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Narooma Report


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Went up to Narooma recently for a family holiday......The fishing outside was pretty good with some quality kings around .....if you could get them in before the seals got them....they are really becoming a huge problem up there.......the average size was about 90cm.

This one was just under the meter mark.


I've been dying to get my little man out on an estuary fish for ages and it was great to see him out there and enjoying it.

Have a look at the concerntration.



I had to put him on the bait as the lure fishing was as tough as i've ever come across.

We landed only about a dozen flathead for the whole trip out of about 20 hooked.....never had it this bad, although the size of the fish was unbelievable......unfortunately we dropped 3 fish in 2 days that were between 80-90cm.....finally a decent fish was landed.

A good trip with some nice fish but some long fishless hours included.


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