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Wilson Live Fibre Rods


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Last week I used a live fibre 4-6Kg rod outside bottom bashing and must say that I really liked the rod. Very light yet very strong.

I was thinking of buying the overhead 6-8Kg stick (ZWS65MJ 6-8Kg Overhead) and matching it with a Tekota 500 or the TR1000LD charter special.

Any comments at all. Has anybody used and/or recommend


Edited by AdamK
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Personally I think they are a bit over weighted and a little sluggish in the response stakes for the price you pay. Apart from that I still use them on occasion as they are tough as old boots. Be wary of the freddies discount versions of this rod workmanship and componentry is CHEAP AS.

Edited by allen glover
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I'm a Wilson LF fan!!! :ohyeh:

I have 3 Live Fibre rods; a 10-15kg and 2 x 15kg-24kg (7" and a 5.5" stroker).

These are matched with a Tekota 500, Tekota 700 and a TLD 25 respectively.

They are awesome rods and can handle tuff fishing conditions. As 8footugly said, they have great strength in the butt-mid region.

I also have a 10 foot Live Fibre rod that I use for bream and estuary work and it's also a top rod.

I doubt you'll get much better from off the shelf, at least not for the money mate.



Edited by Hookem_Herby
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Youve been watching Jewfish Secrets havent you!!!??

mate, I have watched it but wasn't inspired because of that, they do go on about em don't they

Allen, I actually have a Wilson Live Fibre beach rod purchased from Freddy's... where were you 8 months ago :( , naaaa that outfit is also excellent but I will keep an eye out for dodgey workmanship. I'm getting Anglers world to order one in for me, thanks for the warning

Rodd, I have looked at the AVET's, great reels but just a bit pricey for me. I ended up getting the Daiwa Sealine LD50H and now am after a smaller reel

Herby, how are you finding the Tekota 500. I can't decide wether to get that or a TR1000 charter special, both at $200 each. Like you I will be using the Live fibre with these reels. I don't want to go too heavy so I was thinking the 6-8Kg, infact I originally wanted the 4-6Kg but with big sinkers it will surely sag


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Adam, I've got that very rod (ZWS65MJ) and use a Calcutta 400 with 30lb braid on it. As a matter of fact I used it when I went out to The Ribbon Reefs last year and I had trouble getting it back off the other guys on the boat. Everyone who tried it, loved it. It handled some quite large fish with best being a 14kg Cobia but mostly big bottom fish like Red Emporer, Nannigai, Trout etc and I gotta say I was impressed with it's capabilities.

I'm sure you won't be disappointed if you get one.

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Bought a Wilson Livefibre 10 1/2 foot 6kg from freddies for Barbara, used it at Coffs a month or so back, loves it. Light as a feather. and loads realy well. It also has a slightly shorter butt than some we looked at, which suites barbara!

It is matched with a shimano 6500 baitrunner, 14 lb fireline, 15 lb vanish trace.

Casts an absolute mile! the fireline gives it great strike power over long distances and it's very sensative!

The 6500 is probably overkill with 6 kg 4500 would be better!

By far the best 6 kg outfit i have seen!

Me, I have my trusty Butterworth mt7144L and my Alvey650C5!

Her outfit is so good, I could be tempted to change?

Na not yet! Then again she did outfish me!


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Adam, I've got that very rod (ZWS65MJ) and use a Calcutta 400 with 30lb braid on it. As a matter of fact I used it when I went out to The Ribbon Reefs last year and I had trouble getting it back off the other guys on the boat. Everyone who tried it, loved it. It handled some quite large fish with best being a 14kg Cobia but mostly big bottom fish like Red Emporer, Nannigai, Trout etc and I gotta say I was impressed with it's capabilities.

I'm sure you won't be disappointed if you get one.

that's what I'd like to hear. Thanks Bill

Howard, you never let them outfish you mate :fisho: take it off her. These rods are very light and after lure fishing light tacke for over a year now I don't really want to go back to heavy gear so it is a good alternative

Now, just need to decide on the reel :punk:


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Guest Big-Banana

They are a great rod. Iam not to fussy but i hav a 8-15kg and its very impressive for trolling. It lacks a bit of sensativity for the bottom work but still does the job :thumbsup:

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Hi Adam,

how have you been.

I still have a Wilsons Live Fibre 700 spin stick from a couple of years ago and its awesome.

It loads up sweet and handles well.

i'll be adding my New Stella 4000 on it soon :happy: , So I'm ready for summer.

When are going for a fish.

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I've got a couple of the ZWS70 MJ 8-15kg spin sticks which i've used for the last two years , awesome rods and versatile and  take the abuse i dish out to em!

:welcome: to the site snapperpete. These LF rods seem to be a favourite.

I've ordered the rod. Looking forward to playing with it soon

thanks for the assistance


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