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Just Jewbalitious

marcel haber

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Awww, Marcel, you're making me jealous!! :1prop:

Great stuff. Bloody pillies ay!!! Who would have thought?! Were they live, fresh or bought?

You've got to be happy with 3 in a session. Truly Jewbalitious!!

Well done mate.



Hello Grant,

Yeah who would have thought, running short of time so picked up some pillies from the local servo.

Im trying out new spots all the time and have found that with time and effort the jewfish gods have been kind.

Areas that I would have driven past a thousand times and ignored are becoming assets.

I may have been lucky this time - but never forget that fresh bait is best.


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:thumbup: Wow Marcell you have them figured out now!!!!!

goes to show if you get It right and they are hungry that they will eat!!! but as you say fresh is best!!!

All these catches are geeing me up as I am dying of jewwie/King drought!!!! hahahaha its been 2 months

I guess like yourselves the more you get out the better your chances get and I have been a little busy the last month and It should start turning around for me now as I will have alot more time on my hands from now-on!!!!!



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Hi Marcel,

Nice trifecta mate - water system? Hawks or Harbour.

We went out late arvo and it started a bit quiet. My mate eventually steered me over to his new spot for kings. Right on dusk the kings came in and pulled in two one after the other. Kings rejected pretty good squid over fresh pillies. We caught some pillies and also used very fresh store bought.

After that settled in for a crack at new moon jewie leading up to high tide but it was dead as except for a lost eel.

MH still pretty dirty with massive rafts of crap heading out under the Spit Bridge.

Man the way your going by May if you keep at it when the bigguns turn up you'll be on!!


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Hi Marcel,

Nice trifecta mate - water system? Hawks or Harbour.

We went out late arvo and it started a bit quiet. My mate eventually steered me over to his new spot for kings. Right on dusk the kings came in and pulled in two one after the other. Kings rejected pretty good squid over fresh pillies. We caught some pillies and also used very fresh store bought.

After that settled in for a crack at new moon jewie leading up to high tide but it was dead as except for a lost eel.

MH still pretty dirty with massive rafts of crap heading out under the Spit Bridge.

Man the way your going by May if you keep at it when the bigguns turn up you'll be on!!


Hi Mike,

These jews were from the harbour, its funny how these guys hit - very shy and just like a bream pecking at your line.

I have found that you need to strike this size jew because if you dont - it is a missed opportunity and could mean the difference between landing one and not.

Need the bigger ones to come our way and we cannot wait till it all comes together.

Twin 1

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