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batemans bay


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gday raiders, I just got back from a weeks camping at batemans bay with my girlfriend her daughter and 3 friends and her son and 4 mates. We all had a great time but unfortunately the fishing was pretty ordinary. The locals told me that they recieved a lot of rain in december and it put the fish off the bite and it still hadn't recovered properly in the time we were there, 2of the girls managed a 32cm flathead and a small salmon of the rock wall at the end of corrigans beach and 2 of the boys got a just keeper bream each and the other boy got a 62cm flathead one night from the boat with me, I only managed 1 keeper the entire week but at least it was a good fish. On our 3rd night I decided to have a go for a jew at the bridge and after catching some livies ( the only thing that was easy to catch all week) I anchored under the bridge out of the rain and settled down to wait for a jew. On the top of the tide the rain had stopped and the boat slowly swung around to face the opposite direction when i noticed one of the rods with a fillet on it bend over from the weight of a fish I picked the rod up from the rod holder and struck, there was instant heavy weight for a second and the line snapped!! damn! I wound in the line and was sitting pondering what had just gone wrong when the other rod with a live yakka bent over I picked it up and struck and several minutes later I landed this beauty.

18lbs of beautiful silver!


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Hey Pete,

I was wondering what you were up to lately. I see you got a nice jew there mate. I like them at that size. I am due to start fishing again now that it is getting less busy on the water. Had to bloody work through christmas then we wrote the car off etc. Glad the end of year break is over as it was average. You look like you had a better one than me. See you soon.


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Hey Pete,

I was wondering what you were up to lately. I see you got a nice jew there mate. I like them at that size. I am due to start fishing again now that it is getting less busy on the water. Had to bloody work through christmas then we wrote the car off etc. Glad the end of year break is over as it was average. You look like you had a better one than me. See you soon.


gday mike sorry to hear you had such a sh*ty christmas new year lets hope 2011 is much kinder! hope no one was hurt when you wrote off the car.


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Sounds like there's alot of water between fish, but that jew is a beauty.

Well done Pete, you put in the time, you get rewarded

gday pete,

mate your right there was a lot of water in between fish but catching one that size makes it worth the effort.


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Talk about turning a relatively fishless holiday into a huge success!!!! Great story and enjoy dining out on it for many years to come!!

thanks rob, the neighbouring campers were thrilled to see someone catch a big fish and made me parade it around to show all the kids!!

we ate it the next night - it feed all nine of us with some left over - yum!


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