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Squizy Returns To Tuross


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GDay all

Last weekend I had the pleasure of fishing with long-time mate and fellow Raider Squizy. It's been a long time since Squizy and his family last visited (the Entrance was closed back then) and I had hoped to put him onto all manner of fishing. Squizy is a very keen fly fisho, but enjoys all forms of fishing. Last Friday we had a very productive session on the flatties, with Squizy managing a new PB of 60cm. :thumbup: We kept 6 out of 13 fish for a feed, with all fish under 45cm or over 60cm being released. The flathead are in the best condition that I have seen, with 12 fillets weighing in at just under 4kg.




Saturday was a completely different story. We decided to leave the flathead alone and target bream. We searched oyster leases, weed beds, rock ledges, shallow water and deep. We threw flies, hard bodies, plastics and blades for 3 hours, which only produced one tailor about 3 inches long :( The local bream aficionados (both bait and lure) have been lamenting the absence of the blue-nosed brutes for several week now. Truth be told, bream, whiting and salmon have all been noticeable in their absence. Many of the locals have put boats and gear into mothballs, believing the lake to be dormant at the moment.

Regardless of the scarcity of fish, we had an outstanding time. The kids renewed friendships and the adults enjoyed a lot of laughs and an occasional glass of red :biggrin2: My thanks to Squiz, Nicloe and the girls for a fantastic weekend. You'll have to come back in the warmer months, mate, and see if we can't put you onto a more productive session or two.



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Shame about the lack of breambos - must be hiding somewhere, fattening up!! Well done on the flatties, anyway!

Some locals reckon the big bream are in the lake here, too, but I haven't seen 'em!! :(



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Thanks for a top weekend Mr Hodgey and a huge thanks to your wonderful family for ALL of that hospitality.

A great couple of days were had on the water even if one was a little more productive than the other lol.

Thanks and we all look forward to our next trip.


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