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GregL update of late


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G'day Raiders

Been very quiet on the fishing front for me. With unit renovations in there final stages(last bathroom) and going back to work after a few months break it's been pretty hetic so the fishing has suffered. Out chasing marlins off NEXT has been very hit and miss of late but we have managed a couple of fish for the season so far.

Heres a pic of RichP with his first ever marlin from last month and his first ever dollie.

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A couple of weeks back I went out and bought a Hobie Pro Angler yak from Monavale Sail who deliviered it the very next day of the inital phone call, great service!

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I bought the yak out of desperation. Living on the river I'm lucky enough to be able to have a fish out the back near every day. I usually score a fish or 2 per half hour sessions and the best has been 18 fish for 2 people in an hour and a half ALL ON SURFACE LURES :thumbup: Mostly bream and whitting....

Now with the weather cooling I started to look for other river options and to stretch further afeild beyond the local park. The yak is the ansawer as I can't fit a boat down my driveway and into the garage.

So far so good. Very comfy and the longest session so far was 5hours and I didn't feel any pain the next day. Back was good and ya can even stand up on it when nature calls :biggrin2:

Here are a couple of nice bream I caught yesturday while I was waiting for my TV to be delivered.

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I was only thinking last week that I hadn't seen many reports from you lately Greg. Now I understand why, work, renovations etc. Great to see you put up a report again.

Your mate Rich has a big grin in those photos. No wonder, his first marlin and dollie! :thumbup:

I'm looking forward to a few yak reports from you.

You sure are lucky living on the water, but at least you're taking advantage of it. Some nice bream there. And great photos too! :thumbup:



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Hey Greg - back to breaming eh? I'm still trying to learn the dark art. The Pro Angler looks the goods - seems like a very quick option to get down to the water where you are.

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greg your one lucky b@$tard living where u live ! mate that yak is the absolute best invesment u made for your "backyard" fishing. im looking at selling the hornet soon (buying a house). if you dont mind can you let me know what its like to fish from a yak comfort wise ? im a big fella at 6.1" and 105kg sometimes the hornet feels to small so im a little worried about getting around in a yak.

p.s great fish.

cheers hamerz.

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Ta all

Yeah the yak is the new "thing" in my bag of tricks. Awesome fun till ya get caught up the back end of Iron Cove when the rains came on Saturday. The city white'd out n by the time I got under Iron Cove Bridge I couldn't even see Burken Head Marina sitting there in my wet jocks! Smashed some nice bream again but way to wet to pull the camera out.

greg your one lucky b@$tard living where u live ! mate that yak is the absolute best invesment u made for your "backyard" fishing. im looking at selling the hornet soon (buying a house). if you dont mind can you let me know what its like to fish from a yak comfort wise ? im a big fella at 6.1" and 105kg sometimes the hornet feels to small so im a little worried about getting around in a yak.

p.s great fish.

cheers hamerz.

Hey Ham

The yak is rated to 272kgs so no problems there. I have a pretty average back and I never thought I could do the yak thing but the seat is very comfortable and to be able to stand up for a stretch is gold! Saturday I was in it again for 4.5hours and got out of it fine, I could have kept going but the rain was getting to me by then. I'm not fit at all, a smoker and a total non jogger, Iron Cove and back has to be 5kms but with fishing breaking the trip up I hardly even get burning legs well unless ya trying to beat the rain to the bridge!


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Woohoo!!!! you won't go back to your boat for a while, methinks, Greg!! :biggrin2: Congrats on getting your yak! They really are the best fun you can have sitting down! I just completed a marathon 9 days straight, fishing 8hrs a day and was knackered on the 10th day!!! Don't be afraid to add a cushion or padding to those seats - they will make it even better!

Nice breambos, too.You'll be up here doing the ABT Yak Session next!!! Only it was last weekend!!! :074:

Good to see you hitting the water again for bream! :thumbup:



Yeah, I got stuck in a huge electrical storm on Thurs up here - the rain was horizontal!! NOT pleasant. I got the yak out & walked it back to the car!

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