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Australia day rant.....


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Headed down to berowra today to launch the little boat that can only to find that quite a few of the car AND trailer spots were taken up by inconsiderate picnicers, resturaunt goes or just people in general who lack a BOAT TRAILER to park in the car AND TRAILER parking area. After sitting around watching about 10 other people circling the carpark looking for a spot for their car AND TRAILER after launching i decided to just up my gear and leave. I couldnt be bothered making the trip all the way down to boundary road and back up to brooklyn only to have the same problem.


I knew it was going to be busy and if the entire carpark was taken up by cars with boat trailers i wouldnt be so upset, it would be my own stupid fault for sleeping in an extra hour.

Im going to the pub to watch the Cricket, i hope everyone else has good holiday as i hope the next half of my day is much better than this morning.



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Pitty there isnt a fine system in place to stop people doing this, i bet if we parked our car & trailer in the wrong spot gawwwdd help us :ranting2:

I think 4 flat tyres & a nice note on those offenders who park in trailer sections would make them think twice :thumbup:

Edited by scaffsta
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Pitty there isnt a fine system in place to stop people doing this, i bet if we parked our car & trailer in the wrong spot gawwwdd help us :ranting2:

I think 4 flat tyres & a nice note on those offenders who park in trailer sections would make them think twice :thumbup:

Oh yeh, the parking cops would have had a field day. But of course when you need them they arent around.

The second part is tempting, but ods are the real cops would rock up just as i was doing it. :biggrin2:

....and of course neither I nor Fishraider endorse that kind of activity. ;)

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Headed down to berowra today to launch the little boat that can only to find that quite a few of the car AND trailer spots were taken up by inconsiderate picnicers, resturaunt goes or just people in general who lack a BOAT TRAILER to park in the car AND TRAILER parking area. After sitting around watching about 10 other people circling the carpark looking for a spot for their car AND TRAILER after launching i decided to just up my gear and leave. I couldnt be bothered making the trip all the way down to boundary road and back up to brooklyn only to have the same problem.


I knew it was going to be busy and if the entire carpark was taken up by cars with boat trailers i wouldnt be so upset, it would be my own stupid fault for sleeping in an extra hour.

Im going to the pub to watch the Cricket, i hope everyone else has good holiday as i hope the next half of my day is much better than this morning.



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A similar situation existed at Tunks Park last year. That time it was trailer sailers and a car trailer parked in the spots reserved for boats and left for weeks on end. An email to North Sydney Council, which was dutifully followed up by one of the Green Party councillors, resulted in new signage and the trailers were not there when I last used the ramp. Maybe you should follow up with a complaint to Hornsby Council.


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I dont get out as much as i'd like these days.

I only tend to venture out through the week as I cannot handle dealing with

inconsiderate people who think its their god given right to make my life a misery.

Generally I find most fishers afford each other the consideration of the situation.

I have even stopped having a kayak fish in iron cove because it just becomes too hard and I don't need the grief from rowers and selfish dog owners.

Sad but true

Off to the pub to talk about fishing, may get out for a charter on saturday.

Edited by Austwave
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mate, the general rule is stay away from it. especially in sydney!!!!

just think, the day after the fish will be on the bite and ready to go

p.s. = generalisation, i am from syd and know there are "considerate" people around, they are simply outweighed ;)

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It happend to me at Tom uglies bridge, next time it happens, i will inform proper authority of the situation, and help a young rookie cop make his quota. or in a year being able to do it myself, when ive finished my degree in policing.

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If you ever go to Berowra on a Saturday and arive Midday you have to be lucky to find a car park for your trailer. They are all taken up by cars and no trailers. You eaither have to go early, or arrive late to find a spot, forget midday. Sucks. I understand your frustration as I go to the ramp 90% of my time.

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I can feel your frustration from here!! :1yikes: Unfortunately, it happens everywhere - even when we are travelling in our campervan with trailer & stop at a Maccas etc that HAS 'car & trailer' parking - only to find singular cars parked there - we just have to keep driving until we can find somewhere we can park with the trailer.

Up here in Forster, we actually find the OPPOSITE happens :wacko: - there are HEAPS of car & trailer parking spaces at the marina/boat harbour here ..... but only limited CAR ONLY spaces!! Probably upwards of 60 car & trailer parks, but only about 12-15 car ONLY spaces ...... so when a car & trailer takes up 3 'car' spaces, it really :1badmood::ranting2: me off too!!! I believe that it should say 'Car ONLY - No Trailers'!

Very annoying, no matter which side you look at it from!! :mad3:


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