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snapper n kings


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hay guys got of work early 2day so me and my offsider decided to head out for a king as there has been a few good size ones around hit the water at 330pm i knew we only had a couple of hours daylight so gathered squid up quick as there isnt much swell around atm i could hit the more productive spots landed 4 in tank and of we went by 4pm :yahoo:

went to our favourite king spot set downrigger up both of us eyeing the sounder of hoping for some good shows wasnt much there so decided venture out of the usual waters and head south next minute rod goes of i mark the spot on the plotter as i do when rod goes of.. mate jumps up says its not a king called it a jew must of been the headshakes i was interested to see it next minute a nice size 60cm red comes up WOW that was a first for me!! on the downrigger!! :yahoo: high fives and set another bait troll again for zero.. must of been luck! by 5pm started to head in and seen a nice show of bait dancing across the water trolled next to the bait ball and hook up wasnt pulling any line of the stella at first then woke up took a couple of small runs yay i was thinking kingy! landed a skinny kinggy i thought it wasnt legal and just about to throw it back mate gets the brag mat out and went 72cm landed a few more around 68cm with left over squid biggest of the arvo went 72cm took one for dinner and a nice size snapper for dinner 2nght!!

i was glad i marked the spot im goin to head back and set up for a snapper session this weeknd early morning with lighter gear 20lb instead of 80lb braid 150lb leader which was abit over kill... haha :biggrin2:

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Mate what a top effort!

A snapper on a downrigger.

Perhaps you had the squid set very close to the bottom and was lucky not to snag up ?

The reward was a thumper red.

You may well have started a craze of downrigging for reds.

Also, it was a good idea to mark that spot and come back with burley and lighter gear for reds.

Of course, that's when the bruiser kingies arrive and bust up the lighter snapper gear, so be prepared....


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thanks guys the type of fishing i do i only ever use my downrigger now i have 2x but have had 2 many lost fish due to tangles even setting one deep and one high.. couldnt believe it was a red after the good fight it put up... Now i have the erge to get out there and set up for reds anchor and burley with 4 rods out i have never targeted them but ill have ago with 2x bait rods 2x plastics rods around the area

geez they are nice on the tooth fresh.. cant wait.

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