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Long Reef


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Hi Raiders,

I haven't posted a report yet so thought it was time,

Went off Long reef on Monday morning to the sand grounds and caught a good feed of flathead, around 1130 the wind dropped to around 5 knots so we dicided to head wider, after catching a heap of huge sargeant baker and other throwback we frifted into some good size morwong and reef flathead then the big rod goes off and up comes a big pearl pearch.. weighed in at 4kgs, was stoked as you don't often see them caught off sydney and will be going on the barbie tomorrow will try post a pic..

Cheerspost-17043-052181200 1303371311_thumb.jpg

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Hi Parto,

great pearly mate.

I would put a tape measure on that one If I were you.... You may well have a fishraider record there!


Chris :thumbup:

Thanx guys it measured in at 57cms and very fat..

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