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Disgraceful fisher attitudes off sydney


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Good morning all,

I would like to discuss a few issues on the water that have happened to a close friend over the past week.He is a commercial fisher! That means he is self employed , pays taxes , boat rego & ins , hefty liscence fees and every other cost associated with running a small business just like many others.He is on call to work 365 days per year like most primary producers so its hard work to say the least.

Several days ago[out only by chance] whilst checking traps near a southern syd reef system he noticed an upturned boat in the breakers with some people in the water. Without hesitation he & his decky raced into the surf and picked up the dad and a few children , some of who were not wearing life jackets.This was a windy day with no one around so what if he wasnt there?? . On notifying the police they asked him to bring them in to sans souci as it would be longer for them to get there. So off they transported these lucky people many many kilometers to safety. Twenty kilometers and a few hours later they are back to work end of story!

A week later he is fishing at a reef system we have fished consistently for over 20 years. This reef is now absolutely infested with boats thanks to a particular article in a magazine. Whilst fishing between the boats there with one line and the utmost care not to effect others [as he has every right to do] there comes a police launch charging towards him. They pull up and ask what he is doing and he explains " im an LFB just doing my work!" . The police obviously p---ed off at the clown among the flotilla who called them to report some "illigal activity" kindly offer an apology and go on their way.A great morning out off sydney!

A day later he is fishing another random spot.There is only ONE boat drift fishing near by with soft plastics so no impact what so ever on the other boat and he gets yelled at to ---- off you so and so etc etc. Another great morning off sydney.

Now this tirade of abuse is not restricted to pro fishers either.Whilst trolling the north head of botany bay on a sunday afternoon a few months ago with my girlfriend i experienced some lovelly verbals from a crew of rednecks with no idea what so ever. We were trolling up and down catching bonito with no one in sight when along comes the ship of fools trolling towards me. They decide to cut inside and guess what? Both diving lures caught on the secret little bommie i was going around the outside of.Now this was obviously my fault and we were rightly abused for putting that rock there and not telling them.If it were a busy day on the water i would never have bothered responding but as the ocean was empty and we were the only two boats for miles & miles i couldnt help myself from letting them know how careless they had been and if they had any idea at all they would have known what lurks there.

Im sure these are not isolated incidents and would encourage people not to assume they are the first person to fish a particular location or assume they have more rights to fish somewhere than others. You dont!

One day that could be you in that upturned boat washing against the rocks and if the guy who is travelling by chooses to be as ignorant as some of those listed above then who knows ??



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G'day Steve,

you're right these are not isolated incidents and it is not limited to recreational fishers. I have been in situations where I have seen commercial fishers riding roughshod over rec fishers, and been equally abusive. The problem is not limited to boaties either - you only have to go to any wharf in Sydney harbour to experience abuse and unpleasant behaviour. It is a sad reflection on the way society is today, and not limited to fishers, you can find it in a car park, in a pub, anywhere. Very very sad.

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I agree and feel your pain.

I was fishing off the rocks few weeks ago, a boat with 6 ~ 7 fisherman came right infront of me and gave me the finger. :ranting2:

I couldn't cast because they were just in my range.... They were shouting throwing going crazy. I had to pack up and leave.

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I agree and feel your pain.

I was fishing off the rocks few weeks ago, a boat with 6 ~ 7 fisherman came right infront of me and gave me the finger. :ranting2:

I couldn't cast because they were just in my range.... They were shouting throwing going crazy. I had to pack up and leave.

I reckon some casts landing VERY close to them with a decent lead on the end might have moved them on!! :yahoo:


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I was fishing a reef off Manly on the weekend and there must have been 8-10 boats fishing the one small patch of reef all navigating kindly around each other and leapfrogging in turns for a shot, two of the boats were obviously "locals" or "regulars" and I tried to spark up some friendly chat with one of them only be to told "This place was f****** fine until you c**** turned up, did you just see us here on your way out the heads and decide to come and f*** up our day?"

Needless to say, I gave him a mouthful and asked to see his record of ownership to this particular reef to which I copped another mouthful before some of the other boaters turned on this guy and eventually chased him off. They couldn't believe the nerve he had.

If you can't share, don't bother getting on the water, that's all I have to say.

As always "Who Shares Wins".

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I was fishing a reef off Manly on the weekend and there must have been 8-10 boats fishing the one small patch of reef all navigating kindly around each other and leapfrogging in turns for a shot, two of the boats were obviously "locals" or "regulars" and I tried to spark up some friendly chat with one of them only be to told "This place was f****** fine until you c**** turned up, did you just see us here on your way out the heads and decide to come and f*** up our day?"

Needless to say, I gave him a mouthful and asked to see his record of ownership to this particular reef to which I copped another mouthful before some of the other boaters turned on this guy and eventually chased him off. They couldn't believe the nerve he had.

If you can't share, don't bother getting on the water, that's all I have to say.

As always "Who Shares Wins".

Jeez - that is a pretty sad indictment about the calibre of some of the people out on the water. Sadly as Neil pointed out its pretty indicative of peoples attitudes right across society. I used to speak to a lot more people on the water but following a nasty incident with another boat keeping some undersize fish i now only speak to people when spoken to. Not worth the hassle when you consider there are #ickheads like the people you have outlined above who think they own "their" reefs.

If you are trying to keep a hot spot quiet don't bloody fish it at peak time otherwise gauranteed people will stop for a sticky beak!

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I am mainly land based, so alot of boating abuse I havent experienced, I believe that land base it depends on the spot, because I always spark up conversations with neighbouring fisho's with a simple, "are the fish biting today" or, "hows your fishing going", and not to mention I fish all hours of the night. and to my surprise they always seem friendly, I dunno maybe its just luck I havent found a jerk.

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Thats how it is around Sydney these days, No matter where you end up someone will come and stop near you thinking that all the fish are right under your boat, and if theres two boats anchored up , WELL! that like hot chips to a seagull , thats when everyone thinks that theres a school of fish in the area and they all end up in the one spot, but thats okay, what makes me angry is when they think that its okay to come and anchor up 10 meters away from you, makes it hard to cast a rod , lines can and do get tangled , and fish usually move on , but the worse part is having to lookout constantly in case someone crashes into you, really people its that bad and worse , watch out when your out there,

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Whats the legal anchoring distance from other anchored boats, as i was out on sat and we had some guys trying to anchor about 8-10 meter's behind us very annoying. At moli point.

Also where do some of these young hooligans get there licenses we have seen guys driving right through people anchored full speed sending us all tossing and turning almost falling out of our boat. Bloody ridiculous!!!!!

I swear they have no idea and they think they own the waters if you say something to them.


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I have only had one bad experience on the harbour when I was roundly abused by a tattoed, shirtless jerk, who was doing some kind of imitation of a human being, for running into a school of frigate mackeral when I was cruising slowly around the harbour and at least 80 metres from his boat. The fish just popped out of the water in front of me. He continued his rant for some time. My boat is a Quintrex Estuary Angler - "your not even an anglers arsehole, look at ya u in ya Columbia shirt" (best skin protection there is!) and on it went. I ignored him until it got the better of me and told him to pull his f'n head in. Eventually he started up and roared past about 5 metres away, trying to splash water into my boat.

In contrast, I met Jim77 a few years back when we were fishing near one another and we now converse quite regularly! I also had a fellow fisher come over and take some happy snaps of me with an 85 cm king that he had just watched me land on a 2-3 kg rated Shimano flickstick - perhaps my most meritorious capture. I really appreciated that. Another day a couple of fishos threw me some pink sluggos to try when those surface feeding kings were frustrating me big time. Just yesterday I was going to offer a fellow fisho and his son a couple of poppers to throw at the surface kings. Turns out they already had some.

I'm a bit like Jim though - I don't think it is worth getting involved in arguments about legal sized fish etc, especially if you are alone. Better to take the boat details and phone the water police and/or fisheries and let them do their job.

those idiots will get whats coming to them one day. As the old saying says - "what goes around comes around".

Before I go, I am a teacher of more than 30 years standing and I can confirm that community standards are well and truly reflected in our schools these days. The lack of basic respect for others I see and the language that I hear day in and day out, both boys and girls, must be a reflection of what they experience at home and/or on the idiot box. We certainly don't teach it to them!! :biggrin2:



Edited by kel
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Hi Everyone ,

I guess like road rage , boat rage is now taking its toll on the water as more and more boats are getting out each year . In the last couple of months i can list a couple of great ones like the guy in Botany Bay checking my crab trap on christmas eve :ranting2: Im sure he will never check another trap . The other guy trolling a lure so it ran under my boat on a jetski :ranting2: and complaining he lost his best lure . As for the water offshore as long as i have enough room to land fish whilst fishing well you are far enough from me . As for towing and helping people out on the water everyone should do this first as i have seen so many people drive past people broken down . . I know of a couple of guys that had there V sheet out on New years day and water police drove straight past .

The water is for all to share .

Cheers Dogtooth...... :1fishing1: John.... :beersmile:

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Oh the joys of living in a growing city of 4.5 million.

Now maybe you know why I walk in to remote places.

Unfortunately one of the associated "costs" of living in big cities is having to put up with selfish people- if not on the water, then on the roads, and the supermarket, etc.

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Hmmm be very very careful on the water people! Some people think they have right of way when they wouldnt know their left from their right. We have had some very close shaves, including collisions whilst at anchor by tools in another boat! And Im not talking about the mates on and off this site, who we dont mind if they pull alongside and hold up whilst they reset there downriggger if we are right on a particular mark.

Alot of people get gun ho after a few few, and or beers,,,,,, Just be wary


Edited by Dan and Greg
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i was at woy woy last weekend dand 3 drunk idiots keeped driving the boat in close 2 the warf and they were sayin stuff like stupid and i come from a lebanese backround iwas annoyed as most of my friends are all diffrent culture then the cops come 2 me and my mate 2 ask us if we have seen 3 idiots on a boat so ipointed them were they went i was getting ready to do something to these clowns but why should i stuff up my night for these idiots

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Ahh the joys of school holidays not long till there over.Maybe an eyesight test for a boat license would be a good idea.Dont know how many people

i have seen that thinks a 4 knot sign eqalls 40 mph.Slow down have respect for fellow water users and show some decency towards your fellow fishers

after all were all here for the same reason to catch a few and have some fun.


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Unfortunately, just like on the roads, if there aren't any police around there's a percentage of people who treat the rules as "optional" rather than "mandatory".

I just started a new job a few months ago and the only thing I don't like about it is the drive there and back. The number of people who think putting their blinker on gives them right of way regardless of whats going on around them is astounding.

I haven't had too very many noteworthy run-in's on the water yet, but I'm sure it's just a matter of time. I did get a mouthful from some yatchy who took exception to us using one of the public NPWS moorings in the Cowan Creek area while we ate dinner one evening. We paid him back by calmly watching him anchor his yacht and get settled in then dropped the mooring and left. He looked a little grumpy as we motored off.

Funny thing is if he'd asked nicely how long we were going to be, or offered to share it for a short while, I probably would have let him have it but his attitude ruined that for him.

As for kids, you are right Kel. I don't know whats going on with them. I was at a train station a couple of years ago and broke up a fight between two kids. One was easily twice the size of the other and when I suggested he find another way to deal with it rather than breaking the little kid I got a tirade of swear words and a smug toe-to-toe attitude like I could do nothing about it. I don't think I've ever had a ten year old try to stare me down before.

Personally I put it all down to a lack of consequences. Even if you call the police all they'll do is hand out a fine which most people don't seem to care about. Start very publicly confiscating the boats of repeat morons and peoples attitudes would change a bit I think.

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We have all had our share of bad experiences and I would ask that all of you show respect to others and hopefully stay out of trouble on our waterways.

Thanks for all the input.

Regards Admin

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