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harbour allnighter


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gday guys I just got back from pulling an all nighter in the harbour with a mate and did very well. We hit my spot that I fished on thursday night and once again the bait was california squid, we ended up with 14 jew to 73cm a bream a blueswimmer and 2 big tailor, we released 6 jew around the 50 - 55cm range, and the bream,and kept 8 jew 2tailor and the crab


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john with the catch

Edited by tide'n'knots
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Good going Pete didnt think the californian squid would be that effective.Can you PM me the shop were you bought them as I have not seen it in the bait shop in my local area in Ashfield.Could you also outline your rig set up hook sizes single or snell and the type of bait presentation ie whole or strips whatever has been working.That would be awesome.

Cheers Steve

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Awesome catch there boys!

I'm doing a jewie sesh on thurs or fri, good to know that the California squid works, will give them a go as well as some caught stuff. Did you have any runs from some bigger jews?



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Good going Pete didnt think the californian squid would be that effective.Can you PM me the shop were you bought them as I have not seen it in the bait shop in my local area in Ashfield.Could you also outline your rig set up hook sizes single or snell and the type of bait presentation ie whole or strips whatever has been working.That would be awesome.

Cheers Steve

gday steve, you can buy the squid at lots of bait shops these days but I will send you a PM and let you know where I get mine. As for the rig - I use a trace of about 1mtr with 2 hooks on the bottom, 1 snelled about 6inches above the bottom hook. Dont go crazy on hook sizes either a 2/0 is probably big enough, any bigger and the bait will lay dead on the bottom and not look natural,you want it too waiver around a bit in the current.the bottom hook goes through the hood and out the head and the top hook through the top of the hood. keep a fairly close eye on your bait and if it has been damaged and doesnt look entire anymore because of pickers - take it of and use a fresh one. You will go through quite a few this way but I find they work better when they are whole or entire not just 3/4 or bits and pieces. We went through about 1kg of squid last night so as long as there arent too many small bream or snapper etc where your fishing it shouldnt be too bad. good luck.


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Awesome catch there boys!

I'm doing a jewie sesh on thurs or fri, good to know that the California squid works, will give them a go as well as some caught stuff. Did you have any runs from some bigger jews?



unfortunately the only thing dissapointing about the whole session was that the fish were all schoolies and nothing overly big - however beggers cant be choosy I guess!


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On ya Pete!! Gees - don't you have to work????

Well done guys


hi roberta - I am on holidays at the moment but I dont think I will be putting in those sorts of hours again it is now 820pm and i have only just woken up! errrr I feel crappy!!! I am getting too old.


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