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Mrs suggests that i sell the boat


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Yesterday whlie having a chat with my wife, she tells me that since i havent used the fishing boat in a while ( now that baby No.2 is taking up most of our time along with a 2 year old) that i should sell my boat, and when i get some more free time i should go out and by a replacement boat. Now i have seen many other guys who have given up their fishing boat / motor bike / jet ski etc etc once they get married because "they are not using it anymore" and when they finally get the time to enjoy these things they dont actually buy a new toy to replace them. So my response to my wife is " i will only sell my boat once i have bought a new boat first". I figure that this is the only way i can make sure i will always have a boat. My Mrs could not understand this line of logic....

Am i right to say no to selling my boat as i am afraid as family life takes over i will never be able to replace a boat once it has been sold?



Edited by tumra
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Mate I agree I had the same issue. After some heated discussions I managed to show here that to sell it now ( then) and buy another would end up costing us money. Boats don't actually loose money if there out of the water. The other idea was to sell the boat and go on a charter once a mth but you know that's never going to happen.

It's going to cost you the occasional hand bag through the year but I'd say if you happy with your boat keep it as long as its not going to cause a divorce.

The best way to get use out of the boat is to get the kids interested in using it. By the time there 15 they'll to want you to put it in the water and pick them up when there done.

Mine are 6&1/2, 5 and one more due this Thursday the older boy has been fishing with me for about a year and a half, and now wants to try out the ski bisket, my daughter 5 hasn't yet got the attention span yet but it's coming along.

Tuff it out for a few years and you'll get back to using it.

Cheers Luke

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I hear what your saying, and although she's suggesting you buy a new boat,deep down I feel that once you sell the your current boat, and if you havnt bought one already, she'll try and talk you out of buying an other one... I mean why would she suggest you sell the boat because you havnt used it much, then say something like "buy a new one after you sell it" ?


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Once you sell the boat there will be a long time before you get another one. There is always something that is more important than you having a boat. Saying that remember your family comes before anything including our great sport. If you don't need the money keep the boat.

Regards Jeff

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Nah.... There is a sure fire method here, works every time.

"You know honey, I have been thinking the same thing. It is a bit small for you and the kids and I think a new more reliable motor is the way to go. Something a bit faster if it gets nasty during the day or the baby need to get home quickly. I've been looking at new(er) rigs up the road at ....... and you should come with me on Saturday. If we had something bigger then we could all go out together a couple of days a month."

My kids were in the boats within weeks of being born. When I wanted to upgrade my wife looked at my choices and said "No, I want you in something bigger and well and truly seaworthy".

I love my wife. :)

Edited by Testlab
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If your anything like myself your marriage wont survive you without a boat. I sold my last boat 6months before buying the new one, not sure why I done that now but at the time there was a reason. during that 6 months I was going insane. Although I was not using the last boat much I would stil go & tinker with it,wash , polish or even just lean against it looking into it with a beer in hand this is still boating time. My wife actualy noticed & commented (while laughing) that Im lost not having a boat and said I was going insane!

I say dont part with it!

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Your right on the money testlab one of our reasons for upgrading was so that the young fella had somewhere to sleep while we were night fishing & the wife played a big part in choosing the boat...... mmm now that I think of it we never went night fishing again LOL

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i'm with Testlab, I went 10 years without a boat :nono: and no kids weren't the problem house, work, health,etc etc etc. but when it came to get new one she could see I was going mad without and after living on that boat point place and emailing all the boats in the cheaper range and those walks along all the marina's on this side of the black stump she told me to go buy that boat :sun: now I'm on the boat every weekend. :fishing1::banana:


BTW this boat is the biggest and best boat I've owned :D

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I sold my boat and now im like a lost puppy. I sold mine so I could free up more money when buying my first house with my woman.

Seriously hate it, all i do is look on boatsales, like all day long. Im actually looking at boatsales right now!!

After I sold it my mrs "jokes around" and says, now you got money for a wedding ring!!!! NOT A JOKE!

keep your boat, sell the mrs lol.

My mrs knows im buying another boat and shes cool with it, but im never going boatless again man. its like losing your legs.

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Mate I agree I had the same issue. After some heated discussions I managed to show here that to sell it now ( then) and buy another would end up costing us money. Boats don't actually loose money if there out of the water. The other idea was to sell the boat and go on a charter once a mth but you know that's never going to happen. It's going to cost you the occasional hand bag through the year but I'd say if you happy with your boat keep it as long as its not going to cause a divorce. The best way to get use out of the boat is to get the kids interested in using it. By the time there 15 they'll to want you to put it in the water and pick them up when there done. Mine are 6&1/2, 5 and one more due this Thursday the older boy has been fishing with me for about a year and a half, and now wants to try out the ski bisket, my daughter 5 hasn't yet got the attention span yet but it's coming along. Tuff it out for a few years and you'll get back to using it. Cheers Luke

I agree with Luke on this one. Tough it out for a few years and slowly get your kids into fishing. I have a 5 year old and she loves fishing with me, and we also have a 6 month old, so I know what you're going through. I get the boat out once every few months, but have no intention of selling it cause I maintain it pretty well

There's really no reason why you should sell it, boat prices are farily stable, so it's not like you'll be losing money by keeping it. Plus, you know your own boat... you don't want to be going down that path of buying another boat with potential problems.

Unless your defaulting on your bills, I say keep it!

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yeah thanks for the advice guys.... There is no way that i will sell the boat before i get a new one, and i think the mrs knows that. I cant wait for the little ones to get older to get more use out of it. I have always wanted a new boat anyway so i am gonig to have to convince the lady that i will need to buy the new boat first before getting rid of the old one....

I made sure i bought the boat before i got married so that she knew it was a hobby of mine before and not just something i decided to do once we got married. Though when i did fork out the money for the boat i did get the "why didnt you spend that money aon an engagement ring" question :-)

I think the comment about selling the boat was a bit tongue in cheek on her behalf, though lately i have become one of those boat owners that i didnt want to be - the one who keeps the rig parked out the front for an entire year just for 1 fish at christmas :-) Once the boys are old enough to concentrate on fishing while on the water i will take it out more often.

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yeah thanks for the advice guys.... There is no way that i will sell the boat before i get a new one, and i think the mrs knows that. I cant wait for the little ones to get older to get more use out of it. I have always wanted a new boat anyway so i am gonig to have to convince the lady that i will need to buy the new boat first before getting rid of the old one....

I made sure i bought the boat before i got married so that she knew it was a hobby of mine before and not just something i decided to do once we got married. Though when i did fork out the money for the boat i did get the "why didnt you spend that money aon an engagement ring" question :-)

I think the comment about selling the boat was a bit tongue in cheek on her behalf, though lately i have become one of those boat owners that i didnt want to be - the one who keeps the rig parked out the front for an entire year just for 1 fish at christmas :-) Once the boys are old enough to concentrate on fishing while on the water i will take it out more often.

I had a few motorbikes when i first started dating the missus and got hassled that i didnt use them enough so i eventually sold them... I allways wanted a boat, so made sure i bought one BEFORE i got engaged as well (cos i knew how much effort it would have been to get one after!).... Been engaged for 2yrs now and want to upgrade the boat.... still trying to convince her.............. may take a while....

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I am in exactly the same position. 2nd child is 10 months and eldest nearly 3. If I sell the boat it would never get replaced and she would spend the money on food and stuff...and flights to crappy Dunedin to see her folks.

The boat STAYS!!! cos that is all I have left. I rarely go to the pub now, I gave up golf because it took a whole sunday,(19th hole), and I haven't been back to Wales for 6 years.

My kids are great. But I need my own vice. Even if I only fish now and again.

DON'T SELL IT,unless you are just changing it.

Good Luck

Welsh Dave

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