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Northern Beaches


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Not many chances to get out and wet a line with Prac and the damn dodgy weather we have been having ......

Had the day off today so the plan was for a late morning sess after my mate got off work,

We arrived at the spot around 10 just in time for high tide at ~11

Got a nice berley trail going with bread and mashed up pillies then tried to get some liveys

Very slow going, water looking pretty dead. Hooking up the odd sweep or so after 45 mins.

My mate throws in the towel and hooks up a pilly on a paternoster and casts it out wide, 10 mins later hes on and reeling in snapper no. 1.

Desperate times.........with not a livey in sight out goes a medium sized sweep under a float on my big rod. Time to change tactics, i setup a small float for the bait rod with the bait ~15ft underneath casting out further, next few cast brings me in a small trev...BAIT!

re bait the big rod ....In the meantime my mate reels in snapper no. 2 :ranting2:

I notice some pigs moving into the berley trail so swap over to prawn instead of pilly fillets and bring in some small pigs, and eventually i hook a better one! on the scoreboard

12pm the big rod starts clicking away gently on and off...squid !! we rig up a spike with a pilly and do the old switcheroo with the livey and the spike and land a nice 30+ squid.

Time to bring the big guns out ...... squid goes back out on the 24kg rod under a balloon

For the next hr or two we alternate between attempting to catch bait and casting out pillies. Finally get a few yakkas and out they go.

We get the odd 30cm pig and one bigger pig, I finally get a snapper of my own !!

Pretty quiet after that a few undersized snapper and pigs.......

Packup time @ 5pm... ended up staying longer than we planned because we had such nice liveys out.

Nothing touched the squid or the yakkas :(

Squid comes home as a consolation prize....

Calamari rings mmmmm !


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