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Top Arvo Session On The Bay Turned Sour When I Returned Back To The Ramp


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Hi all, i headed out to botany bay for an arvo session at my favourite bream spot along silver beach. It wasnt the best of conditions being wet and windy but i had a feeling that the fish would be biting. I had a good start with the first two bream coming in not long after the baits had hit the water. The first one was a cracker hitting the 43 cm mark. It then went quiet for around an hour, but as soon at the tide changed the fish came with it. With in the next three hours i had collected a mixture of 18 bream and whiting. The fight of the day went to a thumping 40cm tarwhine, i wish bream fought as hard as them! I packed it up just as it got dark and was a happy boy heading back to the boat ramp.. until i arrived at the ramp and realised that some f$#$% a#@$hole had stolen my trailer :ranting2: I called the police and they were kind enough to let me dock my boat at their base at sans souci until buy another trailer. I couldnt believe it i have used that ramp for years, left my car and trailer there till the early hours of the morning and never had a problem and these dead s#$ts took of with it in day light cause i was back at the ramp by 6pm.

So guys if you hear or see anything about a dunbier 2000 model trailer with rollers for a boat around the 4.5m mark can you please let me know. I can tell ya it wasnt a nice way to end the day. It was stolen from Hawksbury park boat ramp sylvania waters on 3/9/10


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Bad luck mate - that is @#cked!

Did you have it wheel clamped or secured to your car with a pad lock? I have heard of quite a few guys losing their trailers. It's easy to think that it won't happen to you...

Wherever possible i always try and back my trailer tight up against a fence or any obstruction so that any low life scum who think about pinching it have a hard job of it.

Hope you get it back and they catch the @uckwits that did it.

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Nice feed there mate , but more importantly i'm sorry to hear about your trailer. A hole thieves have no respect and it shits me to tears that they have to make a living off other peoples hard work!!

Good luck in finding it mate.



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Hi all, i headed out to botany bay for an arvo session at my favourite bream spot along silver beach. It wasnt the best of conditions being wet and windy but i had a feeling that the fish would be biting. I had a good start with the first two bream coming in not long after the baits had hit the water. The first one was a cracker hitting the 43 cm mark. It then went quiet for around an hour, but as soon at the tide changed the fish came with it. With in the next three hours i had collected a mixture of 18 bream and whiting. The fight of the day went to a thumping 40cm tarwhine, i wish bream fought as hard as them! I packed it up just as it got dark and was a happy boy heading back to the boat ramp.. until i arrived at the ramp and realised that some f$#$% a#@$hole had stolen my trailer :ranting2: I called the police and they were kind enough to let me dock my boat at their base at sans souci until buy another trailer. I couldnt believe it i have used that ramp for years, left my car and trailer there till the early hours of the morning and never had a problem and these dead s#$ts took of with it in day light cause i was back at the ramp by 6pm.

So guys if you hear or see anything about a dunbier 2000 model trailer with rollers for a boat around the 4.5m mark can you please let me know. I can tell ya it wasnt a nice way to end the day. It was stolen from Hawksbury park boat ramp sylvania waters on 3/9/10


Its the second time ive heard of this at that ramp. I use the ramp at least 3 times a month. Its a disgrace when u cant leave your trailer safe at the ramp. If the cheap ar@#holes that took this blokes trailer read this "you dont deserve the right to be associated with the water at all. You S%#t me so much you selfish unsavoury characters

I hope for your shake the trailer was insured as ive just purchased a reco trailer which still cost me a fortune.

I highly recomend Sales Trailers at mortdale. They have a gret range of new and occasionally some great second hand trailers. If ya dont get ya boat trailer sorted shortly contact myself and ill take you out for a session on the bay. I feel for you mate

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Good catch mate and such a disapointing ending to the day.

Was the trailer in fairly new condition

man that pisses me off hearing things like that.

You take a day to go fishing away from work and the rest of

the bull dust this world has to offer and you have to put up

with that sort of thing :ranting2:

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Thats really bad luck Pal,we have the same problem up

here on the mid north coast,but they only target rego labels

in plastic clips and plates.

I lost my plates last week.I even had six heavy duty rivets

in the plate.We all back trailer up to wall .

The taste you have in your mouth,won't let you enjoy

your catch.Get a tow ball hitch,we all use them up here.

all the best Buddy.

Regards Rick.

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Talk about a day of mixed fortune there. I am indeed sorry to hear that,as I was goimg to hit that ramp tomorrow with mine being only a year old. I couldnt amagine that gut wrenching feeling as you walked up to your car. I will be adding another padlock to the chain as well as the hitch I have already & park it backed in . Thanks for the heads up as I hope you have a good feed on those fish . Adam

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Hi Steve great catch but very sorry to hear about the trailer i use the same boat ramp for about 10 years now this is the first i heard of any thing getting stolen from there very quiet place but boat theft is on a rise about 5 weeks ago a van stops in front of my house and checks the boat out a week later two blokes in a 4 wheel drive with no number plates stop in the drive way look at the either side of the boat then point to the lock i had were the tow ball goes and then drive off on week day 10 in the morning this made me very angry and paranoid and very edgy so i went and brought two wheel locks the reason i know about the van and the 4 wheel drive is because i have very good neighbors god bless them but a lesson for every body put anti theft devices on your boat and trailer the thief's are every were really sorry Steve i hope they catch them . cheers Jim Bream

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Hi Steve

Sorry to here of your loss insurance usually covers a lot of it.

Not the inconvenience and the anger towards these thieves.

We use that ramp a lot. We actually used it on fri 3rd took our boat out of the water at 4 pm.

Didn't notice anything that seemed strange. But you wouldn't know.

I did come back to the ramp one day and found two wheel nuts on the ground and all the others on the trailor slakened off.

My trailor has a fair bit of rust showing so I hope there isn't a market for rusty trailors.


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Hi all, i headed out to botany bay for an arvo session at my favourite bream spot along silver beach. It wasnt the best of conditions being wet and windy but i had a feeling that the fish would be biting. I had a good start with the first two bream coming in not long after the baits had hit the water. The first one was a cracker hitting the 43 cm mark. It then went quiet for around an hour, but as soon at the tide changed the fish came with it. With in the next three hours i had collected a mixture of 18 bream and whiting. The fight of the day went to a thumping 40cm tarwhine, i wish bream fought as hard as them! I packed it up just as it got dark and was a happy boy heading back to the boat ramp.. until i arrived at the ramp and realised that some f$#$% a#@$hole had stolen my trailer :ranting2: I called the police and they were kind enough to let me dock my boat at their base at sans souci until buy another trailer. I couldnt believe it i have used that ramp for years, left my car and trailer there till the early hours of the morning and never had a problem and these dead s#$ts took of with it in day light cause i was back at the ramp by 6pm.

So guys if you hear or see anything about a dunbier 2000 model trailer with rollers for a boat around the 4.5m mark can you please let me know. I can tell ya it wasnt a nice way to end the day. It was stolen from Hawksbury park boat ramp sylvania waters on 3/9/10



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Mate if I can help by swapping my boat with yours at the cop shop and driving your boat home- send me a pm.

I'm free tomorrow.

Maybe you could lay your boat on a grassy area or prop it up so there is no rush buying a trailer and you can make the right decision.

Sorry to hear pal- I launch there too

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My boat trailer and motor was stolen from my front yard.

It really dosn't matter what you do. If they want it they will get it.

As for insurance if it is less than 1 year old you will get full replacement. Any older and the insurance company will only pay you for a percentage of the loss and they might even charge you an excess fee.

The insurance company will pay you but first they will investigate you so if you got the money just go and buy a new one.

And they will eventually get around to paying you.

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totally sux about the trailer. thats the boat ramp i use wen im at botany! how bout we keep sending letters until they put cameras up at the ramp :P despite having all the security stuff my dad got for our trailer i think my best defence is its crappiness. The smashed car windows freaks me out a bit tho.

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Hi Steve sorry to hear about your trailer. Lets hope the scumbags get what they deserve. I put 2 heavy duty padlocks on my trailer. The difference with the ones I put on is that when they are touched they emit a 110db siren and that attracts attention from near and far, exactly what those bastards try to avoid. It also is a great piece of security when the boat is parked at home because if the boat is moved the sirens go off and don't stop while ever there is movement.

Regards Jeff

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Hey Steve ....Sorry to hear about the trailer mate bloody scums if you happen to find the scums please feel free to post the location to where these scums are and im sure we can organise something champion !!!!

Oh yeah well done on the fishing !!! :thumbup:

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Sorry to hear that, must be very dissapointing to come back to the ramp without a trailer there. I personally would not launch my boat anywhere on Sylvania side as one night we came back to find 8 cars windows were smashed and apparantly 3 or 4 the week before that. Nice of the police to let you keep your boat there but they should occasionally make an apperance at these boat ramps especially the ones that have a reputation, they only know to turn up early hours in the morning to check out safety gear to produce fines. Years ago they used to turn up to boat ramps and do spot checks on serial numbers on boats and motors but haven't seen that for years. It seems to me that revenue is more important than crime, sorry if some people don't agree but thats how i feel about the situation. I called the police once because there was a stolen boat trailer at the george river and the plates and serial numbers were taken off and they said to me that is not our problem call the council. The council told me that they will keep it for a certain amount of time and sell it off to the auctions. So for the person that did the right thing dosent even get the chance to claim it if there isn't a owner found but its ok for the council to make money on it.

Firstly Steve mate, sorry for your loss. Not too sure if i can help out but let us know if there is. mate I know the feeling. I would have to agree with Cungee George on his above quote. Today's motivation on fines and checks seems to be purely based on improving bottom line figures. I too have called the police for several theft issues and was very disappointed with their help.

Unfortunately I personally think forums such as this does more for public awareness and recovery then law enforcement. I'm not saying the police don't try, I just don't think that put these issues high on their priority lists. Mate I will definitely keep a look out for your trailer and hope everyone does. Not to sound cheesy but unfortunately I think we as a recreational group need to band up and question / report anything that looks suss as i think this will make it more difficult for these F&*KS to get away with this. i've noticed many times people just dont say anything even though something someone is doing doesn't look right.



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