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strange catches?


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gday guys, i just read a report from tentonner about a bream that he caught on a squid jig and i thought that i would start a topic about the strangest way you have caught a fish?

I once caught a small jew around 45cm and when i went to release the fish i realised that the hook was not the same as the one I was using, upon closer inspection I realised that my hook had somehow miraculesly gone straight through a swivel that was connected to a trace that had another hook on the other end embedded in the fishes mouth!!!!

Another time I was fishing with my son when his rod was pulled out of the boat and went through the water like a torpedo, about 1 hour later I hooked another line on mine and pulled in a huge bream around 50cm and my sons rod!

I would love to hear other peoples weird and wonderful stories.


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Ive caught a seagull and a salmon on the same line. I cast an unweighted pilchard off the rocks and a seagull swooped on it and got its foot caught in the line. It couldnt fly away and whilst i was deciding whether to cut the line or reel it in a salmon decided to munch on the pilchard. Made my decision easier then so i reeled it in slowly and cut the line as close as i could to the seagull/salmon. Both lived happily ever after although i wonder what would have happened if i left them tangled together - would have made an odd couple

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me and a mate of mine went prawning at narrabeen 2 years ago and Louie was using a hand net and to our amazement a bream swam straight into it, needles to say it later went into the frying pan for been so stupid :risata:

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Last summer was fishing for yakkas at the hawkesbury we were getting small snapper every drop then i was pulling 1 in and i feel alot of weight on the line i thought i might have hooked onto one of those jellyfish i get it to the top and its a 80cm flatty and even when he saw the boat he didn't want to let go and we were lucky enough to net him

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I caught a Tern on a whole ganged pillie off Palm Beach rocks years ago.

Felt more like flying a kite than playing a fish haha

yeah same happend to me yesterday at windang breakwall bugger of a tern took a ganged pillie n got a hook straight through the beak for his troubles, it was definately like flying a kite haha actually stood there for a couple of minutes looking at it flying round the top of my rod squaking thinking how the **** am I meant to get this thing off with out just letting it go with a mouth full of hooks, ended up pinning him down and just taking them out like you would a fish n chucked him back into the water he sat there for about 10mins then flew off think it might of had some shock plus my dog barking and trying to eat a wing didnt help haha

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ok not as amazing a hook thru a swivel with a jew at the end of it...

flicking a gulp plastic on a 3/8 jighead, i hooked a 1 kilo octapus thru one of its legs.

BUT this maybe more amazing than a hook thru a swivel with a jew at the end of it.. about 10 years ago whilst fishing with my younger brother, he smashed out a big cast the bait went flying off the hook... frustrated he started cranking at full speed til there was a sudden weight on the hook, and then the weight started fighting.

When he finally up... He had hooked a 40cm whiting thru the Pie Hole....No bull, smack bang thru the Pie Hole.

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Hmm where to start

5ft long barracuda caught in the Boyne river under the Bruce HWY road bridge at Benaraby while chasing barra on live bait at night many kms from the ocean

42cm luderick on a 3in pearlwatermelon bass minnow under Ryde road bridge

Kingie not hooked but braid was half hitched around its tail Great fun trying to bring it in by the tail on bream gear

Seen a mate catch a salmon while chasing EPs at Lambeth park

Edited by The Iceman
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I was night fishing at south Maroubra beach years ago and hooked what I thought was a clump of weed. I skull dragged it out of the surf and onto the sand and when I turned on the torch to untangle the line I was amazed to see it was a big bag of abalone attached to a divers belt. The abalone were still alive so they got eaten the next day. Don't know what happened to the divers, maybe they got eaten too!

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I was night fishing at south Maroubra beach years ago and hooked what I thought was a clump of weed. I skull dragged it out of the surf and onto the sand and when I turned on the torch to untangle the line I was amazed to see it was a big bag of abalone attached to a divers belt. The abalone were still alive so they got eaten the next day. Don't know what happened to the divers, maybe they got eaten too!

They probably saw fisheries officers waiting for them on the shoreline....

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My mate Syd told me that when he was a kid, his father caught a bonito on a sinker. His dad was pulling in the line when the bonito grabbed the sinker. It went in it's mouth and out through the gill slit and got stuck.



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Caught a Blue Swimmer Crab on a bait jig in mid water... very strange... it wasn't very big and just under legal so a kingie could have spat him out maybe.. it was at the pill boxes near Pittwater about a year ago..

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was fishing at manly just a few weeks ago, nothing was happening and so my non fisho friend was like here try one of my cheesy puffs (ball shaped cheesy crips) so i ditched the banana prawn slid on the cheese puff for poos and giggles. no joke had a 35cm flathead on the line within 30 seconds of it hitting the water unbelievable. i guess it was because it was floating just off the bottom in the surf and it just nailed lol. made for a half an hour stomach cramping laughing session. haha good times

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Many years ago,when i was about 8 or 9 ,i was fishing with the family down on what is now the Wall at The Entrance.

Well there we were,with everybody else catching a feed for tea when i decided to check my bait,and as all kids do i was cranking the old Roddy as quick as i could, when wacko i'm on.Now this thing started pulling hard right from the outset but once it got it's head into the current(the water used to fairly rip through that part of the channel)it really got serious.

Now we caught a few fish on some outings,but never anything to really brag about.So this is the one i've been waiting for,the old Flexon solid fibreglass rod was doing it's best impression of a question mark that it could and the roddy reel was screaming it's tits off,and i was still cranking that handle like a demon when i hear shouts of encouragment from the crowd that had gathered behind me.

Finally as i gained a bit of line and headed him away from the main current the struggle was nearly over and me and the growing crowd were going to see what this monster was.Another minute or so with my heart beating wildly,i managed to bring it into view only to be greeted with the sight of a 12 inch grinding disk that i had hooked clean through the hole in the middle.Thats when i learned the meaning of true dissapointment and also the first time i had heard the old man use the "F" word.


Bruce :beersmile:

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My old man has caught his landing net he lost a few months before hand while we were fishing the basin I have pulled a shoe out of the basin also a rod and reel and when I was a kid managed to catch my sister while fishing for whiting in moona moona creek at huskison thought I had something decent on as I couldn't wind in even with the drag locked up then after about 30 seconds could here my sister swimming fleshes me screaming only to see a hook pretty well stuck in her once she got to us on the shore was pretty disappointed being a young kid to wind what I thought was my best catch yet only to find out it was in fact my sister with a hook hanging out of her and finally in the process of my uncle attempting fly fishing his first time he managed to catch his sister in law with a perfect through the nose hooking



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...Kingfish on weed. ...... I would have loved to see THAT on blackie gear!! I have caught a pretty good FLATTIE on weed, and also a bream!! I figured the weed looked a bit like a bait fish, so grabbed??

I wished I'd caught my landing net - it was swept into the drink down the end of the Forster Breakwall ....... I saw it slipping, slipping, but the swell was SO big, I daren't go down to grab it & watched it slowly get swept down to the next rock, next rock, then into the drink! mad3.gif I tried for a couple of days, to 'grapple' it back, but didn't find it! wacko.gif Still think about it, 4 years later! tease.gif


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...Kingfish on weed. ...... I would have loved to see THAT on blackie gear!! I have caught a pretty good FLATTIE on weed, and also a bream!! I figured the weed looked a bit like a bait fish, so grabbed??

I wished I'd caught my landing net - it was swept into the drink down the end of the Forster Breakwall ....... I saw it slipping, slipping, but the swell was SO big, I daren't go down to grab it & watched it slowly get swept down to the next rock, next rock, then into the drink! mad3.gif I tried for a couple of days, to 'grapple' it back, but didn't find it! wacko.gif Still think about it, 4 years later! tease.gif


spot on Roberta...he said the king hit while he was reeling in, so it must have looked like a bait fish.

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While fishing Port Hacking a few months back with a mate flicking plastics and vibes whilst walking a stretch of sand... Things had been very quiet when my line pulled up tight and a lot of weight... dead weight reeled it in thinking it was sea weed to my amazement i had caught an Australian flag! Put up a great fight though.... :biggrin2:

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They probably saw fisheries officers waiting for them on the shoreline....

I didn't think of that, I thought it may have fallen off the back of their dive boat. At the time I was more amazed the bag had abalone in it. I thought abalone were only found in southern waters like Tassie or NZ. Has anyone heard of abalone in Sydney waters before?


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At one stage or another, I have (sheepishly) caught:

A water iguana :1taz:

A passing boat :wacko:

A very indignant Fisheries Officer's broad-brimmed hat ... while he was wearing it :18:

A cormorant :brucelee:

and most recently, a galah ... on a popper with no trebles ... in my front yard :risata:



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what a hoot of a thread this is! ... was fishing with the kids up at port stephens in the tinny for whiting when my daughter says 'dad i think i've got something really big but I can't wind it in". Then she starts getting some line and close to the boat she then starts loosing line steadily ... I leave her to it and we all watch her line continue past the boat and slowly rise as it heads south. finally it gets to the surface and we are all totally shocked to see a huge turtle come up for air. the hook had lodged nicely round the edge of the turtles shell. ended up getting it loose from the other side when it took off under water again. kept the kids excited about fishing!

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what a hoot of a thread this is! ... was fishing with the kids up at port stephens in the tinny for whiting when my daughter says 'dad i think i've got something really big but I can't wind it in". Then she starts getting some line and close to the boat she then starts loosing line steadily ... I leave her to it and we all watch her line continue past the boat and slowly rise as it heads south. finally it gets to the surface and we are all totally shocked to see a huge turtle come up for air. the hook had lodged nicely round the edge of the turtles shell. ended up getting it loose from the other side when it took off under water again. kept the kids excited about fishing!

Now that's definitely up there....

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Went fishing today in Windang and my friend caught a toadfish. It swallowed the hook and we cut the line and let it go. A few minutes later my friend catches the same toadfish and again swallowed the hook. Was quite interesting to see that happend. Had a bit of a laugh.

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