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Gladesville 'jew hole'


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Hi all

I there is a culture of not revealing mark 'x' but as im a local i feel I have a right to know. :)

Can anyone tell me where any of the gladesville bridge area 'jew hole' locations are?

I'm sure there are multiple as this is a much revered jew location.

Even if someone could tell me what depth to look for that would be a start.

Happy to put the time in if I know what depth to look for.

Also happy to take out soemone for a sesh if they wish to share the knowledge.

As for bribes I work for Coke so no shortage of drinks/coffee to offer.



Edited by tasksta
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Ok.. as its only any marine chart im not giving away any special secret so here goes. If u are traveling West under the Bridge stay about 10m to the right of the triangle u will see on the bridge and travel along that line westward as you start to aproach several boat sheds( from memory the 3rd ? ) the depth will drop to about 22metres. It runs for perhaps 50 or more metres so its easy to find.

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If you haven't got a chart plotter on your boat I would get the navionics app for iPhone or android. Its a top app for both fishing boat and land-based. I live in gladesville and have been fishing locally by finding holes on the app. Try abbotsford area as well. Plenty of jew-holes up there and they have been firing lately.

Cheers, Michael

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