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My lucky/unlucky streak keeps a coming!

First up car breaks down on the way out today on Woodville Rd!

Oh well can't do what I need to, bugger it I'm going fishing!

Richard was already going and had asked earlier but had work to do. A quick phone call and reserved my spot on his boat.

He was going to chase some snapper but with restricted time a jew call was made.

Both armed with new Daiwa Chilli dog rods and a bunch of Banjo Minnows we plugged away up river around Gladesville to Putney, just chucking into all of the holes along the way.

First up I scored a little tacker that promptly got released, next cast while lighting a smoke I feel a little tap through the rod against my arm. Weird, I quickly finish lighting my fag and struck......

This is what was on the end of my line :biggrin2:

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A move at the end of the drift saw us further up stream. Richard says to me "cast over to that ruffle, thats where they will be".

I fire out a long cast, almost making the mark. 15 seconds later the lure hits the bottom, tap on the end of the line....

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Few more spots on the waay home I had a few more hits but no hook up. What a great way to spend a couple of hours in such great conditions, total opposite to last session!

Cheers Richard for the guide today :tease:



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Man what a great few weeks it's been for me, nah make that a great year so far! :biggrin2:

Karma I recon :thumbup:

After saving the guy earlier this year that was swept off the rocks, since then my fishing has just got better and better. (had lost my mojo for at least a 6 month stint before that)

I also feel that the amount of fishing that I have been doing has got me back "in the zone".

FIshing for so many species of late also helps. What I learn from one species I have been using on other species. For instance the barra fishing I did abit over a month ago, I have gone out and bought the same lures and used the same technique and just adjusted the tackle to suit size of fish. In the end resault, 3 jews in one session and was only the second attemp to chase jews on lures before.

Over the last 3 months I have only missed a handful of days without wetting a line, many because of work commitments otherwise no matter what the wind or temp I have gone for atleast an hour.

It's like a tennis player, one that plays all the time is going to be better than one that just plays weekends....

Other things that help is a fishing buddy thats just as keen as you are and that likes a bit of competition. It just makes you cast that little bit harder!



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It's like a tennis player, one that plays all the time is going to be better than one that just plays weekends....

Other things that help is a fishing buddy thats just as keen as you are and that likes a bit of competition. It just makes you cast that little bit harder!

Damn right greg,

I really enjoy fishing with new people because there is always another way to skin a cat.

Seeing and learning new techniques is so much better in person than just seeing it on instructional videos etc.

Now if we can just bottle that sfactor sweat!

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Man what a great few weeks it's been for me, nah make that a great year so far!

Karma I recon

"Karma" ... I reckon you're right Greg. It's all about balance. You're getting paid back for what you did. :thumbup:

Anyway, it's great to see someone on a roll. Just keep these great reports coming.



You are bloody uncanny Greg, fair dinkum! I'm sure you sweat S Factor

Brilliant comment Skip! :074::074::074:

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