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Sneaked Out For A Kayak Fish Yesterday


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Hi all

As with the rest of the east coast, the gale force winds have been driving us mad!! From dawn to dusk, the wind is full on - gusting up to about 25-30knots or more! Worse still, it is coming from all directions, so even in the lake here, it is difficult to hide from it.

However, yesterday, Sea breeze indicated that the wind wouldn't be too bad, so I took a chance & launched the yak into Breck Channel. I could see that the main lake/the paddock was pretty windy, so headed up the Breck, to one of my preferred bream spots! I took my blackie gear as well, but didn't get to use it - having too much fun with the breambos!

Using gulp, I was casting at any structure that I passed & had a couple of good hits, that I missed!! :1badmood: Then another good hit that resulted in a bust off ........ another couple of hookups that got off & finally, the line straightens onto something good!!!

My 1-3kg Lox rod was almost bent in half, as I muscled the fish away from the pylon ....... I was trying to adjust the rudder on the yak so that I could 'pedal' away from the structure, but was too busy using both hands to hold this big strong fish!! Looking at the bend in the rod, I was amazed that it didn't break, as the top 1/3 of the rod was totally bent into a 'u' section as the nod nod of the fish indicated that it was not happy at being wrenched from his lair!!

Finally, I change the rudder direction & start pedalling out into the main channel, just managing to keep the pressure onto the fish, without winding ....... WOOHOO!! It is in the net!!


Unfortunately, I realised later that there was a mark on the lens of the camera, making part of it a bit smudged! :ranting2:

It went a tad under 40cm (maybe if I had the nose of the fish up against the plastic, it would have been 40cm!!


It was a big fat healthy Forster Breambo!! :yahoo::thumbup::biggrin2: A real Blue Nose!!


I continued casting around that area, hoping his brother or mother was nearby & had another couple of misses ...... I was just striking too fast, instead of allowing them to take the hook into their mouths! Mind you, the leather jackets were getting a feed as well tho!! :ranting2:

I continued up the channel & wondered why this sea gull was screeching at me & dancing around one of the poles


....... so I shoved the camera up & into the top of the pole & took a pic ....... there was an egg there!!! (down near the smudged bit.) It has chosen one of the busiest spots in Wallis Lake to lay its egg & was now complaining when anyone came within cooee of it!!! It will lose its voice before it hatches the egg, I reckon!!


Even after it had settled back into the nest it still continued to complain!!


I continued up the channel, casting to all & sundry, before arriving at one of my preferred bream spots - having no joy with the gulp, I put on a little shallow diving lure that I had painted myself & after a couple of hits & misses again, voila!! I land my 2nd bream of the day!! It went about 30cm


I was very lucky with the wind, as it is a howling gale again today! I had a great time & enjoyed a longish outing for a change! :D



Edited by Roberta
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Woooohoooooo .. Well done Roberta..

That breambo looks like a beast, wonder how much he has terrorized others in the racks etc before meeting the master and getting tamed .....

Have the blackies started to fire yet in the lake...

Cheers... Steve....

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Hi Steve

That first pic of the bream really didn't do it justice!! Just makes it look 'ordinary'! It was NO ordinary breambo!!! I was only using 4lb crystal braid & 6lb leader, so was taking a big chance around the structure!! I hesitated just a tad with the other big strike & he did me on an oyster covered pole before I could muscle him out! :wacko:

Everyone is complaining about the blackie season this year - after the rough seas a week or so ago, some good ones were caught off the wall - but you need to go right down the front of the sea end of the wall to get any 'decent' ones, tho i have seen them up the lake, around the leases, but they aren't really biting!! :mad3: I saw some whoppers yesterday in the Breck Channel - where the sand undulates & has big holes between the weedy areas - really big ones hang out there, but I was heading back - not used to 6hrs on the water again yet!!!

How's the swimming pool next to your place??? I hope the council has forced them to suck it empty by now - it wouldn't be doing your foundations any good, I reckon!!!?? That is a shocker!!!



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On the silly string gives it even more as a special catch... Awesome...

I have found the blackies very fussy at times here also but only fished last few weeks for them...

As for the big hole... Grrrrrrr ... Meeting with council and builder on site next week...

Foundations are stuffed and lots damaged but that's long story...


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Thanks guys, it would have been a dull day if I hadn't landed that one, I can tell you!!! I'd tried topwater lures in one of my fav spots with not a skerrick of interest shown by anything - had more hits on the diver than the topwater (altho only landed the one.) I was playing around with Bubba's 'fast retrieve' in all different areas! FInally, one stuck to the hooks!! :biggrin2:

Hi Robeebee- yes, it is the Berkley one! Great net (I like the long handle especially for yak fishing.) It is a much finer tubing tho - not sure I would like to try & net a kingie in it!! Mine has bent just a tad ..... he he from a heavy bream?? :biggrin2: The netting is great - it doesn't drag in the water like the original ones did.

Hi Marcel - it sure did put up a good fight! It was dragging me back towards the structure as I couldn't adjust the rudder & at the time, the rod was bent about as much as I would like to without it busting ..... and I just kept leaning backwards to try & keep it further away from the poles, until I could change the rudder position!!! I am thinking of making a hooky thing to put on the rudder handle so that I can use my leg to turn it left or right!! Could work??

...The bluenose will be hard to top..... he he I know where he lives ........ be scared!! VERY SCARED!!! I have a new favourite pole!! :biggrin2:

That seagull was hilarious!!! Even his mate joined in on dive bombing me when I got too close, so both of them were in the air, squawking away!! As I returned to base, I could see it eyeing me off as I went past!! Good memory, I think!



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What a terrific bream :thumbup: With the winds and cold water temps, fishing reports have been at premium so it's nice to see you back out on the water, Roberta :yahoo: Don't be shy: stick that bream in the FOTM! We had a seagull 'dive-bombing' us with monotonous regularity last time I fished Lake Mulwala. Great photos and a fine capture on the light gear amongst the leases. Nice one!



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Great report as usual Roberta. I am dreamin of a bream that big at the moment.....the largest I have caught on my last two outings was 18cm :wacko: and both on a blade in deep water. I just hope this high system will get them back on the chew.

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Top story Roberta, what a cracker bream, must have great to have a windlesss fish for a change,

doing a bit of wildlife photography too I see..

Great session for you Roberta, congrats.. :thumbup:

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