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Early Morning Madness...


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The fishing is so good at the moment that i took the opportunity to sneak out before work this morning for a quick session. On the water by 5:45 - out to quickly look for bait, none to be found at a couple of spots so we said stuff it and just went jigging.

We pulled up at the first spot and Matt was on to a fish before i had even put a jig on! For the next 70 or so minutes we were pretty much getting double hook ups on every drift. In all we boated 13 Kings. 2 were unders but all of the rest were over 80cm (mostly high 80s)and 3 of the fish were in the 90s. All of the fish were very fat and healthy. Pictured is Matt holding his high 90s fish (i think it went 97cm?). We weighed it out of interest as it was so fat and it went over 9kg! I had one of a similar size which would have also nudged the 9kg mark.

I had one bust off on a solid fish. Still trying to work out what to do when you hook a really decent fish near the bottom. This one hit after two turns of the reel... i.e. about 2m off the bottom. Pretty hard to stop them!

We released all of the fish to grow a bit bigger :1fishing1:

We left at 8:25 after a great short sharp session. Back at the ramp by 9:05. What a way to start the morning!

I can't wait to see the first pictures of a Sydney 20Kg fish... i don't think it will be long before some one gets one.

The weather looks like it is closing in for a while but good luck if you are heading out!


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Awesome fishing mate, hit and run before work... can't beat it.

Reckon we might see that elusive twenty kegger before the run

is over. Here's a 16kg / 120cm model from out The Peak taken on

an old Nat-Nat jig back in 2005. Nowhere near 20 but a fair

indication of how they seem to fatten up real good with not

much more length to 'em.


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