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I Am Addicted! Help Me!


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After being shown the ropes and techniques on targeting bream in the oyster racks ( http://fishraider.com.au/Invision/index.php?showtopic=46442 ), the very next day I decided to head straight to the same spot before the wind picked up.

I tied on a Ecogear PX45F in white and flicked over the other side of the rack.

Started a slow retrieve and a small flick, the lure stops in the middle of the rack and ................. BANG!

The hit was explosive! A monster bream came out of the depths, absolutely smashed the lure, grabbed it, turned and cut me straight off.

I was left standing there, mouth wide open, in shock. I have NEVER seen or felt anything like it before EVER. It was awesome. What an experience. I quickly tied on another, but I was struggling with the lure snagging, trying to steer the electric and keeping the boat off the racks, to prevent damage to the rack and my boat.

Very quickly the wind started blowing, so I decided to head back and pick up my wife and kids and do some bait fishing. My wife wanted to know why I had such a huge smile on my face! I described my exciting but brief tussle with a Tuross bream and the need to head into town to replace my lost lure.

Again with Hodgey's instruction we anchored off a favoured spot, burlied up and the they got into some small bream, whiting and angle fish on peeled prawns. Unfortunately the wind was really blowing so we went looking for smoother waters and a general look see.

The sun came out with a vengeance and the children were getting tired so we called it a day.

I drove into Moruya for some food shopping and importantly to replace my lost lures. Got back and remembered that I still had some gear to tidy up. A few lures and bits and pieces that needed rinsing in fresh water.

I should have been a little more careful:



After trying to remove it myself ( couldn't as there were two prongs, so pushing it through was not an option) we all got into the car, drove the 20 minutes to the Moruya Hospital emergency department to have it removed. Luckily it was very quiet and it was all over in minutes, thankfully.

Surprisingly it did not really hurt!



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Been there done that at least i had a fish on the other treble.

Yeah me too!

On my own with 52cm fat Yella Belly thrashing around like a kid on red cordial sitting on an anthill & the net tangled around lure and rod holder and of course bloody side cutters about 2 inches from my grasp.....OUCH!

Edited by Boofhead
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Oh dear, a double bunger!!! Bet that hurt!! I've had one of the trebles in my hand & fingers, but never a double!! Hey! Maybe that is a FR record as well??

Shame on the loss of your new PX45F - but Hey! It is fun, isn't it, when a big fish takes off with your lure! Just you wait until you get a biggie on & LAND HIM!! High Fives all round then!!

Better luck next time!!



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on a serious note, i was told to yank it out with fishing line , someone else doing it for you

asap too before it swells.

but that was a jighead,

i did it, and it hurt like crazyyyyyyy, least no hospital.

but wouldn't know if trebles would work.

2 hooks?

tie 2 fishing lines?

that would hurt like mad.

the docs just numb the area and yank it out anyway.

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Ouch...I've done it twice and but never burried two hooks just the one.

I removed them both times with relatively no pain too...

Next time you do it, grab your filleting knife and make a small cut right next to the hook running horizontal along the prong. Doesn't have to be all that deep as you only need a little bit of movement to free up the barb. Then just wiggle the hook at a few differnet angles and she normally pops out....you do have a bit of blood to contend with but I was ablet to keep on fishing....I'm guessing two bards means two cutts and wiggling at the same time...

Neither have resulted in an infection either....maybe its just a matter of time....

The :wife: has called me an idiot both times for taking matters into my own hands...

PT (aka 'The Surgon')

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Oh dear, a double bunger!!! Bet that hurt!! I've had one of the trebles in my hand & fingers, but never a double!! Hey! Maybe that is a FR record as well??

Shame on the loss of your new PX45F - but Hey! It is fun, isn't it, when a big fish takes off with your lure! Just you wait until you get a biggie on & LAND HIM!! High Fives all round then!!

Better luck next time!!



Hey Roberta! Surprisingly it didnt really hurt. The actual trebbles are quite small/thin. Maybe I should send a picture to shimano and see if it is a record!

I couldnt believe how quickly the PX45F disappeared. I dont mind losing a lure under those circumstances, better than just a snag. Lost a few SX40's as well to the racks. Trust me there will be BIG hi 5's and lot's of pictures, maybe even a full page add/picture in the Daily Telegraph!

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.....I couldnt believe how quickly the PX45F disappeared......

Is that the one that looks like a shrimp with 2 antennae? I lost a PX40 (I think) to a pike that was hiding under the Amaroo ..... & the other day lost a Sammy65 to a BIG BREAM in the racks ...... I was retrieving it really fast after the first 'bloop' as it is my favourite lure (has caught all my recent bream in the fly & lure reports section) and didn't want to lose it, but the bream swam even faster, grabbed it & KERCHANG! Gone in .2 of a second! Then on the way back to the car, I hooked another bream in the shallows on the same coloured NW52 & after taking the hook out of the bream's mouth, just dropped it in the water beside the yak whilst I took a pic of the fish .... when I wound in the line - that was all I had! Line! A bloody pike must have snuck up & slashed it off without a bit of noise! Nearly $50 worth of lures gone in 1/2hr! luckily, it doesn't happen that often!

.... maybe even a full page add/picture in the Daily Telegraph!..... :074::074:

Stranger things have been known to have happened!! You will be grinning from ear to ear when you land one of those monsters - but you will have to use something like 12-20lb & lock your drag up if fishing near those racks (and keep the belly out of the line after casting so when you get a hit, it is direct to the reel, not picking up slack which allows them to get under the racks before you can react!) I try to have my rod tip already pointing away from the rack that I am fishing, too (just a bit) so that you can continue pulling away when you get a strike. If the rack edge is on the right, retrieve aggresively to the left & visa versa for the rack on the left - retrieve to the right. Once they are in the middle of the rack you can try & move your boat away from the structure with the leccie to play him in the more open water.

Get out there & practise with that leccie so it becomes second nature to you, especially with a fish on. I found it very hard to manouver a skeeter with one, even in open water!!



Let me know if you ever head up this way - it'd be fun to hit the water with you!

Edited by Roberta
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We use heavier outfits in the racks Mine is an old squidgy spin 1500 symetre 4lb fireline and I start with 10lb leader which is kept short at about half a meter and cheap surecatch poppers

When the bream hits you have to hit it back hard and keep your rodtip up and keep winding so the bream is just about skipping along the surface easier said than done We still lose poppers

I dont fish racks often but it is always fun

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Thanks for the replies! Part of the problem on that particular outing was the drag not being tight and the other was I was not really expecting a bream to hit the lure.

Also I was only using 6lb leader. I upped it to 10lb that night. I couldnt get a hit the next day..........

The adrenalin rush was awesome, the best so far when fishing. I am literally addicted to it.

Not too sure where there are any decent oyster racks that hold good bream in Sydney though??



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When i was heaps little and dad wouldn't take me fishing i decided to practise my casts on the back lawn,

all fun until it flicked off a tuff of grass back at me and the mustard hook went thru my ear..

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