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Hervey Bay


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Gday Raiders ,

Been up Hervey bay since Saturday and wind has been blowing 20knots gusting to 30 all week, raining and overcast!

Havent been able to get the boat out for a fish which is dissapointing but you get that !

this morning finally looking good so up at 430, packed the boat and backed the car in towards the boat.

Only problem its hard to hook your boat up when some %%%%% has stolen your towbar during the night.

for the 10 bucks theyd get for it at a scrap yard its caused us a heap of drama.

Just needed to vent boys and girls as im going to lose it ! hope we can find a replacement and ill post about

something happier.

Hope everyone else is catching plenty !



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Gday Raiders ,

Been up Hervey bay since Saturday and wind has been blowing 20knots gusting to 30 all week, raining and overcast!

Havent been able to get the boat out for a fish which is dissapointing but you get that !

this morning finally looking good so up at 430, packed the boat and backed the car in towards the boat.

Only problem its hard to hook your boat up when some %%%%% has stolen your towbar during the night.

for the 10 bucks theyd get for it at a scrap yard its caused us a heap of drama.

Just needed to vent boys and girls as im going to lose it ! hope we can find a replacement and ill post about

something happier.

Hope everyone else is catching plenty !



Bloody idiots..... well i hope you get yourself sorted soon!

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hey there Morgs, if its a hayman i have a couple spare in the garage here if u want one, & yes there r some low lifes in our world today its crazy cause u would only get about $2.00 for scrap metal ,,

cheers john

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hey there Morgs, if its a hayman i have a couple spare in the garage here if u want one, & yes there r some low lifes in our world today its crazy cause u would only get about $2.00 for scrap metal ,,

cheers john

thats sux mate! maye they have the same car and needed a tow bar? which could narrow it down for u 2 find the Pr!cks! u wouldnt bother scraping it when steel is 70$ per ton atm

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Yeah they took out the gooseneck , found a place that sorted us out with a new one for about 70 bucks.

its not the money just a pest to replace. and for only a couple of bucks... would love to find them but i reckon they saw the NSW plates on the car and if they are going to use it they will just wait a few weeks and we'll be gone.

i hope they choke on there cask of goon they get for scrapping it!.

Thanks for the offer John, really appreciate it mate but just had to get it sorted ASAP to go wet those lines :)

Wind is still pretty nasty up here, hoping for 10 -15 knots tommorow to at least have a decent crack at it before we go



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You can buy a lockable pin to replace the one that is held in by an R pin to help stop those lowlifes pinching your gooseneck. They cost about $25 from S.....eap (and probably many other car accessory places). Don't know how thief proof they are but better than nothing I think.


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Morgs, I solved this problem a long time ago - I got an old inner tube from a small motor bike and stretched a piece of it over the gooseneck that slides into the slot - basically giving the gooseneck a rubber coating - it does 2 things. Firstly it makes it almost impossible to remove just with your hands, and secondly it stops any rattle that you get while towing.

Had to coat it in WD40 or the like to get it to slide (bash)in (Maybe Vaseline, can't remember).

Worked for me.


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