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easter at wisemans ferry


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Gday raiders, i just got back from wisemans ferry where my partner rosetta and I spent easter with my kids and thier partners.

Friday was spent getting there and setting up and my son and I finally got to have a fish just on dark. Not long after we got there the catfish debarcle began and we got smashed by our whiskered friends so after about an hour we pulled the pin.

Saturday morning I headed out bright and early and caught a heap of undersized jew and flathead but managed one good flathead of around 50cm, as I started to head back to camp my son (paul) and his fiancee (Pauline) arrived and fished for another hour or so and faired better than me with 4 keeper flathead.

Sunday was a sleep in after a fairly late night and it was decided that Rosetta and I would fish from my boat and Paul and Pauline would fish from thier boat, I managed to leave a message with baz's (burleyguts) nieghbours at his van park where we would be fishing and not long after we arrived he rocked up in his boat and it was great to finally catch up in person! The day was spent at several spots and the final tally for the day was 6 bream and a 47cm jew that rosetta christened her new shakespeare outfit with that was awarded to her at the entrance social. YEAH! and Stewy(swordfisherman) will be happy to know that she never tangled the reel once!

At this stage Rosetta had the fish of the trip but I had a feeling that there was a chance of getting a decent jew early the next morning as I had a couple of good hits without hooking up around the time that rosetta caught her jew, and I felt that if we had stayed we may have even got one that afternoon, unfortunately we had promised Paul and Pauline that we would meet them back at camp so we were unable to stay any longer.

The next morning I was up at sparrows and headed out on my own as I couldnt convince paul that today would be the day! I arrived at the spot around daylight and planned to be back at camp by around 10am to be there when my daughter (Jamie)and her partner (kieran)and 2 kids (Ella and Jacob) arrived with my mum to spend the day with us.

Around 8am one rod buckled over and ZZZZZZZZZZZZ!!!! several minutes later a nice 75cm jew was in the boat. I ended up with another 2 flathead and a nice bream so that was a nice way to end the trip! We headed out one more time just on dark with jamie and keiran while Rosetta baby sat the kids but although we managed several undersize jew

unfortunately as soon as it got dark the catfish debarcle started again!

We copped a fair bit of rain on Monday and again on tuesday morning while we were trying to pack up to come home but all in all it was a very enjoyable trip.

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monday morning jew

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monday mornings catch

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sundays catch and rosettas jew

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one of many undersized jew caught over the trip

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an even smaller one!

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paul and pauline enjoyng the sun.

Edited by tide'n'knots
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Nice few Jewies mate ! some good feeds there

I'm going to the Hawkesbury this weekend, mind sharing what bait you used ? i wanna get my first Jewfish :)


Nice few Jewies mate ! some good feeds there

I'm going to the Hawkesbury this weekend, mind sharing what bait you used ? i wanna get my first Jewfish :)


gday mate, 90% of the jew that I catch at wisemans ferry are caught on peeled prawn. Other conventional jew baits such a slab baits and squid etc work also but it is amazing how many times I have fished there with a squid or slab bait and one of the other rods goes off with a peeled prawn!

My personal belief is that at this time of the year the jew are feeding almost exclusively on prawns but for some reason peeling them also seems to make a huge difference, for reasons I cant explain an unpeeled prawn rarely gets hit!

good luck.


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Good work pete & crew.some nice bags of fish.iv campd up wisemans way a couple times & its a beautiful area.btw,great tip about peeling prawns.when i was a youngr fella startn out fish some 20 odd yrs ago,i was taught to peel em.i didnt realise until fishn alongside unpeeled prawns,the difference in catch rate,unless using live prawns,jus pin em in the tail.so thats a great tip for people new to fishn,peel ur prawns & see ur catch rate improve. Top work pete,keep em coming. Cheers johnny.

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Good work pete & crew.some nice bags of fish.iv campd up wisemans way a couple times & its a beautiful area.btw,great tip about peeling prawns.when i was a youngr fella startn out fish some 20 odd yrs ago,i was taught to peel em.i didnt realise until fishn alongside unpeeled prawns,the difference in catch rate,unless using live prawns,jus pin em in the tail.so thats a great tip for people new to fishn,peel ur prawns & see ur catch rate improve. Top work pete,keep em coming. Cheers johnny.

Yeah bro gotta agree with yah. Peeled prawns are the beez neez if you havent got live prawns. Dont know why but you can put out a fresh prawn with shell on then next to it put on a peeled servo prawn and guarenteed the peeled stinky servo prawn will get the first hit. Maybe its because they almost look like a worm instead of a prawn? Big fat grub lol I dunno but that's my theory on why i think the peeled is better then non peeled. Also I like using a red or green bead ontop of my peeled prawn, I think it almost makes it look like the worm or grub (peeled prawn) has a small round head so it looks alot more natural.

Whats everyone else think of this technique and theory??



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Good to see the pics, Pete... it's almost as good as seeing the fish in person (fish?), which I did!

It was great to catch up with you on the water and meet you in person. Thanks for showing me a few of your hot spots. I will certainly be exploring more areas in the coming months! ;) As you know, I went back to the jewie spot you showed me, on Monday afternoon. I took a friend's 19 y.o. son , Ben, out with me - he is fairly new to fishing, quite keen, but hasn't had much success. I told him, "Well, if we can get past the catfish, we might get a flathead or two." I helped him with his rig set-up and showed him how to tie a locked half-blood knot and also a uni knot. We did not get one catfish :) but I managed a keeper bream and we caught about 8 undersized jew to about 40cm - he was happy just to catch them - at least they were the right species. I was fishing 3 rods while ben fished one. I was pulling in a small soapie and got Ben to grab one of my other rods to drop it under the line with the fish on it. As he moved it, the Baitrunner went zzzzzzzzzzz and Ben said "Wow!" and I told him, "Take it then. I'll call you a rod-grabber but go for it!" He pulled in a 39cm flathead... another species first for him, so he was happy. Later, I was a bit lazy and only leaned one of the rods against the esky instead of in a holder. while I was pulling in anotehr soapie. Sure enough, a solid hit and the rod took off at light speed into the water. I jokingly asked Ben why he didn't jump in after it?! Another outfit gone, I thought but then I saw the rod and reel floating - I've never had one float before... they usually sink. I gave the anchor rope some slack and motored back to it and recovered it, luckily, however, the fish had dropped the bait after giving it a good munch. I am failry confident that it may have been a decent jew. Oh well, next time. Then you turned up at about 5:30pm as we were heading back to dinner at the van park. Ben was happy with the session and very grateful for the chance to come out. I let him keep both the bream and the flathead, showed him how to fillet them and he cooked them for breakfast on Tuesday. I took him out again on Tuesday for a brief session closer to the park and we managed another couple of undersized soapies and bream.

My wife and I didn't fish too hard but we managed half a dozen keeper flathead to 47.5cm (hers) over the weekend and the fillets tasted very nice on the barbie or crumbed and fried, thank you. :)

I look forward to catching up with you out on the water again, sometime soon. :)



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Nice little easter getaway Pete, that also looks like the wombat caravan park, is it? :thumbup:

gday basil, mate we stayed at del rio and it was awesome! there is everything there that you could want for a family getaway - bmx track, golf, sportsclub with live bands fri and sat night,kiosk and a small bistro at the club,beer on tap,pool,pedal cart hire,putt putt, bingo, tv,s on fox for the footy,jumping pillows,kids club,art classes,kangaroos,bushwalking,free movies,they also hire out small and large cottages as well as powered and unpowered site and the easter bunny visited the kids on sunday morning!- I reckon it would be brilliant for a FR weekend in say may when the jew are really on and the school holidays are over so there are less people on the water, skiing etc, I reckon there would be some good fish caught at that time of year as there are plenty of landbased and boat spots to fish.


Edited by tide'n'knots
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gday basil, mate we stayed at del rio and it was awesome! there is everything there that you could want for a family getaway - bmx track, golf, sportsclub with live bands fri and sat night,kiosk and a small bistro at the club,beer on tap,pool,pedal cart hire,putt putt, bingo, tv,s on fox for the footy,jumping pillows,kids club,art classes,kangaroos,bushwalking,free movies,they also hire out small and large cottages as well as powered and unpowered site and the easter bunny visited the kids on sunday morning!- I reckon it would be brilliant for a FR weekend in say may when the jew are really on and the school holidays are over so there are less people on the water, skiing etc, I reckon there would be some good fish caught at that time of year as there are plenty of landbased and boat spots to fish.


"reckon it would be brilliant for a FR weekend in say may when the jew are really on and the school holidays are over so there are less people on the water, skiing etc, I reckon there would be some good fish caught at that time of year as there are plenty of landbased and boat spots to fish."

Now, there's a thought! :thumbup: Pete - can you pick a weekend in May when you reckon the tides would be at the optimum, based on your experience? Maybe we can organise an informal FR weekend to start it off! Not next weekend though...!



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"reckon it would be brilliant for a FR weekend in say may when the jew are really on and the school holidays are over so there are less people on the water, skiing etc, I reckon there would be some good fish caught at that time of year as there are plenty of landbased and boat spots to fish."

Now, there's a thought! :thumbup: Pete - can you pick a weekend in May when you reckon the tides would be at the optimum, based on your experience? Maybe we can organise an informal FR weekend to start it off! Not next weekend though...!



it is probably too late to organise even an informal FR weekend now but i am definately keen to do something next year. I will talk to stewy between now and next year and see what his thoughts are, I would be happy to help stewy organise it if he is interested, I think without talking to stewy it would depend on how much interest there is among members - if not I am sure it wouldnt be too hard to organise a couple of keen raiders for something informal!


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Sounds like a good weekend and always good to spend time with your clan.

Mate the only thing I caught this weekend was a red belly black snake that had a sleep on my neighbors front doorstep.

Bagged him and let him go down in the bush. CRIKEY what a surprise.

Cheers mate


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it is probably too late to organise even an informal FR weekend now but i am definately keen to do something next year. I will talk to stewy between now and next year and see what his thoughts are, I would be happy to help stewy organise it if he is interested, I think without talking to stewy it would depend on how much interest there is among members - if not I am sure it wouldnt be too hard to organise a couple of keen raiders for something informal!



What sort of tides at what times would be best to aim for? I plan to get down to the van again for another weekend soon, so I might as well optimise my chances. Then, if anyone else wants to meet up on the water, that can happen, too.


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What sort of tides at what times would be best to aim for? I plan to get down to the van again for another weekend soon, so I might as well optimise my chances. Then, if anyone else wants to meet up on the water, that can happen, too.


gday baz, a turn of tide early morning or late afternoon would be the best preferably high tide but the low tide can be good also. I personally would forget night fishing at the moment unless the water clears more and the catfish dissapear, at night it doesnt seem to matter much what the tide is doing I have caught them at all stages of the tide at night.

If you were to try at night I would be going to the trouble of gathering some live mullet or tailor or herring.


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gday baz, a turn of tide early morning or late afternoon would be the best preferably high tide but the low tide can be good also. I personally would forget night fishing at the moment unless the water clears more and the catfish dissapear, at night it doesnt seem to matter much what the tide is doing I have caught them at all stages of the tide at night.

If you were to try at night I would be going to the trouble of gathering some live mullet or tailor or herring.


Thanks Pete,

I'll check the tides and work something out.


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