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Fishing Mags


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Bluewater and Saltwater are my favourites. Fishing world and Modern Fishing tend to have one good article each month and thats it. But I like most of them just to build up a collection of rod building recipies wich most of them tend to have these days.

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Fishing World is quite tolerable

Modern fishing is readable when you're at the newsagent and desperate

Flylife is great, but too trout oriented for me

Trailerboat has some really good moments

The new FishingDVD magazine thing is ad-heavy, but I really enjoyed volume 2 nonetheless: if you're patient with advertising I recommend it.

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I get Qld Fishing Monthly and BushNBeach every month. Also get modern fishing every now and then for something to read as well  :besetzt:


BushNBeach, now thats a great mag :1naughty:

Also read QFM as well. The glossy mags I tend to find a bit boring. More so storys about fishing rather than informative, but thats just my opinion.

Havn't heard about this DVDMag, any shed some light on that?

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I rarely buy fishing magazines I find that it’s often the same regurgitated tripe time after time but I do enjoy reading boating mags, especially boat reviews. I know that unless I’m lucky enough to win lotto I’ll never own one but that doesn’t mar my enjoyment in reading them. :thumbup:

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My preference is AFLOAT Magazine, (It's a free magazine but that doesn't cloud my judgement!), but it has some great articles on fishing, boating, and sailing.

Recent issues have had some great historical articles on Sydney Harbour and Navy Warships.

Worth a look if you want a good read.


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If you check out the last "afloat " magazine ,you will see some pictures of a yacht on the rocks up near the Tweed river.

I was taught how to sail on that boat about 15 years ago.My old man had it for about 5 years and I had some very memorable times on that boat.It is very hard seeing something like that happen.

Is there any members up in Qld who can shed some light as to how it happened?.

Cheers Simon

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I have a collection of Fishing World that dates back to 1976 and constitutes a major fire hazard at our place. What I need is an index for it because I find that I regularly look back through them to find bits of information that I know are in there somewhere, but I'm not quite sure where!

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I'm a fishing mag tragic, actually I'm a mag tragic in general :1prop: .

These are my monthly fishing mag purchases:

Modern Fishing; Fishing world; NSW fishing monthly; Qld Fishing monthly. Plus I buy every Saltwater Angler; some Freshwater Fishing; about every second Saltwater Sportsman and Florida Fishing mags (damn they are pricey now). I'll also buy West Australian Angler mag when I can find it, plus even the Kiwi fishing mag. Plus the annual Barra, Bass and Bream. Plus Flylife about every second one (And I don't throw rope). Plus Trade-a-boat. plus the NSW and Qld Fishing monthly annuals. More but I'm not at home to check.

That's on top of Tracks, Surfing World, Surfing Life; Waves; Surfing; Surfer and a couple of European surf mags too!! Plus stacks of others on other topics or general interest.

I'm a tad lucky in that mags are a tax deduction :biggrin2: .

One I never buy is Trailerboat, as they ran a yarn about 15 years ago and were not gonna pay until I kicked up a stink.

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Havn't heard about this DVDMag, any shed some light on that?


It's like a magazine, only on a DVD, with all that implies (meaning lots of advertising!). I think a lot of people would be put off with the ads, but I read them in magazines anyway as they're often at least a little bit informative.

You should be able to get one at newsagents, and it's $10. All you need to know about it is here:


I guess this post is a bit of a free ad for the DVD (and thus for the ads in the DVD...): if an administrator wants to axe it, I'll understand!

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I'm also a self confessed fishing magaholic. The thing is though most articles are geared towards beginers and intermediate knowledge levels which to be honest is a little tiring after a while. I would like to see some articles written for anglers that don't need the step by step on everything. What frustrates me is that everytime an article is written on soft plastics a great deal of the limited print space is wasted on the remedial techniques. Get on with it. I understand that it is important to teach the newies the sport so they may enjoy a little success but this is rediculous. The real conundrum is that every month on cue i fork out my hard earned. I guess i still prefer to read tripe related to fishing than reading anything else.

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My biggest issues with fishing mags is that theres so much cross promotion both discreate and not so discreate for products, guides, locations, that it takes a lot of the credability out of the articles. I am still pretty devoted to them but this really shits me. :mad3:

Edited by phild
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I dont know why i buy them as i read them from front to back usually in around 30-45 mins unless its as thick as me wrist.. :thumbdown:

Im a sucker for any fishing article and buy usually NSW fishing montly and try and limit one of other of the two more expensive ones, either being modern fishing or fishing world and usually some how allways end up leaving with them both.. :ranting2:

Also lucky enough to have i think around 80 issues of Fishing australia which my father collected..they only cost $2.50 back then and are a wealth of knowlesdge..still seem to dig through them now n then..think they are 15-20 yrs old?? has no dates on them :wacko:



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I'm with Rob. I read them but more often than not am disappointed.

I once was so put-off I wrote in to Jim Harnwell about a particularly awful article which had so much product plug it was unbelievable. To his credit he wrote back immediately and published the letter. Product mentions are all about relevance. If the product (such as a lure used) demonstrably adds value to the story then it's fine. When the brand is irrelevant (such as a brand of camera used) then it's just an advert.

Fishing would have to be one of the worst industries for product plugs to the point where TV shows in particular simply become infomercials. As soon as the line is blurred between content and advertising there is zero credibility.

I also find fishing mags, with the possible exception of NSW/Qld Fishing Monthly, a series of mildly entertaining stories and not a source of detailed specific information.

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I enjoy the mags, but what I don't like is when you buy a value pack wrapped in plastic and they have repeated the same articles in them.

When I was a kid I could not wait for the next edition of Modern Fishing. By the end of the night I had read the lot. Things have changed and I feel the stories are not as good, too many are repeating the same old information.

I now flick through a mag and will purchase it if there’s an article or two that grab me.

I am more into the fishing DVDs

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