are good but it depends on how much scrap you have got. As previously stated use a lot of water and keep the pieces small. I throw in a bag of boiled rice.

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Hi fisho's,

I purchased a cheapo from blah blah poop,first try it keeped jamming up, so all I did

was enlarge the holes a couple of ml and I have no trouble. A little bit of moisture makes it a lot easier.

cheers Rick.

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