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Sydney Today


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Gday all well what a beautiful morning to be out. Hardly a breath of wind through the harbour and once again very few boats fishing inside most traffic was headed out. Got to the heads and noticed a huge flock of birds off bluefish. Later throughout the day another huge school off Ben Buckler

Started of the front in 60m but were pestered by little jackets about 12cm. Water temp was a constant 19.3 all day. Wind was a light nw but swung west pretty quick. Seems to be a bit of an eddy as we were drifting to the se, it seemed like wind was stronger than current today. Decided to go sth to dind fishing a bit better.

Once again good mixed around, plenty of good flatties and all in roe. Funny last week mowies galore and this week barely a acratch yet flatties opposite go figure. Maybe the moon phase.

Fishing was great till about an hour after high tide. Seems the jackets woke up and didnt matter where we went so did they. If you want big jackets head to the plonk hole they are the length of your arm!

Plenty of whales about today and if you were the bloke in the tinny im just wondering how your undies are. Heres a photo of some mixed available.


Thats all for the day, out again tomorrow hopefully befote the nor easter gets up.

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Yep I was out their today. Started in 60 m off longy and finished down South on the gravel grounds. Apart from the first hour or so the day was spent trying to avoid jacket men. Got a couple of mowies and flathead before it was all out attack by the jacket army. Time to deploy dynamite!!!!!!

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