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Latest Reef Trip


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G'Day guys,

It been a while since I have hit the reef up. Work, weather, other commitments bla bla bla. I'm sure you guys all know how it can get. But had a great reef trip a few weeks ago. Headed out to some of our fav reef about 35mile from Mackay. Had a great couple of days. Aming the fish caught were, red emperor, sweetlip, maori cod, parrot, hussar. Caught my P.B Trout too...7.4kgs

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Sounds like a great trip Jimmy10.

Congratulations on the 7.4kg pb coral trout! Great fish! :thumbup:

Excuse my ignorance, but I thought that eating big coral trout can be dangerous because they may have toxins in them, ... and yours certainly looks like a 'big one'.



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what a huge fish! must of had an epic time! great job! :1worthy: :1worthy: :1worthy: :1worthy:

were you bottom bashing?

Sounds like a great trip Jimmy10.

Congratulations on the 7.4kg pb coral trout! Great fish! :thumbup:

Excuse my ignorance, but I thought that eating big coral trout can be dangerous because they may have toxins in them, ... and yours certainly looks like a 'big one'.



Thanks "blackfishfishing". Yeh we were bottom bashing out on the reef. Great way too fish. Sinker on the bottom and 2 droppers coming off. Often get double headers but usually of smaller fish though. I tell ya what, those trouit really do hammer and try and get you back into the reef as fast as they can. You really have to turn them fast or they will bury you. After you get them off the bottom, they come up like a big dead weight.

Hey Peter. yeh mate you are right. Big coral trout have been often known to contain ciguatera toxin. Trout get massive though. This guy was definitely large and i probably wouldnt eat them much bigger than this fella. A trout of 10+ kilo's i would seriously not consider eating, but damn it would be hard to put it back haha. So, yeh mate you are right on the money with your suspicion but I recon he will be ok. We have eater part of hgim and no side effect syet haha.

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Yes you are right you would have to be unlucky like my wife and I 2years ago on our honeymoon in fiji caught a pigeon pair of coral trout at 6kg nice fish got the chef to cook them up and within 4 hours had cigutera one of the worst feelings you could ever have and as there is no cure for it just felt like you were in he'll.so that done it for me to this day will never touch another trout as long as I live which is a shame cause they are one of the best eating fish .it just goes to show you never can be to shure

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Cheers lad, appreciate it...Was very very happy with this big fella. Not sure if anyone knows why the larger ones tend to get black blotches on them? is it from them rubbing that spot on coral? Would love to hear from anyone in the know?

Cheers aye , Jimmy

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Hi jimmy ,

There are so many variations to Coral trout but the ones with the dark markings are common coral trout . Any trout over 80cm are to be released due to upper size limit and i certainly would not be eating any trout over 70cm as cigutera is to much of a risk . There are no standard colours as i have seen them cross breed between themselves . Have a look at this link .


cheers Dogtooth..... :1fishing1: John..... :beersmile:

Edited by dogtooth
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