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Rude People Go Fishing Too!


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Hi folks,

Got up at 3am this morning and went to my favourite fishing spot in south Sydney.

Was just before 4am, and another 5 minutes later another couple arrived. I was surprised how keen anglers are these days :)

OK, geared up the 12 footer with pilly and float, and off they went to the water.

At the same time I was casting :thumbup: .

Another half an hour later another guy arrived, then started casting with a chromie.

On second cast he hooked a kingfish, he was swearing and cursing at other aglers and their rods while fighting his fish :ranting2: .

OK, fair enough... a dude was casting while he was fighting his fish. But, was it necessary to curse and swear??

Took him a few minutes to land his kingfish and everyone congratulated him.. the person he swore at didn't have hard feeling.... Good!

Another couple turned up at the spot soon. One of them walked to the rock edge and yelled "whose rod is this?", I said it was mine.

He then replied "no fix rod here!!", I told him that I would remove it to make some room for him after retrieving my

last cast. Without asking for permission, he then removed my rod from the rock hole and chucked it on the ground. I hope he didn't scratch my new Shimano baitrunner.

I was so pissed, but I wasn't getting aggresive. I then asked him when did the rule of having no fixed rod start? He didn't answer.

I would not mind removing my 12 footer to make room. At the end of the day, I knew what it feels like getting up early and

sneaking out to have some fun with fishing, but having no room to fish at the spot.

I have been fishing at the same spot for almost 10 years, and so far so happy. I met other anglers who became good

mates and we fish together, share tips and have drinks in the pub after fishing. I hope this rude person did not have any discriminative motive

over his ack. I have never met this couple at the spot before. I was thinking to myself at that time, was it worth an argument or even a fight? I then threw a few more casts, but I couldn't enjoy my fishing further after the incident. I packed up and went home. :1badmood:

I feel sorry for people who have been or would be this guy's abuse victims.

I hope through this, we can learn how to share the fun of fishing. Even on a tight spot (good spot is never big enough).

Sorry guys, I had to vent my spleen here.. :05:

Keep the lines tight fellas!

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Hi folks,

Got up at 3am this morning and went to my favourite fishing spot in south Sydney.

Was just before 4am, and another 5 minutes later another couple arrived. I was surprised how keen anglers are these days :)

OK, geared up the 12 footer with pilly and float, and off they went to the water.

At the same time I was casting :thumbup: .

Another half an hour later another guy arrived, then started casting with a chromie.

On second cast he hooked a kingfish, he was swearing and cursing at other aglers and their rods while fighting his fish :ranting2: .

OK, fair enough... a dude was casting while he was fighting his fish. But, was it necessary to curse and swear??

Took him a few minutes to land his kingfish and everyone congratulated him.. the person he swore at didn't have hard feeling.... Good!

Another couple turned up at the spot soon. One of them walked to the rock edge and yelled "whose rod is this?", I said it was mine.

He then replied "no fix rod here!!", I told him that I would remove it to make some room for him after retrieving my

last cast. Without asking for permission, he then removed my rod from the rock hole and chucked it on the ground. I hope he didn't scratch my new Shimano baitrunner.

I was so pissed, but I wasn't getting aggresive. I then asked him when did the rule of having no fixed rod start? He didn't answer.

I would not mind removing my 12 footer to make room. At the end of the day, I knew what it feels like getting up early and

sneaking out to have some fun with fishing, but having no room to fish at the spot.

I have been fishing at the same spot for almost 10 years, and so far so happy. I met other anglers who became good

mates and we fish together, share tips and have drinks in the pub after fishing. I hope this rude person did not have any discriminative motive

over his ack. I have never met this couple at the spot before. I was thinking to myself at that time, was it worth an argument or even a fight? I then threw a few more casts, but I couldn't enjoy my fishing further after the incident. I packed up and went home. :1badmood:

I feel sorry for people who have been or would be this guy's abuse victims.

I hope through this, we can learn how to share the fun of fishing. Even on a tight spot (good spot is never big enough).

Sorry guys, I had to vent my spleen here.. :05:

Keep the lines tight fellas!

Well all I can say is your more forgiving than I would have been.

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You weren't fishing in "gods country" aka Sutherland Shire were you? if so that would explain some of the attitude from some locals. Same thing goes when surfing down there, you get on a wave and a local has it you best get off it or look out, the natives get restless haha.

But seriously, for someone to have an attitude like that and touch another persons gear is disgusting. It's a shame there's fishos like that around, maybe he sould've gone back home and got out of the right side of the bed.

My solution, cast across him and tangle him up, cut line and go home and leave him to fix the mess of line :1prop:

And as Rick said, being forgiving i sure as hell would not have been, he and his gear would've gone for a swim if he'd touched my stuff.

Edited by Fezza
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A quiet word is all that is usually required, there's no need for any fisho (or any human) to be rude and abrupt, and to simply remove ones rod from a fixed position is a big NO NO! I would have gone ballistic on more ways than one if someone slammed my gear onto the rocks in such a fashion :ranting2:

... just down right disrespectful some people are... I completely understand how something like that turns a great morning enjoying some quiet time and a quiet flick into a bad mood... One day that person will do it to the wrong person and they wil get more than they ever bargained far... I like to call it karma... what goes around comes around...

Sadly though I cannot offer advice but I cam completely empathize with the situation.

I sincerely hope it doesnt happen again, but I suspect this person is "just like that" and will continue to behave is such a manner till they are put in their place... hopefully sooner rather than later.



Edited by wannabefisho
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There are rude people everywhere... Just yesterday an 80ish old woman delivered a spectacular display of rudeness. She really spoiled the high I was one after bagging my PB flatty.

I have to park my boat down the road from my house because I live in an apartment and there's no on-street parking in my cul-de-sac.

When parking my tinny yesterday an extremely old women with coke-bottle glasses came running (hobbling) out of her house hurling abuse because my tinny which is parked on the opposite side of the road from her house, was apparently making it hard for her to get her car out onto the busy street. Keep in mind that a stacer 469 isn't that much bigger than a landcruiser, and the street is wide enough for me to do a full u-turn when there is no traffic.

I decided to be the better person and hooked the boat back up so I could move it a little further down the road. I knocked on her door and asked if this was more to her liking. She continued to lecture me, and I ended up leaving with a very bad taste in my mouth.

A quiet word is all that is usually required, there's no need for any fisho (or any human) to be rude and abrupt....

I fully agree with Wannabefisho

Instead of just having a quiet word to me and asking me to moved it 20metres down the road to where it was in between driveways, she just started hurling abuse. I'm a very thoughtful and courteous person by nature.

I was offended and angry and now have concerns for the safety of my tinny, as she repeatedly told me she was "going to do something about it", and nothing scares me more than angry old people with too much time on their hands.

I'm currently looking for somewhere to move so i can house it properly.

No offence, but if you're that old that you can't get your car out onto a busy and wide street, put the safety of others first and hand your license back in. Older people are forever whinging about the youth of today having no respect for fellow men and women... I think it's about time some people started looking at the example they are setting.

Tight lines.

Rant complete. :ranting2::1badmood:

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Hi folks,

Got up at 3am this morning and went to my favourite fishing spot in south Sydney.

Was just before 4am, and another 5 minutes later another couple arrived. I was surprised how keen anglers are these days :)

OK, geared up the 12 footer with pilly and float, and off they went to the water.

At the same time I was casting :thumbup: .

Another half an hour later another guy arrived, then started casting with a chromie.

On second cast he hooked a kingfish, he was swearing and cursing at other aglers and their rods while fighting his fish :ranting2: .

OK, fair enough... a dude was casting while he was fighting his fish. But, was it necessary to curse and swear??

Took him a few minutes to land his kingfish and everyone congratulated him.. the person he swore at didn't have hard feeling.... Good!

Another couple turned up at the spot soon. One of them walked to the rock edge and yelled "whose rod is this?", I said it was mine.

He then replied "no fix rod here!!", I told him that I would remove it to make some room for him after retrieving my

last cast. Without asking for permission, he then removed my rod from the rock hole and chucked it on the ground. I hope he didn't scratch my new Shimano baitrunner.

I was so pissed, but I wasn't getting aggresive. I then asked him when did the rule of having no fixed rod start? He didn't answer.

I would not mind removing my 12 footer to make room. At the end of the day, I knew what it feels like getting up early and

sneaking out to have some fun with fishing, but having no room to fish at the spot.

I have been fishing at the same spot for almost 10 years, and so far so happy. I met other anglers who became good

mates and we fish together, share tips and have drinks in the pub after fishing. I hope this rude person did not have any discriminative motive

over his ack. I have never met this couple at the spot before. I was thinking to myself at that time, was it worth an argument or even a fight? I then threw a few more casts, but I couldn't enjoy my fishing further after the incident. I packed up and went home. :1badmood:

I feel sorry for people who have been or would be this guy's abuse victims.

I hope through this, we can learn how to share the fun of fishing. Even on a tight spot (good spot is never big enough).

Sorry guys, I had to vent my spleen here.. :05:

Keep the lines tight fellas!

Hi Fish2day,

Touching someone rod without owner's permission is totally unacceptable. We should get rid of this bustard. I have a suggestion so next time if u meet the rude fella again, try to take photo of him and pin the pix on this web site so every member of fishraider will recognise him and probably do something for u. If he is one of the fishraider member, then Admin should get rid of him and put him to the noticeboard. Probably u won't see him in sydney foreshore for the next couple of years.

Cheers, Phil

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Hi Macmac, only problem with posting his picture and defaming him on here would be the legal ramifications if him or someone that knows him seen it, could see the defamation suit now.

Unfortunately you can't "name & shame" as such on a forum like this but would be good idea if it was perfectly legal.

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Big Big NO NO in my books.

You got there at 4am and as far as i'm concerned the spot was yours. Fair enough to share but to move your rod and throw it on the ground when he got there after you, well......

Your deffinately much more patient than me. I would have been extremely upset with the person most likely have asked him to leave and not to fish within my personal space of 10m from that time on, and all his mates if he had them there.

As you can see i have a thing about people touching my gear without asking............. :ranting2:

Then again i can understand your non confrontational aproach and i do commend you for accepting this idiot for what he is. good lcuk with your fishing mate :1fishing1:

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If that was me I would of been raging. Definetly let no one touch my gear. Perhaps I would of done the same thing to him. Waitied till he fixed his rod to the ground and then said " no fix rod here" and pick it up and throw it in the water. haha jks.. But you kept your cool.. which is very admiring.. I can say that not many ppl here would of reacted the same way as you did. So good on you for staying calm.

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You're a tolerant bloke, good of you to lead by example like that. In the short space of time I've been fishing (properly) I've only had positive experiences with fellow fishos. Whenever I've got a reel in my hand people want to come and chat about what's on the bite, the size of the flatty/jewie/kingy they pulled out of the same waterways in the past.. admittedly I don't tend to fish crowded spots but I'm lucky in that respect. Certainly not worth getting aggressive over.



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I share your anguish. We have the same when fishing for blackfish off the rocks. A couple of these spots really only fish 3 and if you're all mates that's fine. It's when others see you catching fish and think nothing of getting onto the same ledge that really annoys me. We've been there for an hour or so, got the berley going and into the fish when this happens. There is nothing worse that landing a fish, go back and put him in the swimmer, you turn around and two a...holes are now standing on your rock. As i'm getting older and crankier, I let them know in no uncertain terms. Sometimes they just don't think. My favourite saying to these clowns is " Gee, that's the problem with Australia, NOT ENOUGH XXXXING COASTLINE! "


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The generation today have certainly mellowed.

Anybody cast our gear aside,we would have put it right

straight away.

when we walked away the idiot would have had his top

teeth sticking out through his lips.

Touching or removing another blokes gear is taboo.

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Good on you

you are a gentleman in the true meaning of the word.

Back in the 80s we had a few run ins with rude buggas like that and knives got pulled and some blokes went for a swim off the spit bridge...

we were chickens and they had the knives!

Best bet is to keep your cool and remember.....

God did a deal with the human race...

any time you spend fishing for fun he won't take off your alloted life span.

This is a sport, relax and enjoy it, only get pissed off with your mates, anyone you don't know doesn't count!

Silly bugger will get his just deserts..... God will arrange for his favourite lure to get snagged or his PB fish to get off just before he lands it!

Keep it up mate and love your fishing.



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:thumbdown::1fishing1: suposed to be fun i thought, but u r alot calmer than me cause that person would've paid for that dearly if it was my fishin gear he touch, it would've been on for young & old;; my rules r if it ain't yours u dont touch & first in best dressed. i normaly fish early to get a good spot to enjoy myself;;;; he got very lightly i rekon

cheers john

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If I wasn't thinking that I only fish just for fun, it would have been a fight.

Either him or me in the water, or maybe one or both will be gone after falling into the water.

Thanks to all your good words guys, I really hope this rude person will see his day when someone sorts him out.




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