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New Jewfish size limits

Mr Squid

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Great news on the bigger size - 45cm was always ridiculous ........ my biggest bream is that size - I cannot imagine anyone even wanting to keep a jewie of that size. Yet just last year, the hauling Pros from up here wanted the size REDUCED for them, as they were catching so many juveniles!! Rape & Pillage, I call it!

Yet with the same stroke of the pen that increased the size and reduced the bag limit for rec fishos - they have now allowed a daily 'waste minimization' for Estuary Haulage Pros of 10 fish a day between 45cm & 70cm! I bet they all 'accidentally' manage to catch 10 'wastage' fish a day as well as the correct size!

Good to see the haulage rates reduced to 500kg too - instead of the tonnes that they have been known to take!! However - a lot of fish are damaged/killed in the hauling nets ........ I hope enough survive to be put back!




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Most of the jewies I catch in Port Hacking are under the 70cm mark, and a few swallow the hooks. Can cut off the hooks, but some may not survive.

60cm and bag limit of 2 would have been better in my opinion.

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Another rule which will be ignored by a major group of sydney anglers and make us more frustrated. Its hard enough telling people small fish are too small to even get a fish finger off, now to try and convinse people to put 65 cm Jews back... thats going to be a hard task!

Its sad to see... good on the authorities for trying to protect the species but in all honesty... how many people who fish around sydney in particular will take any notice? Its really frustrating to see people not playing by the rules... just wish the guys in charge started clamping down on the rock and beach fishers. Ive been out 50+ times in Sydney and not been seen anyone around checking - not even had anyone ask to see a license!

In my opinion there is no point in issuing these rules unless they are going to actively ensure they are being followed. I've seen far too many undersized fish being taken and no matter how much i complain at the people doing it, they always say they dont speak ingrish or claim complete ignorance.

Sad times!!!

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