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Mixed Bag On The Georges


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Hit the Bridge on the lower Georges this morning to catch the top of the tide. Had an action packed 10 minutes with a small jew, an octopus and a nice flatty all coming aboard the kayak from the same drift on live poddies. On the turn of the tide, I trolled HBs for another flatty , a tailor and a squid. All good timing as I'm making a seafood paella for the family this arvo! It was a very busy morning on the water with plenty of cowboys nearly swamping me in a 4knot zone. I'm still swaying now!

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Well done Rob - terrific mixed bag. I am looking forward to getting back into a bit more 'on the water time' next year!! In the mean time, I hope to harass some fish over Mandurah way! The Perth Boys are bringing a couple of yaks down for Keith & I to hit the estuary in! :biggrin2:

When I get back, I MUST try poddies!! Ever since Mallacoota Pete showed me how to get the livies & how to hook them ...... I've been meaning to give it a go up here!! keep ending up using sps & hbs tho! :wacko:

With the silly season almost upon us, livies could be the go!



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Well done Rob - terrific mixed bag. I am looking forward to getting back into a bit more 'on the water time' next year!! In the mean time, I hope to harass some fish over Mandurah way! The Perth Boys are bringing a couple of yaks down for Keith & I to hit the estuary in! :biggrin2:

When I get back, I MUST try poddies!! Ever since Mallacoota Pete showed me how to get the livies & how to hook them ...... I've been meaning to give it a go up here!! keep ending up using sps & hbs tho! :wacko:

With the silly season almost upon us, livies could be the go!




Livies are a fun way to fish albeit a little time consuming but I take my 6yo son along for the bait collection. My brother is in WA atm with his wife on a road trip. He's no fisho though! Hope you get some kayak action over there and tell some tales!

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