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It's Been A While ...


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G'Day all

Many times on this forum we have discussed the plethora of variables that can have an effect on fish activity. Moon phase, tidal movement, lighting, wind velocity and direction, water clarity and availability of bait are just some of the naturally occurring obstacles facing fishos whenever they hit the water. For me though, one of the most crippling is a lack of water temp, particularly when fishing lake or estuary systems. Bait becomes scarce, fish become dormant or reluctant to feed actively, and quite often the majority of the fish concentrate in specific and elusive locations.

Our waterway has suffered under cold water constraints for a couple of months now. The usual run of cold water fish such as big bream, tailor and salmon did not venture through the entrance in the numbers or consistency that they have in the past, and the quality and quantity of flathead diminished significantly. Here are a couple of the highlights during that period:

My daughter’s boyfriend holding a 70+ cm fish I coaxed out of a rocky ledge whilst fishing the upper river land based. It was the only fish of the day.

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Two days later and we managed to catch five fish in the lake. This was the best of them

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Four weeks ago, I took my mate Scott in search of a fish of similar quality. Luck prevailed on the day and Scott landed a new PB of 79cm …. The best of only 2 fish.

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Three weeks ago we discovered good numbers of tailor had finally arrived in the lake. 12a gold Bombers and Frenzy Poppers accounted for many fish, with some of the better ones measuring in at 60+ cm. The surprise addition was a 62cm flatty taking the briskly retrieved gold bomber. Unfortunately the weather was pretty ordinary during this period and I left my camera at home for fear of it getting wet (I really should look into Wacko’s suggestion for a water-proof camera :wacko: )

Lately, Dene has returned to the dark side and had a couple of successful sessions on the blackies and the gars. It’s a well known fact that Dene has difficulty in multi-tasking, hence there is no photos from his sessions either! :074:

Now the good news ...

It seems the bass have decided to announce their presence by brutalising spinnerbaits, soft plastics, flies, hardbodies … basically nothing is safe. Fellow Raider and mate Nick Toozoff has been having bumper sessions on his secluded little waterway (be sure to check out his reports) and Dene and I have had success on the bass and Ep’s as well. Here are a couple of photos of the better fish from Monday:

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Dene's new Pb of 44cm (Congrats mate :thumbup: )

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It appears the fish may be awakening from their slumber. :yahoo: Good activity amongst the leases, a profusion of bait in the shallows and on the sounder, a water temp that has staggered its way to a balmy 17 degrees, prawns running in good numbers, the wind finally abating, and the unmistakable ‘kiss’ of prawns being plucked from the surface are all promising indications for a prosperous Summer.Time now to checks hooks on surface lures, dig out the beetle-spinners and drag ourselves out of bed a bit earlier :biggrin2:

Best of luck on the water, Raiders



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Ha Ha Hodgey - a slow day for you is usually a pretty good day for some of us mere mortals.

Those are really good looking bass there.

You must be itching for the topwater action to start eh? Have you got some of the new lures to try out from Berkley this time as well? Look forward to reports in future ...

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Your're right, it has been a while. There are some great fish there considering it's a "slow patch" Skip. :thumbup:

As usual those flatties are crackers. Those 60cm+ tailor must have put up a great fight! Good to see Dene with a new pb bass too. :thumbup:

You've got to get a waterproof camera Skip. Considering the quality of the fish you usually catch, it's a crime not being able to see a photo of them because you can't get the camera wet.

Ripper report "summary" and top photos! :thumbup:



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Hi Hodgey, some nice lizards there mate and very respectable bass. I know most bass fishers only use lures but have you tried curl grubs? I get into trouble with the boys when I turn up with some for a bass session but I find not only will they take them when the lures are not being looked at but also I find when they take the grub they seem to fight better!

Regards Jeff

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Thanks for the replies folks :D

pmak: Yep, after reading Mako's reports recently I went out and purchased a couple of popdogs. I'm champing at the bit to get them wet!

Jeff: I haven't usued the curl grubs but I'm always keen to give something new a try, especially if it means salvaging an otherwise fishless trip. Thanks for the suggestion ;)



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Mate good to see you've been getting out even if in so you say 'difficult conditions'.....some honker bass there mate, they didn't come out of Tuross though me thinks....hope the water warms over the next few weeks and the resident blue noses start showing up in tiger country...its been a tough couple of years for you guys....

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