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Restoring faith


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G'day raiders,

After a fruitless weekend chasing trout with fellow raiders trout scarer and fish less again, I really needed to restore my credibility and get myself back onto some tight lines! So about 10am this morning after a quick team meeting with the wife, I convinced her that we should go out on the boat for a leisurely drive in the bay! So we cruised out to my spot, dropped anchor and baited up! (Didn't think I could throw another lure, too sore) So first drop, tap tap tap and I'm on, pulled up a nice 26cm bream!post-24974-0-23918700-1371015184_thumb.jpg released but good to see!!

Then the wife is on too, not the biggest but good to see a fish come up


We then picked up a few chompers that went straight out on my live rods. They both got disfigured to some sort but didn't hook anything. I'm guessing larger tailor. Not even the small squire we pulled in escaped a peppering!


Then the weather turned sour as predicted and it was time to pack up and head home. All in all, we caught 14 bream (9 for me and 5 for wife) but after further discussions we agreed it was 7 each and countless tailor. All fish were released but it was just great to see them tight lines again!

Cheers scratchie!!!

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Nice report Scratchie

I find down at The Entrance those choppie Taylor will eat anything that moves.

They even take the weed sometimes when I'm blackfishing.

Cheers Steve.

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Nice work bud, good to see you still got it hehehe. I have to admit trout fishing is pretty damn hard, I think that is why I like it, It is a huge challenge and bloody good exercise! As you found out on Sunday. Wait until you hook one though, you instantly get hooked along with the fish.

You will have to give it a go with us again sometime. Perhaps next time we wont walk so damn far hehehe.

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Thanks guys! Was great fun and awesome to get back out on the boat! For all the trout fishos out the my hat goes of to you, for your patience, ability and willingness to walk a marathon!

Cheers scratchie!!!

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Anyone can drop a line in the water and catch something scratch (except me) trout fishing is angling ,and it seems I can't do that either, bet it was good to get back on the boat but ?

Your not wrong on all accounts diesel.

But trout fishing reminds me of skeet shooting, where you ski miles to shoot a target! But we did the kms with nothing to aim at, no matter what angle you look at it!!! (Angling???) :)

Cheers scratchie!!!

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Lol.... As I said, after further discussions it was agreed we were even! :)

G'day Scratchie,

yes we can always attribute 'our' mistake to a simple accounting error on 'our' part such that the scores were indeed even.

But if the ledger was in 'her' favour, mate, I bet she would NEVER admit ANY type of error.... :bleh:

In fact, she would rub it in for a while to all your mates, right ?

Yes......and we still would have to let it go and pretend to be all embarrased about it....

But you know what ?

That is the best way to go about it.

When we show such humility and good nature to our other half it goes a REAL long way.

It keeps that special friendship strong between us and our better half - er, I mean 'equal' half, right ?

Ok, ok, 'she' is the 'better' half.....


Edited by Keflapod
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G'day Scratchie,

yes we can always attribute 'our' mistake to a simple accounting error on 'our' part such that the scores were indeed even.

But if the ledger was in 'her' favour, mate, I bet she would NEVER admit ANY type of error.... :bleh:

In fact, she would rub it in for a while to all your mates, right ?

Yes......and we still would have to let it go and pretend to be all embarrased about it....

But you know what ?

That is the best way to go about it.

When we show such humility and good nature to our other half it goes a REAL long way.

It keeps that special friendship strong between us and our better half - er, I mean 'equal' half, right ?

Ok, ok, 'she' is the 'better' half.....


Here here!

But I must admit, she is my good luck charm!

Every trophy fish I seem to bring on board, she's there! So I'm happy to give and take especially on a couple of bream! Lol

Cheers scratchie!!!

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ah.. must have been a big taylor on that reddie. big bits haha

Your right! The funny thing was, I said to the mrs "this ain't a bad fish I've got here. Oh no, I dropped it"

A shame it didn't swallow the whole thing!

Btw, I did release it to try and fight another day!

Cheers scratchie!!!

Edited by Scratchie
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