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Pittwater squid and beach session


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G'day all first report and it's been a long time coming. Thought i had better stop reading and start contributing to this awesome site! This site has helped me so much since I started getting right back into fishing about a yr ago so thanks to all the guys and gals for sharing there knowledge and experience.

Bit of a late report but better late than never. Launched the yak at barrenjoey in search of squid for a jewie beach session that night and got two stonkers (well stonkers for me as I'm pretty green when it comes to squid fishing) on the first drift of about 32cm hood. Then a smaller model of 20cm hood on the second. I was stoked but it was looking like I was going to have to submit my catch to the mrs as I never catch enough for a descent feed but promised if I did it would be a feed. Lucky for me my persistence paid off. Over the next 2-3 hours I bagged 14 including my pb of 34cm hood. Which is the best session I have had in sydney (have only done better in JB). So a happy mrs and bait for me and my mate for the night. All caught on yamashita LIVE jigs from 2.5 to 3.5 in pink orange and natural. The natural outfished on this particular day 10-4. Also trialed leaving a jig out while I fished on a rod in the holder and picked up two and dropped two which was a cool first.

Knife is 30cm

So that night fresh squid in hand I headed to the northern beaches and could not find a descent gutter on a beach without someone fishing it for the life of me. So I ended up in a half descent gutter on mona vale beach which was the first time I had fished this beach. So we set up and have a line out just before 7. Doesn't take long and we have two blue spot flattys in the esky but no Jew. Over the next hour I lose a lot of squid to pickers. Then just before the sun has totally gone down my rod buckles over and I pick it up and there is a lot of weight and a very strong first run and I think finally my first Jewy! A couple of short runs later and has taken me about 70 meters up the beach and I see a bloody shark thrashing around in the wash and my mate grabs it by the tail and have a quick measure and snap and threw her back. She was 1.1 metres long and I'm pretty sure a whaler. Pretty quiet after that apart from a banjo shark my mate caught that had to be 10kgs minimum biggest I've ever seen and I have caught hundreds in jb. So yet again no Jewy after about my 10th dedicated beach jewy session in the last year. I just can't crack one and I need to feed this addiction I have haha

I think i finally cracked the squidding code now so hopefully that first Jewy won't be far off.

Sorry for crappy pic and long post

Please let me know if pics don't come up and I'll try fix it

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pics ok now! I certainly think u cracked the squid code.well done. Jewfishing is all about patience and persistance. And then throw a bit of luck, sorry a lot of luck and your 50% chance of getting one. Fresh squid is a great start! Have a look at fishing chat about jewfish tactics, that might also help. It helped me big time. Good luck next time!

Cheers scratchie

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Cheers scratchie ya legend. I think I have the jewfish tactics thread memorized! I grew up fishing but since I read that thread have dedicated 90% of all of my fishing to catching jewies I've spent hours teaching my self to catch mullet and now squid. The only time I think I hooked one was off narrabeen beach with a fresh slab of tailor. First cast with the Jew outfit about half an hour before high tide at 9pm a couple of days before a full moon and I put my rod in a 50mm PVC pipe rid holder I had cut at about 60cm with 40cm of the pipe dug in. I turned around only about 1 minute after I cast while hooking up another rod and saw 2 big bumps so I stood up and then the rod absolutely buckled over and flipped the holder out of the sand and my rod scooted along the sand to the water faster than I could run. And I'm not a slow sprinter! I watched it scoot over the top of te water through the waves in the moonlight and then disappear. I still don't know what was more devistating. Not knowing what it was, the fact it could have been my first jewy and a descent one at that! Or the fact I lost $600 worth of practically brand new gear! My thoughts were either a shark or jewie. What you guys think?

I now use 1.2m worth of pipe and belt it almost all the way in with a rubber mallet and I never forget to set the drag.

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That is a really impressive squid haul! I am a novice and was rapt when I caught 4 in an hour, but that is an almighty success! Curious as to whether you caught them in kelp areas or ribbon weed. I've only ever had success at West Head in the kelp.

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Cheers scratchie ya legend. I think I have the jewfish tactics thread memorized! I grew up fishing but since I read that thread have dedicated 90% of all of my fishing to catching jewies I've spent hours teaching my self to catch mullet and now squid. The only time I think I hooked one was off narrabeen beach with a fresh slab of tailor. First cast with the Jew outfit about half an hour before high tide at 9pm a couple of days before a full moon and I put my rod in a 50mm PVC pipe rid holder I had cut at about 60cm with 40cm of the pipe dug in. I turned around only about 1 minute after I cast while hooking up another rod and saw 2 big bumps so I stood up and then the rod absolutely buckled over and flipped the holder out of the sand and my rod scooted along the sand to the water faster than I could run. And I'm not a slow sprinter! I watched it scoot over the top of te water through the waves in the moonlight and then disappear. I still don't know what was more devistating. Not knowing what it was, the fact it could have been my first jewy and a descent one at that! Or the fact I lost $600 worth of practically brand new gear! My thoughts were either a shark or jewie. What you guys think?

I now use 1.2m worth of pipe and belt it almost all the way in with a rubber mallet and I never forget to set the drag.

Thats a scary thought .. I might have to make my rod holders longer I think

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Cheers scratchie ya legend. I think I have the jewfish tactics thread memorized! I grew up fishing but since I read that thread have dedicated 90% of all of my fishing to catching jewies I've spent hours teaching my self to catch mullet and now squid. The only time I think I hooked one was off narrabeen beach with a fresh slab of tailor. First cast with the Jew outfit about half an hour before high tide at 9pm a couple of days before a full moon and I put my rod in a 50mm PVC pipe rid holder I had cut at about 60cm with 40cm of the pipe dug in. I turned around only about 1 minute after I cast while hooking up another rod and saw 2 big bumps so I stood up and then the rod absolutely buckled over and flipped the holder out of the sand and my rod scooted along the sand to the water faster than I could run. And I'm not a slow sprinter! I watched it scoot over the top of te water through the waves in the moonlight and then disappear. I still don't know what was more devistating. Not knowing what it was, the fact it could have been my first jewy and a descent one at that! Or the fact I lost $600 worth of practically brand new gear! My thoughts were either a shark or jewie. What you guys think?

I now use 1.2m worth of pipe and belt it almost all the way in with a rubber mallet and I never forget to set the drag.

I've had that happen a few times but fishing on estuary beaches in SE Queensland. Luckily i managed to save them and the culprits were a 60cm GT and 42cm Jack. Let me tell you, i really drove that PVC pipe into the sand and wasn't fishing all that heavy a drag. Goes to show that they don't have to be big fish to do this... Hard to say jewie or shark but a decent jewie could definitely do that. Fishing a slab of tailor makes me lean towards jewie. Especially of narra beach!

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G'day swaz sorry mate no secret spots. Just alot of persistence and patience. My entire squid experience is 3 times around careel bay in pittwater and 3 times in JB so I'm no guru. I moved around ALOT and changed jigs and retreives till I found small patches of them and remember I did spend 3 solid hours chasing them...

Hi josamill the ribbon weed beds seem to work alot better for me but hard to say as I have little experience. I have done heaps and heaps of research I have never come home empty handed just by following all the basic rules you hear and read over an over again. Get over the Kelp/ribbon weed. Look for sandy patches. Close to rock or some structure. Use good jigs. Change jigs if ones aren't working. Cover alot of ground as there aggressive and if they are there they will jump on. Change retreives I either extremely slowy retrieve with small twitches or 2-3 massive jigs/jerks which I saw on YouTube under egi fishing. And early morning/low light produces more. I'm prob just telling you what you already know but using this advice and attention to detail is the reason for my success. And most of that advice came from very experienced fishos reports and feedback I found searching fishraider.

Cheers mulloway man it's a killer not knowing what it was. The only reason I thought it had to be substantial in size is because I have had 65cm+ fat salmon pull my holder out of the sand in the passed and I could easily grab my rod but this occasion it was getting towed out to the ocean like there was a seadoo on the other end it was flying! Ohwell better not to stew over it and gotta live and learn. thanks for the feedback. Appreciated. Also I am in awe of your list of records and PBS sounds like a very good fishing life! On ya.

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