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Another rock fishing death

Ray R

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Fisherman drowns at Sydney national park

Posted Sat May 7, 2011 3:42pm AEST

Map: Wattamolla 2535 A man has been swept to his death while fishing off rocks with two friends south of Sydney this morning.

Police say the men were fishing in the Royal National Park between Wattamolla and Garie Beach around 9:30am when the accident occurred.

The man was airlifted to Cronulla Beach where he was treated by paramedics before being transferred to Sutherland Hospital by ambulance, where he was pronounced dead.

Two fisherman drowned last weekend on Sydney's north shore, after one was swept off rocks and the second jumped into the water to try and rescue him.

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Saw this on the news last night, The seas were HUGE!

We pulled the pin on taking the boat out Saturday after seeing the sea reports friday night and went trouting instead. Good call!

I recon the white water went a couple of hundred meters out to sea! I cant see how it was fishable off the rocks.....


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Not good at all. It just amazes me the number of people coming to grief on the rocks lately. I guess it just highlights how dangerous this sport can be if you're not being careful and push the envelope too far...

My condolences to all affected.

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In that case whether or not they were wearing a life jacket is irrelevant, they just should not have been fishing there! I'm a fan of life jackets on the rocks but with swell like that they aren't going to help much if at all. The primary thing that's going to ensure your safe on the rocks is the ability to check the sea and swell, and show some common sense...

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It is argueable as to whether or not lifejackets would be beneficial. Although in a previous thread people claimed it would make swimming out more difficult, they would assist in keeping you at the surface to breath, especially if you have sustained injury.

In my opinion, the best method would be a safety rope which does not allow you to pass off the end of the ledge. That way if a freak wave hits and smashes you, you are then restrained from leaving the ledge on the receding waters, allowing you to scramble back once the wave has retreated as opposed to finding yourself in the drink.

Nonetheless, there is no point for new laws and regulations in my opinion. It is plain stupidity. I love fishing and go out very often, however I have not been out lately due to huge seas.

Yes it is sad for the families and I do feel sorry for them. But rockfishing is only as dangerous as you make it. Go on the right day, in the right company with proper equipment and you will not have to worry about anything apart from keeping your eye on the surf.

That's my 2 cents worth anyways...

Edited by fishmaniac
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I dont rockfish and dont ever intend to but guys that you do need to understand that accidents do happen and just because is hasn't happened to you yet doesnt mean it won't. So think about your families and friends before u head out next time.

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fishmaniac its the worst thing to do anchor yourself to a ledge you are going to get hit battered swung around and possibly tangled theres is in my opinion no safe way to rock fish other than only fish a spot if conditions permit you have an awareness of how to read the water and canswim saying that it will not make you bullet proof! This from someone thta has fished 3 out of 4 of the major murks all dicey spots, but safe on a given day. All I can say is experience counts for a lot but fishing the rocks and I do so reguarly is a game of chance theres adrenilin the chance of an awesome fish thats why people do it to an extent.

The best way to avoid getting killed is do not do it and when you get to a spot if it does nort feel and look right tuern around and go find a wharf I have done this many a time to my benefit I caught a feed and went home!

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