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Video of XOS Sydney King


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Hi folks,

Sorry guys, I had a computer blow-out at home so it's taken me a while to upload some of the vids.

Heres the main one of that Big King on the popper.

I wish we'd gotten the 'strike' on film.......we didnt have the camera rolling for the first few casts.....who expects a fish like that on the second throw???!!! LOL!

Enjoy guys,



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You owe me a new net!!!!!!!!

Im going to keep that thing as a trophy of the day the beast was landed.

That footage is insane, and as you know the first time ive seen it.

Good stuff!!!


I think you were a bit optomistic thinking you were going to lift that in a $10.00 net. Haven't you guys heard of gaffs??

Again awsome fish and great work to get it to the boat let alone in it.. Boy that rod and reel can take some punishment dragging that fish out to deeper water at that speed. A great team effort boys and a well deserved prize.

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Thanks guys!

Yeah, we were lucky with that net!

We did have a gaff but it had'nt been organised and I was still uncertain if I wanted to release the fish or not.

I saw that the hooks were well embedded in the fish's mouth and also tangled in the netting....so we just hauled it onboard! :1yikes:

Pretty lucky........and stupid! LOL :wacko:

P's- For the guys who have PM'd me.......I will get there with your replies! I've had computer issues so can't really reply at work.......but I promise I will get back to everyone. :)


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