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ipilot test success


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Finished upgrading my 55pound minn kota electric v1 to a v2 then added ipilot on wednesday. Was stinging to test it on the water after a successful initial testing in the garage. Decided to hit the georges up around the moons on the runout tide with 15knot winds & good mate odin. With no real intentions of fishing to hard just testing out & learning. Odin being a noobie to fishing chucks out his 2.5 inch berkeley grub & gets smashed & turns to me & said i think i have a fish?? hang on no I dont!!! Yes you do mate!! He gets it to the surface for me to net & its a bloody stonker! high fives all round. Much to my suprise it only came in @ 34cm but that measurement did this fish no justice. Refer pics.


After seeing odins fish & the excitment in his eyes it inspired me to fish hard & in the process nailed 6 bream & one lone flatty, much to odins disgust he didnt pick up another fish the rest of the arvo. With 5 keeper bream & a flatty decided to give the track record on the ipilot a test around the bank of the moons & boy was it a treat. If anyone is considering getting an ipilot? My advice would be don't waste another second!! I came home & asked my wife for a divorce so I could marry my leccy!!!

Anyway the family plus odin had some fresh bream & cold beers for dinner last night to top of a great day..


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Sorry stew ! forgot to mention that I managed to benefit from an honest mistake by stewy. With out stew the ipilot wouldn't have happened. Thanks to a mistake ordering & some follow up research on upgrading the older v1 motor to v2 stew helped it all happen thanks mate!! legend!! Hope you get yours soon.

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Nice mate. I done the same thing about a year ago and all is good. Fitted up the I Pilot to a V1 using a V2 board. One bit of advice with anyone using an I Pilot system is to make sure every wire connection is clean and solid or you will have problems with it disconnecting off the spot lock and generally playing up doing random turning etc..

Where abouts is the 'moons'?

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