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More Southern Sydney Reds - Yesterday!


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Update on last weeks report, went again yesyerday as forcast 5 - 10 Nor East all day.We do fish down south it is around the hump area. Down that way out the back of the hump are gravel beds it is a large area where the reds move around on.

Left the ramp at five as change of tide at seven and thought we might get a early bite. This did not happen yesterday although we did chip away at them. We got a bite around twelve - midday. Ended up with seventeen reds. Biggest were 4kg. Do feel the afternoon would fish better but after an early start we decided to head for home.

We used a combination of jigs as discussed last post and today floating out pilchards on the drift with a ball sinker attached. Water looked a little greener then last week. temp was 17.7, plenty of bait around.Still a fair bit of current on although we felt it slowed during the day. The jigs can be left in a rod holder and let the rocking motion of the boat do the rest. Just another option tp try. It is exciting when they attack these jigs. Very aggressive.

Took a good mate of mine today.post-7298-080634800 1286400619_thumb.jpgpost-7298-061561800 1286400679_thumb.jpg

Hope fellow raiders manage to catcha few over the weekend.

Edited by piratin
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No Way, as Ritchie would say "what a catch"

Would love to head down there one day and have a crack at them myself.

Might organise a charter out of Cronulla... Have a 5.6mtr quintrex with an oldish 90 on the back... It would probably take a bit to get down there out of port hacking depending on weather....



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