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Stonker at the Georges PART II


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I have something to add to this...

SQUIDIN has been taking me out of late also.

He is a great fisho.

Sleepless weeks and knowledge of pretty much any type of fishing using anything from sp's to live baiting.

Unfortunately havent been able to land a jewie, but have learnt HEAPS in the process. With him I have seen two massive bust off's.

Congrats Rafinx

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Hey guys,

This is the kind of website that people flock to.

It attracts the right kind of people who are really nice and down-to-earth.

They are willing to divulge some information and even accompany others on trips to get them to enjoy the thrills of fishing.

I have unbounded respect and admiration for people like Moe (and a number of other people on this site) who put in the effort.

They really deserve the Mentor badge. It should be held in the highest regard when people read posts from members who have this badge.

Well done Moe for doing this for Rafnix and Sara.

That jew will be very special for them, but not as apecial as the friendship that has just been born.


PS - Any way we can get a photo of the star sinker, sliding snell / glow bead rig? :1worthy:

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Yeah sure just give me a bit of time and ill happily make a post for it, and thanks guys for all the wonderful posts, its great to see such a community get so involved with each other. thanks again. Mate i want the largest jewwie you can find, but im sure every person wants the same as me

Edited by Rafinx
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post-16019-090330500 1294647994_thumb.jpgThere you go, the sinker is on some plastic/ metal clip that ran off the braid and slides up and down. hope that helps. oh guys i know the pictures are large when you click on them, but if you look around the bottom right of the page there is a magnifyer glass with a plus symble, click the arrow on the right to resize it, and then to get it back to size just click the % and it will go back to 100% Edited by Rafinx
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Hi guys im Carl's (Rafinx) girlfriend, I just wanted to say thanks to every one, except I was the one asleep in the car, only to be woken up with a big ugly fishes head near mine. Hopefully tho, he will get me onto one soon enough. happy new year all. -Sara

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