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Another Epic Failure


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Hello Fellow Angler,

Im in strugle town at the moment .. having a real hard time locating Yakkas ! I dock off at drummonye and worked my way up to rose bay ... and NOTHING ! I have a pretty basic sounder which doesnt make things any easier.

any hints for this newbie ?

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Rose Bay Wharf has never failed me, Touch wood. Little bit of burley gets them into a feeding frenzy. I tend not to use a sinker just a tiny bit of pilchard on a very small hook left to slowly sink, usually catch about 15 in as many mintues.

Good luck.

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Some of the other Raiders were kind enough to help me with the same issue some months ago. Try off Shark Island, following the line of the effluent pipes to where the weed and sand meet. Use a handline with Sabiki hooks. Minimal bait. Throw plenty of burley and bait the hooks with pilchard / chicken thigh / etc. Works every time early in the morning. Much tougher in the full light of day. If you see a blue boat with outriggers please move over and give me some room. Good luck

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First time poster, hello all.

I don't boat fish only land based, but never had a prob with yakkas. Find any structure, point, island, wharf but stay in the same spot for at least an hour and burly a little every 20 minutes, but only a little. The yakkas will come. I find the best way to catch yakkas when they arrive are with small bits of bread squashed and rolled so its like a dough or smill bits if pillies. No sinker just a small hook and jerk small jerks until they practically jump on the hook but get them in quick because they have a habit of jumping off the hooks ;)

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Here's the thread from when I asked the same question earlier in the year


But remember, Yakkas is only the beginning of the challenge. My son and I can land 20 yakkas in 30 mins, but can we catch a kingie ....... can we hell ....... more frustration awaits !

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Rose Bay Wharf has never failed me, Touch wood. Little bit of burley gets them into a feeding frenzy. I tend not to use a sinker just a tiny bit of pilchard on a very small hook left to slowly sink, usually catch about 15 in as many mintues.

Good luck.

i will second that. rose bay do have lots of yakkas! it is a good place.

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Structure +

Burley +

Bait small hooks small bait

= Yakkas

If you are using bait jigs, add a bit of bait

If you want a lesson, go down to Walsh Bay Wharf and watch the islander families do it (no racism intended). They always come back with bucket loads.

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