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Why Do You Keep Fishing?


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Was thinkin the other day why do i keep fishing especially through these colder months..

So what is that makes you go for one more cast?

and plz dont make me anymore jealous then i am by showing pics of jews :ranting2::1prop:

a few things that do it for..Relaxation, the one that got away and of course the fight either it be a kingy or a whiting it dont bother me as long as im bringing them in on gear matching the fishes ability..e.g whiting on 2kg line etc :thumbup:

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Guest Jocool

Relaxation. Just to get your mind of the day to day crap we all normally deal with. And the buzz of a screaming drag on a good fish! :1clap:

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:074: its a disease i contracted many years ago and havent been able to get the right medicine to give it away ...yet im the only one in my family that enjoys it theres nothing better than it ..next time your out their enjoy the view as much as the fishing a bad days fishing is better than a good days work.....it works for me
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Geee let me see where do i start.

Like andrew i like to take time out from the family.

Like to take time out from the stress of work

Like to take time out for comps.

Love to fish for the love of fishing.

But the most important thing is to go out somewhere with a few of the guys and just kick back tell some stories catch new fish that ive never caught before or get new PB, try out new tackle and have fun on the new boat. :thumbup:

Sound like living life to me, what do you think?

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Walking those Blue Mountains trout streams - never seen such great scenery and never seen such great water. Never thought catching and releasing trout could be

so addictive - those bow waves as a fish charges your lure...... Gotta do it again as soon as.......

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I fish for all the reasons above - I'm addicted , I love the outdoors etc plus I love a feed of fresh fish. I gave fishing a miss for a couple years & concentrated on hunting but a couple trout taken while on hunting trips got the bug fired up again :biggrin2:

I fish every day at least once & never get sick of it.

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Its inexplicable to a lot of people who aren't into it...

I just never seem to get bored when I'm fishing, regardless of whether or not I'm actually catching anything...

The thrill of the line tightening up and the rod starting to bend...

The 'what if'...

And being near the water is relaxing...

There's nothing else like it...

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the peace and quiet and excitment of what i might catch looking forward to the next trip and for all of this i must thank my dad for showing me how to fish when i was a kid and untagling all those bird nests for me

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I can't explain it....... But I have to agree with everything above.

I think in this day and age we can easily loose sight of why we love it so much. I used to love fishing when I was a kid with a $2.50 handline. Now I have a boat, more rods and reels than you can poke a stick at, lures, the list goes on.

Every now and again I enjoy heading down to the local creek with an old handline and a packet of prawns and get back to basics.

For me it comes down to just getting away from the rat race. I am quite happy to sit in and soak a bait and have a few :beersmile: or go and chase bream or bass with lures.

As long as I am on the water I am a happy little camper :thumbup:

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...I like the anticipation leading up to the day...

Iain 3:58 (sounds like a bible verse)

I can relate to this the most. I like reading and thinking about it, playing with the motor and toys, buying and trying new rigs and the sleepless night before I head out. All, in anticipation of the day or few hours you spend out.


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