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Favourite Bumper Stickers Or Sayings


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Hi all

I've been collecting bumber stickers & favourite sayings for about 40 years now (less so in the last 20!)

Here are some of that I have noted down - feel free to add yours - no dirty, rude, sexist or racist ones please! :wacko:



When in doubt ....... DON'T

To be a good sport, you need to lose to prove it

This car is constipated - it can't pass anything

Always be sincere, even if you don't mean it

A quitter never wins & a winner never quits

People's minds are like parachutes - to function properly, they must be open

The worst thing about accidents in the kitchen is that you usually have to eat them

I keep trying to lose weight, but it keeps finding me again!

The quickest way to find something that is lost, is to buy a replacement

Before borrowing from a friend, decide which you need more

I wouldn't be paranoid if people didn't pick on me!

I'd give my right arm to be ambidextrous

Why is it that a 'slight tax increase' will cost you $200, but a 'Substantial Tax Cut' will save you 30c?

The difference between God & a Lawyer - God knows that he is not a Lawyer!

No-one can make you feel inferior without your consent!

I was a fantastic student until I was 10, then my mind began to wander!

Noble deeds & a hot baths are the best cures for depression

The wages of sin is death ..... but the hours are good!

I'm not in the habit of forgetting a face - but in your case, I'll make an exception!

Use your head - it's the little things that count

I'd like to help you out - which way did you come in?

To avoid criticism, do nothing, say nothing, be nothing

Old fishermen never die - they only smell that way

Experience - something you rarely get, til just after you need it.

Drive like hell & you'll get there

Your turn ........

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Here's one that has allways stuck with me ,it was something that my very large (read 6'8" and 300 hundred pounds)and very American science master used to yell at us often.He would get his dander up and scream.

" sorry don't feed the bulldog,you kick him ,he'll bite you"

Brings a smile to my face everytime i use his retort.(i can see his massive angry head sceaming at me as i type this :074: )


Bruce :beersmile:

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Not so much a bumper sticker but 'Get some Bass on your Ass' is a fav saying of my esspecialy if I've not been Bass fishing in a while...Heading to 'The Gorge' in really early September with the hope that my saying will be playing over and over and over again....

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My Fav on the back of a comodore wagon

"& on the 7th day God created fords (to keep the a@# holes out of HOLDENS"

& a sign I saw at a boat shop in Raymond Terrace


Edited by Dusky
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One i say a long time back.


Fav saying would have to be

If you notice this notice you will notice that this notice is not worth noticing.

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Plenty more where these came from .....

You are never alone with schizophrenia

The light at the end of the tunnel could be a train coming the other way

We'd worry less about what others think of us, if we realised how seldom they do!

The easiest children to bring up are calm, thoughtful and someone else's

Keyring - a gadget that allows you to lose several keys at once.

To calculate the present cost of living, take your total income & add 20%

Contraceptives should be used on every conceivable occasion!

Continental Breakfast - a roll in bed with some honey

If your mind can conceive it, you can achieve it

Don't lie and steal - the government doesn't like competition!

If you don't want to lose face, keep the lower half shut!

Friends, like mushrooms, spring up in the most unusual places

Before you meet your handsome prince, you have to kiss a lot of toads

A quartet played Bach last night - Bach lost!

A sharp tongue is the only edge tool that grows keener with constant use

I bet you I could stop gambling!

Everyone has to believe in something - I believe I'll go fishing!!

Roberta :biggrin2:

Love the boat sign, Dusky! Back in the 70s I used to live at Wollstonecraft & walked to Tech every day past the service station that had a 'saying of the day' on a blackboard - he became famous & printed a couple of books with his 'sayings' - most of them relevant to current situations or the government! They were hilarious! I think I have one of his books - I'll see if I can find it & put some of his up! Unfortunately, he died in the 80s

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The cheque is in the mail------ or -- I'm from the Government, I'm here to help you !!!!

Yeah, right.

My fave, however is: "The best way to kill some time is to work it to death!"

Cheers, Tuffy

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.... an oldie but a goodie!! .......

Two Eskimos sitting in a kayak were chilly. They lit a fire in the craft, it sank, proving once and for all that you can't have your Kayak and heat it. :074: :074: :074:


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.... an oldie but a goodie!! .......

Two Eskimos sitting in a kayak were chilly. They lit a fire in the craft, it sank, proving once and for all that you can't have your Kayak and heat it. :074: :074: :074:


Oh, Roberta, that is really getting to the lower part of the barrell !!!


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im a schitzophrenic and so am I.(sorry about the spelling but you get the idea)

I wish you were a statue and I was a pidgeon!

I wouldnt make an idiot of you, I wouldnt want to interfere with nature.

Its good to have an open mind but dont be so open minded that your brain falls out!

if you love someone set them free, if they return they are yours, if they dont - hunt them down and kill them!

I got a microwave oven for my wife - and it was the best swap I ever made!

its so cold it would freeze the brass of a bald monkey!(or something similar)

and last but not least my dear old dad use to always tell me - you've got a head full of mullet gut!!!


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